Screenland (Nov 1945-Oct 1946)

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pressed, lust $5.00 each when new! All sizes up to 36. Sizes 38 to 46 are 5 for $4.00. SATISFACTION GUARANTEEDl We guarantee you must be satisfied. Send for FREE CATALOG of shoes, hats, suits, army clothes, etc. . . . the answer to your entire family's cloth inn needs! Write now! EUNICE MAIL ORDER HOUSE Oept. 10-P 197 Division St.. N. Y. C. FREE CATALOG! PHOTO-RING IE of riend 1 $ (Expertly ANY PHOTO OR PICTURE Of Sweetheart, Relative or Friend reproduced permanently in this beautiful onyx like ring featuring the New Magnified Setting! Will laet a lifetime! Indestructible. Waterproof! Enclose strip of paper for ring size. Pay postman plus a few cents . , . postage. If you send cash we pay postage, painieu (Photos Returned.) 25c extra) PHOTO IWOVETTE RING CO., DEPT. E-2, CINCINNATI, O. BOWLEGS? Send For My Book Corrective Exercises. CAN BE DONE ANYWHERE ANY TIME No Embarrassment. In unmarked wrapper. Mail $1.00 today to T. BROWN, B. Science. Est. 1033 Post Office Box 12, Dept. H, New York 61, N. Y. BE A NURSE— Study at Home ^ Hi High School not necessary. No age limit. Send 1 .^ikjli for FREE "Nursing Facts" and sample lesson pages. Earn while learning. Act now! V w atifll Post Graduate Hospital School of Nursing Pl&iiilsSB Dept. [V|, 152 N. Wacker Dr., Chicago 6, HI. 30 QUILT YARDS PIECES Bargain Sale I Over 3M lbs. (30 yards) of beautiful, large, fast color, new prints. Excellent quality. Bright, colorful, gorgeous designs. GIVEN B'9 Sewing Outfit ^^fflBS^lW. Ul,tn and 20 Quilt Patterns ««„ with every order. Pay postman only renu munei. 1.98 plus postage. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Back. Great American Sales Co., 2226 Silverton Way, Depl. C28 Chicago 16, 111. SONG WRITERS ATTENTION The amazing demand for phonograph records, accelerated by more than 300,000 Song-Hit creating Juke-Boxes, warrants your immediate investigation. We are offering song-poem writers the rare opportunity of having qualified composers furnish music for any approved poems received this month on percentage basis. Kecola Recording Co., Box H87-S, Hollywood 28, Calif. Can't Keep Grandma In Her Chair She's as Lively as a Youngster— Now her Backache is better Many sufferers relieve nagging backache quickly, once they discover that the real cause of their trouble may be tired kidneys. The kidneys are Nature's chief way of taking the excess acids and waste out of the blood. They help most people pass about 3 pints a day. When disorder of kidney function permits poisonous matter to remain in your blood, it may cause nagging backache, rheumatio pains, leg pains, loss of pep and energy, getting up nights, swelling, puffiness under the eyes, headaches and dizziness. Frequent or Bcanty passages with smarting and burning sometimes shows there is something wrong with your kidneys or bladder. Don't wait! Ask your druggist for Doan's Pills, used successfully by millions for over 40 years. They give happy relief and will help the 15 miles of kidney tubes flush out poisonous waste from your blood. Get Doan's Fills. telling people to shush and tip-toe. Including herself. She likes to turn on the radio and dance, and she likes to run her fingers over the piano keys and raise her voice in song. "And next year," stated Maureen with some vehemence, "I expect to give myself a big, beautiful birthday party. I've never had a birthday party with lots of guests bringing gifts and drinking my health in champagne, or even milk. When I was a child in Ireland my family always took a house at the beach for the month of August. None of my school chums could get there so there wasn't any point in having a party for me. I just had a pitcher of lemonade and some cookies with no one more exciting than my brothers and sisters, who did not bring presents. Florrie and Margo and Peggy and the boys all had birthdays in the Fall and Winter and Mummie always gave them parties. I remember how envious I was of the gobs of presents they received. As a child I always promised myself that when I was twentyone I'd give myself a birthday party (admission: one gift) that would be a knock-out. Well, my twenty-first birthday I spent in a hospital under an oxygen tent. "So next I planned something extra special for my twenty-second birthday, which was two years ago. Will was in Quantico, Virginia, at the time, and couldn't get leave, and I spent most of the day standing up on a train — I stood up all the way from 'Buffalo Bill' location in Utah to Las Vegas. A fine way to spend a birthday, I thought. Last year I was in the hospital with Bronwyn and Will was in the Pacific. And this year he's in Washington, and I'm without a party and presents as usual. But next year, ah, next year, with no war and no rationing, I am going to have a bang-up birthday brawl to make up for all the parties I've missed all my life." Well, everybody save their dimes and give Maureen a beautiful birthday present. After all, we can't have such a lovely person becoming frustrated. THE NEW DRY WAY Minipoo, a delicately scented powder, cleanses hair easily. A beauty must — quickly removes oil, odors — leaves the hair soft and lustrous. Won't disturb waves. Ideal for sick room use. NO SOAP • NO WATER • NO DRYING MINIPOO THE DRY SHAMPOO 30<^Lm{im wiM QHitkn loo m plvt tOK AT DRUG AND DEPT. STORES Cosmetic Distributors, Inc. • New York 17, N. Y. WOMEN who DRIVE 196 Conrad Janis and Janis Wilson make a charming picture as love interest in Columbia's "Snafu." PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS that will help you to get IsaF* better gas mileage longer tire life IPtr* better performance iPf lower upkeep costs Also valuable hints on how to care for upholstery and exterior finish. Get a FREE COPY from any General Motors dealer, or use coupon below. Customer Research Dept., Room 1857 GENERAL MOTORS, DETROIT 2, MICH. Please send FREE COPY of new edition 64-page "Automobile User's Guide" — containing 196 practical suggestions on care and operation. Mr. Mrs. , iy|jSg please print Address please print City.. Make of car now owned.. 11 Zone Stale year model SCREENLAND 91