Screenland (Nov 1941-Apr 1942)

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r MUSIC COMPOSED TO POEMS Send poem for consideration. Rhyming pamphlet free. Phonograph electrical transcriptions made, $ 7.00 from your word and music manuscript. Any subject considered, Love, Home, Sacred, Swing. KEENAN'S MUSIC SERVICE Box 2140, Dept. SC Bridgeport, Conn. ^■7i cynwotfc AS A PUSSY WILLOW See how hampden-s powder base 'smooths out your skin, makes it soft, youthful! It subtly 'tints your complexion, helps hideblemishes(givesyou that lovely 'portrait finish.' POUJDR-BflSE R-BflSE 50c also 25e & 10c sizes Over J8 million sold 82 or hotel or even private home in Paris. He had practically decided the Roget mystery was only a coincidence and not connected with the . murder at all when Madame's note had arrived urging him to come to her at once. Her small, bright eyes flashed with impatience as she looked from Dupin to Gobelin. "I made it very clear, Dr. Dupin," she said coldly, "that I wanted to see you alone." "Then you'll have to excuse us." Dupin bowed. "I'm afraid' we'll have to be going." "Wait a minute." Her voice came sharply, imperiously. "Don't go. I want you to escort my granddaughter, Camille, to the party Madame de Luc is giving for Marie tonight. You see, I happen to know that she's going to be murdered tonight." The old voice sounded strangely calm. "I want you to prevent it!" "Are you sure you know what you're saying ?" Gobelin demanded incredulously. "Of course I'm sure, you fool," Madame Roget said acidly. "And I don't want any police notoriety about it, do you hear?" "Why did you select me?" Dupin asked quietly. "For your work on the murders of the Rue Morgue." She smiled for the first time. "My memory is even sharper than my ears." "What makes you think Camille is to be murdered?" Gobelin looked like a pouter pigeon puffing himself up so importantly. "Again let me remind you this is no affair of yours," Madame said testily. "In that event I'm afraid I can't do as you ask," Dupin said quietly. She looked amused at that. "You're not fooling me," she chuckled. "You want to know why Camille is to be murdered. She comes into her grandfather's fortune tomorrow. It's better than a million and a half francs. Now do you see?" "Who'll benefit by her death?" Gobelin demanded. Madame Roget looked at him in scornful amusement. "Don't ask me fool questions !" she said scathingly. "I don't believe a word of it." Gobelin pursed his lips pompously. "If Camille's to be murdered at the de Lues' party, I should imagine you wouldn't permit her to go at all." "Who cares what you believe?" The old lady's voice was openly hostile as she turned away from him. "Perhaps you know, Dr. Dupin, why Camille must go to that party." "Of course." Dupin nodded. "There's no telling when another attempt might be made. Tonight's the logical time to catch the one who tries it." "I knew you were clever." Madame Roget's eyes twinkled. Then they softened as she saw Camille coming into the room. She was so different from her sister, so fresh and unspoiled and artless. And in his heart the young Doctor knew that any case in which she was concerned could never be just a matter of routine for him. She was like that spring he had seen once in Brittany, so soft and tender, with her hair brushed up in that little coronet of curls, with her eyes the blue of a morning sky and her cheeks the color of the apple blossoms he remembered so well, etched against that same Breton heaven. And she was so young, as young as spring itself. "It will be a pleasure indeed," he assured her grandmother, looking at him so questioningly. The party had -already begun when they arrived the next evening. Lights gleamed from all the windows and great colored lanterns were strung on the trees bordering the great lawn that swept down to S GREENLAND KEEP YOUR EYES LOVELY! Whatever his name, he'll find you more enchanting if your eyes have the crystal-clearness that brings out the beauty of their coloring. Wash your eyes with this specialist's formula, today. See how they sparkle . . . how refreshed they feel. Eye-Gene is safe, hygienic, stainless. At all drug, dept., and ten cent stores. || ^^^E"Cs E N E • Now, at home, you can quickly and easily tint telltale streaks of gray to natural-appearing shades — Irom lightest blonde to darkest black. Brownatone and a small brush does it — or your money back. Used tor 30 years by thousands of women (men, too) — Brownatone is guaranteed harmless. No skin test needed, active coloring agent is purely vegetable. Cannot affect waving of hair. Lasting — does not wash out. Just brush or comb it in. One application imparts desired color. Simply retouch as new gray appears. Easy to prove by tinting a test lock of your hair. 60c at drug or toilet counters on a money-back guarantee. Retain your youthful charm. Get BROWNATONE today. WANTED TO BE SET TO MUSIC SONG POEMS Send poem for immediate consideration. FIVE STAR MUSIC MASTERS 606 Beacon Bldg. BOSTON, MASS. STOP CORN MISERY! Noted Doctor's Relief Does It Fast! Dr. Scholl's Zino-pads instantly stop tormenting shoe friction; lift aching pressure; send pain flying. Ease tight shoes; prevent corns. Separate dedications included for quickly removing corns. Cost but a few cents an application. D?Scholls Zino-pads