Screenland (May-Oct 1942)

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"Hollywood, is paradise!" he exclaimed happily. "Each moment is adventure, with everybody so ambitious and working so hard. I could be happy here — if only world conditions were different!" He was silent for a moment. I wondered if he was walking through the dusk on the Champs Elysees when the chestnut trees were white with bloom, or, perhaps, watching the twilight silhouettes of the aperitif sippers at shadowy sidewalk tables ! Presently, he went on. "Yes, American women are beautiful, almost too beautiful — I'm afraid of them. They're well-groomed and smartly dressed, too. French women have the instinct for simplicity, and while many Americans understand this, as a group they are apt to go a bit frilly. For example : If a French woman has ten gowns, you can wager that eight of them will be black. She knows no color can compare with black for chic attire. "Over here, there is a camaraderie that is delightful. In France, the whole social set-up is different. There is not the freedom between the sexes, so when men and women meet it is romance, not friendship they seek." Then slyly he added, "American women talk a great game of love. French women don't talk about it !" Gabin is single, so I asked, "What about romance, marriage?" "Ah, I'm waiting for my Lady Eve," he replied. "I've not met her yet. But marry ?" With an expressive shrug he added, "I'm afraid I would make a very bad husband, for I would hate to give up my freedom even for a beautiful woman." He made it sound convincing but I wouldn't put up any bets, for he has an eagle eye for feminine charms. Since arriving in Hollywood, he has been much with Marlene Dietrich, whom he knew in Paris. He has also beerTa frequent escort of Ginger Rogers. He insists it is all mere ly friendship. Then, a moment later, he told me he didn't believe platonic friendship could exist between a man and woman because it defied all human laws. "At least," he smiled, "not until they are ninety !" Gabin is easy-going, tolerant, surfeited with attentions, so he sits back and waits for the lovely dears to make the advances. And Marlene, a true Continental herself, understands him. She has helped him with his English and has done much toward banishing his accent. Now that he has mastered English and can readily talk to the girls he meets, is Dietrich fearful lest he wander? Anyway, she^spent the ^ first four days of the filming of "Moontide" on the set, quietly sizing up all feminine contenders. The fifth day, Gabin and his co-star, Ida Lupino, lunched together in the famous studio Cafe de Paris, chatting like magpies, and gaily greeting other stars, directors, and producers who stopped at their table. Gabin is serious about his work. The glamor of fame and money mean little to him; what really counts is the sheer joy of that living, driving fire that yearns for an outlet in acting. The elder Gabin was a great comedian and he hoped his son would follow him, but one fling in comedy convinced Jean that it was the intense passions he must portray. He explained, "Of course, in real pathos there is always the hint of comedy, and in comedy there is an element of sadness — they intermingle, just as they do in life. I think of little else when I'm making a picture for I must become — what do you say? — imbued,_ with the feelings of my character. This requires study and much time. I am not suited to play every kind of role^ so I insist on doing only those that appeal to me and in which I can find complete sympathy." ArLHciyn°0d^C+0ryiCi0mmif+ee P'edged e*Pans;°" °f "J entertainment program for Army camps and Navy stations a a meeting attended by James Cagney, Lieut. Commander A. J. Bolton, Lieut. Commander Walter Winchell, Claudette Colbert, and Col. E. A. Ev THIS BETTER KIND OF SILVERPLATE IS INLAID WITH 2 BLOCKS OF STERLING SILVER AT POINTS OF WEAR ON MOST USED SPOONS AND FORKS. SERVICE FOR 6, $36.25 ... 50 PIECES, ENOUGH FOR 8 PLACES, $63.25. AT ALL AUTHORIZED DEALERS. OF ANV PHOTO Just to get acquainted, we will make a FREE PROFESSIONAL Hollywood Enlargement of any snapshot, photo. Kodak picture, print or negative to 5x7 inch si>e. Include color of eyes, hair and clothing for information on a life-like color enlargement in a FREE FRAME. Original returned with the enlargement. 10c lor return mailing appreciated. Act now. Offer good onlyinU.S.A. HOLLYWOOD FILM STUDIOS 7021 Santa Monica Blvd., Dept. 274 Hollywood, Calif. SONG POEMS WANTED to be set to music. Phonograph records made. Send your poems for our offer and FREE Rhyming: Dictionary. VANDERBILT MUSIC STUDIOS Box 112, Dept. BC, Coney Island, N. Y. J BACKACHE, LEG PAINS MAY BE DANGER SIGN Of Tired Kidneys If backache and leg pains are making you miser* able, don't just complain and do nothing about them. Nature may be warning you that your kidneys need attention. The kidneys are Nature's chief way of taking excess acids and poisonous waste out of the blood. They help most people pass about 3 pints a day. If the 15 miles of kidney tubes and filters don't work well, poisonous waste matter stays in the blood. These poisons may start nagging backaches, rheumatic pains, leg pains, loss of pep and energy, getting up nights, swelling, puffiness under the eyes, headaches and dizziness. Frequent or scanty passages with smarting and burning sometimes shows there is something wrong with your kidneys or bladder. Don't wait! Ask your druggist for Doan's Pills, used successfully by millions for over 40 years. They give happy relief and will help the 15 miles of kidney tubes flush out poisonous waste from the blood. Get Doan's Pills. SCREENLAND 77