Screenland (Nov 1941-Apr 1942)

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Safe New Way in Feminine Hygiene Gives Continuous Action for Hours • It is every wife's right to know certain facts. Her greatest happiness, her physical and mental well-being may be at stake. She cannot go by what others tell; she must know. Otherwise in feminine hygiene, she may resort to over-strong solutions of acids, which can burn, scar and desensitize delicate tissue. Today thousands of informed women have turned to Zonitors — the safe, new way in feminine hygiene. These dainty, snow-white suppositories kill germs instantly at contact. Deodorize — not by temporarily masking — but by destroying odors. Spread greaseless, protective coating to cleanse antiseptically and give continuous medication for hours. Yet! Zonitors are safe for delicate tissues. Powerful — yet non-poisonous, non-caustic. Even help promote gentle healing. No apparatus; nothing to mix. At all druggists. feiis^o,iAve , .! InaME ;• 1 ADDRESS \clTV "state... EASY WAY.. to BROWN BEAUTY This remarkable CAKE discovery. ^INTZ HairTinting Shampoo, washes out dirt, loose dandruff, grease, and safely gives hair a real smooth BROWN TINT that fairly glows with life and lustre. Don't put up with faded dull, burnt, off color h aminute longer. TINTZ Hair Tinting Cake works gradual . . . each shampoo leaves your hair browner, lovelier, softer, easier to manage. No dyed look. Won't hurt permanents. Full cake ' 50c (3 for $1.00). TINTZ comes in Jet Black, light, medium and dark Brown, Titian, and Blonde. Order today ! State shade wanted. CFIiEn hif% IWItflfoSP'V Just pay postman plus postObllv i™w IvI^/TOBm I age on our positive assurance of satisfaction in 7 days or your money back. (We Pay Postage if remittance comes with order). Don't wait — Write today to TINTZ COMPANY, Dept. 15-B 207 N. MICHIGAN, CHICAGO CANADIAN OFFICE; Dept. 15-B 22 COLLEGE STREET, TORONTO ( f AON TO AT flftMt Trained Artists are capable of earning $30, $50, $75 weekly. Prepare for an Art career by our proven method famous since 1914. Learn COMMERCIAL ART, ILLUSTRATING, CARTOONING all in one course in your spare time. TWO ART OUTFITS furnished. FREE BOOK "Art for Pleasure and Profit" explains opportunities and our practical method. Mail postcard for FREE, illustrated booklet today! State WASHINGTON SCHOOL of ART Studio 172-A 1115— 15th St, N. W. WASHINGTON, D. C. Fans* Forum FIRST PRIZE LETTER $10.00 I have seen two pictures this week, each of them placing a strong emphasis upon religious values. I intend recommending both pictures not only to the people of my church, but particularly to folk who do not attend church. However, I would like to note the distinction between the two types of pictures. "One Foot in Heaven," in which Fredric March does such a splendid piece of work, was well portrayed. It followed the book very closely, and was an excellent presentation of the ups and downs of a minister's life — as well as that of his long-suffering wife! Unfortunately, it is not the type of picture that will appeal to the average theater-goer and, while I sincerely hope I am wrong, I am afraid will not have the chance it should to get its story across. But the other picture — well, if "Sergeant York" doesn't gross a million dollars and win the coveted "Oscar" for its producer and director — I shall not only be surprised, but disappointed. It has everything : technical perfection, splendid acting, human interest, pathos, humor — and REALITY. Never has a character and a story so "come alive" on the screen before. But the real joy of the picture— if such a constantly remarkable portrayal can be said to have a single high-point — was, in my estimation, Sergeant York's remark to his Captain as they reenacted the scene of the capture : "I killed only that I might save lives." How symbolic this is of all who have sacrificed themselves and others in the interest of human betterment and advancement. This is a day of tremendous challenge and strain, a day when faith is needed; "Sergeant York" will go a long way in pointing the way to that faith for millions. REV. WILLIAM J. LOAR, Spokane, Wash. SECOND PRIZE LETTER $5.00 There is no actress who can equal Bette Davis. Twice winner of the Academy Award, she justifies the faith that the American public bestows on her to give her best to whatever role she portrays. She uses no tricks in creating her characters. Here is a true talent for acting, a talent that can touch every heart in the vast audiences of people who see the pictures in which she stars. This is the true test for any actor or actress. There is a naturalness about her acting that commands deep admiration. She is that character and not Bette Davis enacting a role. YOU AWARD THE "OSCARS" WE AWARD THE DOLLARS Now that the time for handing out Academy Awards is drawing near, S Greenland readers have been writing letters to this Forum and naming their candidates. When the real winners are made known, it will be fun to see how their choices compare with those announced by the Academy. You, too, may play at this game. You may not be able to attend Academy Award dinners or vote on the matter of who really gets an "Oscar," but what's to stop you from naming your choice for "best performance" or "best picture?" Nothing — absolutely nothing ! And doing it in the Forum is even more fun because you're not limited to singing praises — you can give out deserving raspberries, too. And, you know, Screenland also makes Awards. Not "Oscars," to be sure, but Dollars — good American Dollars— $10.00, $5.00 and five awards ,of $1.00 each for the best letters published. Please address your letters to Screenland's Fans' Forum, 45 West 45th Street, New York, N. Y. It is evident that thought and study hav> gone into all of her work. Her techniqu is well-nigh flawless. Her characters lacaffectation. But all show vigor. They ar real. Who can forget the Julie of "Jezebel ? Or the Judith Trahem of "Dark Victory? Or the Leslie Crosby of "The Letter?" O any of the innumerable characters th£ have looked down on us from the scree with the emotional personality and forcefu dynamic charm of Bette Davis? Her acting is indeed material for futur Academy Awards, and it's a two to on chance that her role in "The Little Foxef will net her another gold statuette. But it probably one hundred to one that this lette even wins an honorable mention, much les a prize ! MISS MELBA BAEHR, Eau Claire, Wis FIVE PRIZE LETTERS $1.00 EACH I never scream at mice, cry at wedding or go loony at football games, but S-Q-U-E-A-L-E-D (and loud) when I ra smack into Joel McCrea at J. C. Penny 10 Screenland