Screenland (Nov 1945-Oct 1946)

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ANN DVORAK Republic Pictures Star Try this famous 3-WAY MEDICINAL TREATMENT Many of Hollywood's most beautiful stars use this overnight 3Way Medicinal Treatment. You, too, can make your hair look lovelier, more glamorous, with an overnight application. Glover's will accentuate the natural color-tones of your hair with clear, sparkling highlightsfreshened radiance— the soft, subtle beauty of hair well-groomed. Today— try all three of these famous Glover's preparations— Glover's original Mange Medicine-GLO-VER Beauty Shampoo— Glover's Imperial Hair Dress. Use separately, or in one complete treatment. Ask for the regular sizes at any Drug Store or Drug Counter— or mail the Coupon! with massage forDANDRUFF,ANNOYING ^ SCALP and EXCESSIVE FALLING HAIR FREE TRIAL! Send Coupon for all three products in hermeticallysealed bottles, with complete instructions for Glover's 3-Way Treatment, and useful FREE booklet, "The Scientific Care of Scalp and Hair." MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY! GLOVER'S. 101 W. 31st St., Dept. 801, New York I, N.Y. Send Free Trial Application package in plain wrapper by return mail, containing Glover's Mange Medicine, GLOVER Beauty Shampoo and Glover's Imperial Hair Dress, in three hermetically-sealed bottles, with informative FREE booklet. I enclose 10c to cover cost of packaging and postage. Name Address City Zone State This Is What ! Believe Continued from page 22 hard for us to accept as believable the atrocities that were committed by some of the Germans and some of the Japanese. But you cannot generalize about a nation. You cannot truthfully say that all Germans or all Japs are evil. Perhaps nearly all of those living in Germany now were Fascists. But certainly there were— there are good Germans— people like Thomas Mann and Franz Werfel and the wonderful German woman who began working on the secret of the atomic bomb. It is interesting that it was a woman who first got the theory and that woman a German. So the Germans' own theories of their racial supremacy helped lose the war for Germany. For that woman was a Jewess, thrown out of Germany. If it hadn't been for Germany's racial theories, the Germans might have succeeded in working out the atomic bomb first. I have met and talked to people all over the world, from Maine to Java, and I believe that human nature is the same everywhere, and I believe that people all over the world are very much alike, and that they are good if properly led. People want only to eat, live and be left alone. Even the Japanese were content to live like that till we opened up the Japanese islands about 90 years ago and made them start trading with us. Education. I believe that the Japs and the Germans can be re-educated. I believe that anything can be done by proper education. Education is arrived at through mistakes, sometimes through fire and blood and cannot always be achieved in one generation. But education is effective, whether it is for good or evil. Look at what the Fascists did in twenty years with their education for evil. I believe that education should be free all over the world ; that it should be compulsory up to a certain age, and that beyond that age anyone who seeks knowledge should be allowed to go to school or college, free of charge. I believe that young people should be educated in arts, in dancing and in lit erature. I believe in this so fervently that one year I contributed to the University of California for Medical Research: this year I contributed $10,000 to a great universityin Palestine for scholarships in painting, writing and dancing. I believe that everyone who has talent in the arts should be given an opportunity to develop it. And you can see I really believe it, for I'm laying down cash on the line to suoport that belief. Each year I try to help education for the arts in some different way. Next year I hope to hold a contest for painters in the colleges of America to be judged by great professional artists. Perhaps I believe so fervently in education because I didn't have the privilege of going to college when I was a youngster. Because I had to work for a living from the time I was fourteen, I had only one year of high school. I have since taken entrance examinations for UCLA and have taken many of its courses. If I were not an actress, I should like to be a student, perhaps a teacher. I believe in learning something new every day. When I learn something new, I feel as if I were growing. But the joy I feel is not just in the acquisition of knowledge, but in the effort you have to make to learn new things. The effort is worth the work; the work is worth the effort. With all my heart I admire a woman I know who can speak Anglo-Saxon, not merely read Beowulf and the early AngloSaxon writers but speak as they did, our earliest English tongue. I believe in learning new things as a sort of fascinating mental exercise, just as I believe in physical exercise when I am tired. Many people nap when they're tired, but I . would hate to— that would seem to me like wasting precious time. Immortality. I have no opinion on personal survival. I believe that nothing is ever completely destroyed. Even on Hiroshima, where the atomic bomb was said to sear all living things, there were fragments left. These fragments will combine 70 Nothing could be more lovely than this Gainsborough pose of Paulette Goddard, left. At right, before her transformation in the title role of Paramount's "Kitty." Screen land