Screenland (May-Oct 1942)

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HESIf This cleverly constructed ''Angela" bra is high on your "preferred list" of Bestform brassieres — one of a varied, complete collection designed for all figure types. It affords control from the sides as well as uplift from underneath. Cotton and rayon ^ A , batiste; center section i U ^ of "Darleen" elastic. I W BESTFORM FOUNDATIONS, Int. • 358 FIFTH AVE., NEW YORK FREE CATALOG PINS and RINGS Class pins, club pins, rings and emblems. Finest quality. Reasonable prices from 30c up. Write today for our attractive, free catalog. DepL W METAL ARTS CO., Inc., Rochester, N. Y. e#| Hfl DAETiflC WANTED TO BE OUHIi rUCmo set to music Send poem for immediate consideration. FIVE STAR MUSIC MASTERS 606 Beacon Bldg. BOSTON, MASS. WHY PRISCILLA LANE BROKE HER ENGAGEMENT! Priscilla Lane teased Hollywood with her secret love life until she amazingly announced her engagement to_ newspaper editor, John Barry! Then, just as amazingly, she broke off the engagement! Gossiping tongues related a thousand reasons why — and never hit upon the real reason. Now, at last, Priscilla tells the whole truth about her thrilling love life. Don't miss it! It's one of the big features in the big MAY issue of 10c Silver Screen 10c Ask for a copy at your newsstand today! WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE Without Calomel — And You'll Jump Cut of Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go The liver should pour 2 pints of bile juice into your bowels every day. If this bile is not flowing freely, your food may not digest. It may just decay in the bowels. Then gas bloats up your stomach. You get constipated. You feel sour, sunk and the world looks punk. It takes those good, old Carter's Little Liver Pills to get these 2 pints of bile flowing freely to make you feel "up and up." Get a package today. Take as directed. Effective in making bile flow freely. Ask f pr Carter's Little Liver Pills. 10c! and 25d. "You cannot get a divorce by proxy." "Thomas promised me that Hendrick would stand By the court's decision," Anita explained. "He said he would see to it that Hendrick himself would sign the final papers so that it would be legal. Don't you understand now?" "You win." Chris nodded emphatically. "Consider yourself a free woman. But first I've got to get out of here. There's somebody I must contact at the Savoy Cafe. I tried to see him this morning but I couldn't lose those two Gestapo men. I'll only be gone for a short time, but if the Judge should call us, cover up for me, will you?" "Wait until after the trial. Please," she whispered. "Look." For the first time Chris looked like the grim young man who had been entrusted with a dangerous mission. "I've been kidding around and clowning because I didn't want to upset your family any more than necessary, but I'm really on a spot. With good luck you'll be divorced from your Hendrick but with bad luck I'll be divorced from my head." "I wasn't thinking." Her voice came soft with contrition. "I was being selfish. Go and take care of yourself. Good luck!" And she was so breathtaking, so lovely with her eyes looking like violets in the rain that he couldn't help himself. He had to take her in his arms and kiss her before he made the dash to the window and climbed down to the street below. He was back in less than an hour. But that hour had seemed endless. Everything had gone almost too perfectly in the beginning. He had managed to identify himself to his contact, Gustav, the big sleepy-eyed waiter no one would have suspected of being a British agent and had received the sandwich with the code hidden between it, when a German officer had suddenly appeared from the next booth and demanded to see it. There had been a fight with four Gestapo men, a fight in which Gustav did not dare to join, with the officer watching him so suspiciously, but Chris, had managed to break away, though his clothes were hanging in shreds on his lean body. And now as he came into the courtroom he saw the trial was in session again. "There he is, Your Honor !" Anita said indignantly when she saw him, though her eyes looked frightened, questioning, as she realized something had gone wrong. "He's drunk again !" She turned furiously to Chris. "You said you would take only one drink. You meant a dozen !" "I appeal to you." Chris took a staggering step towards the bench, his voice coming thick and unsteady. "Do I look like I'm drunk? Your Honor, I love her!" He almost