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. ^ Yvonne 0«
Carlo starring role m un
'^a^^ HoiiruiooD
EVER SINCE fans at a radio station ail but sent Van Jolmson liome in liis birthday clothes, he isn't taking any chances. He now carries a complete change, from imdervvear out, in the trunk of his car. A year ago Van wouldn't have been recognized if he did a strip tease on the corner of Hollywood and Vine.
YY^HEN LOUIS HAYWARD spent the ' ' day on the set with Ida Lupino,' everyone expected the news of their reconciliation. It turned out they had a broadcast to do together. Ida couldn't get away early for a rehearsal. So Louis came to the studio and they went over their lines between scenes. In Hollywood fliafs friendship!
Rosalind Russeil and Jack Carson play Mr. and Mrs. in Warners' film,"Roughly Speolcing."
'T^IS SAID that Olivia De Havilland ^ and Joan Fontaine would be just as pleased if their mother ivouldn't become a movie star. Be that as it may, Lillian Fontaine has deserted the little theaters long enough to play Jane Wyman's mother in "The Lost Weekend." Very good she is, too. Paramount is talking contract, so it looks like the girls will have to reconcile themselves to having a movie mama.
TUST about the time Judy Garland " switched over to Robert Walker, Alexander Knox (then Judy's current boy friend) switched over to Doris Nolan. Whether poker-faced Knox is serious or not, we wouldn't be knowing. Doris, on the other hand, behaves suspiciously like a lady in love.
Capt. Burgess Meredith strongiy resembles Ernie Pyle, columnist he'll play in "G.I. Joe."