fell as he drew himself up with exaggerated dignity and pointed at Maria. "I'll never let my wife go out of my life." "But I'm not your wife," Maria giggled coyly. "You see \" Chris laughed triumphantly. "She doesn't even recognize me. She's even dyed her hair to deceive me. Look at me." He hiccoughed violently. "I'm as sober as a judge!" His eyes rolled as he stared at the startled courtroom and for a moment he still stood there swaying as he saw the four Gestapo men come in the door. Then he lurched toward Anita, holding her in a desperate embrace. "Oh, my darling, my sweet angel," he begged. "Don't divorce me." Still holding her he managed to take the sandwich out of his pocket and give it to her, to whisper urgently. "This is what they are after. Hold it for me." He turned with shocked surprise as the soldiers came up to him, as one of them took him by the arm and turned him sharply around while the Judge looked on indignantly. "What does this mean?" he demanded. "Your Honor, this man started a riot in the Savoy Cafe," the leader said curtly. "Sure I did," Chris broke in. "They wouldn't let me eat my sandwich. They were trying to take it away from me." He glared at the men who had begun to search him. "Food hoarders !" he said scathingly, and glanced quickly at the handbag Anita was holding on to so tightly and breathed a little easier as he realized she had managed to conceal the evidence which would have been his death warrant. "There is no sandwich," the man who had been searching him reported. He turned to Zellfritz who had been watching, his cold eyes wary and suspicious. "But we have orders to take him into custody. He's dangerous. He started a fight. He assaulted Captain Shmutnik." "Leave him to me," Zellfritz ordered. "I'll take care of him." He turned to the Judge and fixed his icy blue eyes on him. "Do you still deny Mrs. Woverman her divorce?" he demanded. The Judge, fixing a baleful eye on the grinning Chris, banged his fist down on the bench. "Divorce granted !" he shouted. It was less than a half hour afterwards that Chris went back to the Woverman home, only to find that Anita had gone and no one knew where she was. But it wasn't only losing Anita, hard as that was. He had to find her to get back that code. Then when things looked most hopeless Jan motioned him to the telephone and there was her voice again telling him that she had gotten a position as housekeeper in the Wilhelmina Home for Gentlewomen and that if he'd come there right away she would give him back the little souvenir he had entrusted to her. That was how Chris met the Countess Oldenburg, with her hatchet face and tart tongue and her heart that was nothing less than pure gold. That was how he met the other inhabitants of the home, too ; Mrs. Brant and Miss Updike and the twin sisters who, even though they were over seventy, were so curiously childlike and naive, and all the other old ladies giggling as they crowded around him standing there with Anita, their faces shining in this vicarious meeting with romance, even a romance that had burnt itself out such as this one had. "It must be dreadful to be divorced!" Mrs. Brant whispered. "It wasn't very pleasant," Anita said, her eyes glowing as she looked at Chris. "Indeed?" The Countess smiled skeptically. "Then why do you look as if birds were twittering in the trees?" "Maybe it's because it's all over at last." Anita did her best to look disillusioned and out of love, but she didn't succeed very well. "Humph !" The Countess shrugged. "You don't look as if something were over. You look as if something had just begun! Now you two, run along and I'll keep everybody from disturbing you." She glared threateningly at the others whose faces fell as they realized their thrill was going to be taken from them. "You'll have to excuse them. We never have a man in the house!" But not even the Countess, formidable as she was, could keep Zellfritz from intruding. With a sinking heart Chris realized their telephone conversation must have been overheard when the Major presented himself at Anita's little sitting room, his heels clicking as he bowed to her in that exaggerated way of his. Then his eyebrows lifted as he turned to Chris. "Just what are you doing here?" he demanded. "Why," Chris grinned, "I just got lonesome for my beautiful wife." "Nonsense! You forget she is no longer your wife." Zellfritz frowned. "Now, look here, Woverman, I'm completely out of patience with you." "Really!" Chris looked at him mockingly. 80 SCREENLAND