Screenland (Nov 1945-Oct 1946)

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"Frankly, this was written for lazy people What This Book Is Doing for Others "Lost the specified 10 lbs in 10 days Feel better than I have in years." — Wisconsin. "My sister is very short, weighed 196. Was so thrilled to be losing weight, would even get up in the night to weigh herself. Now weighs 120. is healthier, happier." — Michigan. "Kindly 'forward me the book. Have a friend who lost 34 Iha. . Is now ever so much better in health appearance. " — California. "Most sensible waj to reduce I have seen yet. I'm a registered nurse and can fully appreciate sensibility of this means." — Mass. "Lost 35 lbs. in 41 days. Compliments to your book." — W. Va> ■who want to get slim ■who don't like to exercise ■who do like to eat!" Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Days, Yet Enjoy Glowing Health, 3 Delicious Meals a Day — No Exercise or Drugs! HERE at last is the pleasant, sensible, scientific way to REDUCE. To see those unattractive bulges of fat "smooth out" and disappear as if by magic, at the rate of a pound a day. To enjoy the frankly admiring glances that a slim figure always attracts. This slenderizing miracle can be accomplished quickly, safely, comfortably — whether you are a man or woman, young or old. And, best of all — WITHOUT starving yourself! (You'll eat three delicious, satisfying meals a day, including a big breakfast.) WITHOUT the drudgery of exercise I (You can be as lazy as you please.) WITHOUT drugs, pills, or compounds'. (They can definitely hurt your health and appearance.) WITHOUT steam baths or massage! (So often they don't work — and they are usually terribly expensive.) How then? By simply knowing certain newly discovered scientific secrets of foodselection! It's Easy — Once You Know THIS Fact! "Oh, of course," you may reply, "it's just a matter of calories." But IS it? Suppose you had to choose between a large glass of orange juice and half a sirloin steak? You would probably reach for the orange juice. Actually, the steak would give you 15 times as many precious ENERGY calories. Yet the total number of calories in each is roughly the same! So you see, it ISN'T "just a matter of calories." It's the KIND of calories that makes the big difference 1 Calories, Yes — But Which KIND? Some foods are high in /ai-producing calories. Others are high nwwer^j'-producing calories. Science has discovered that if you eat the first kind of foods, your body produces LESS ENERGY and MORE FAT. But if you eat the second kind, your body produces MORE ENERGY and LESS FAT 1 This simple scientific secret explains why much ordinary "dieting" fails . . . and why "The New Way To Eat and Get Slim" (as explained by Donald G. Cooley in his new book) produces such amazing results. How Much Do You WANT To Lose? You get a "10-DAY MIRACLE DIET," by which you can lose a pound a day for ten days; a diet for losing 10 pounds a month; and a "stay-slim" diet, so when you reach alluring slenderness, you can stay there. You don't have to stick to each day's menus either; Substitution Table gives you dozens of other meats and foods you may eat instead. These diets give you a slimmer figure, and also (for definite, scientific reasons) greater health and beauty! Examine It 5 Days FREE It costs only a postage stamp to have this book delivered to you for FREE EXAMINATION. No money need be sent now. "The New Way to Eat and Get Slim" (in a plain wrapper) will be sent to you with the understanding that you may keep it for 5 days. If, even in that short time, you are NOT convinced that this book offers you the quick, safe, pleasant "lazy-way" to reduce — then simply return it to us without the slightest obligation. Otherwise it is yours to keep for only $2.00, plus few cents postage. A person that is slim and healthy, full of energy and joy of living, attracts attention any time, anywhere; wins popularity, success, admiration of others. So get your copy immediately. Mail the Free Examination coupon (without money, if you wish) at cnce. WILFRED FUNK, Inc., Dept. R202, 354 Fourth Avenue, New York 10, N. Y. PARTIAL CONTENTS So7ll8 o0W, This B°°k Takes Off the Pounds and the Bulges ^5.!U?E WAY 70 REDUCE Weight. How you can reduce quickly and safely — no exercise, no hunger Pangs no drugs, girdles or gadgets. t1°WnRluch Do You Want to Reduce— How Fast' Your choice of diets that reduce you rapidly or gradually, a« you wish. II WHY YOU DON'T "geT^SLIM I . fl/VlO Mill, Counting Calories Isn't Enough. How to pick ga. loping calories" that slim you faster. Exercise Is a Practical Joker. Why exercise alone i? a P"01' way to reduce No Drugs, No Sweat, No Charge. Why you ean ignore costly sweat baths reducing drugs, dangerous fasting, etc. Coffee. Tea, Cocoa, Milk, Water. Soft Drinks. How beverages affect weight control— with some surprises. Cocktail Calories. The strange role of alcohol in building fat What You Ought to weigh, strip tease test. Tables to find your ideal weight. Why the "gland alibi" is out. How each kind affects weight. Why you need" give up sweets, butter etc.. completely. <>et t>lim. One secret of reducing without feeling talifyry °r 6acrificiiff viThe Simple Arithmetic of Reducing. Easy way to f,e>, »uyour cai°™<= quota whether you're a housewife, war plant worker, stenographer, etc V'e% 9'fts Will Reduce You Safely. Best proportions of food elements assured by the new way of calorie -counting The Fastest SAFE Slimming Program. Diet safeguards that, make speedy weight reduction safe for the overweight 10 Day Miracle Diet bare, easy way to lose a Pound a day for 10 days IV. ^e?rti,er-, Diets 3 complete daily diets for losing 10 pounds a month. How 5° substitute other foods you hke better. 2 diets for losing 8y2 pounds a month 2 basic "STAY Shm" diets. J w o Minute CalorieCounting Table. At a glance chart showing Kinds of calories in -'6 ™?.at dishes, 4 kinds of milk. 13 fish. 10 kinds of cheese and egg servings ?J VSgeta,bIes' 29 fruits l« breads, cereals, 16 Pies, pastries. 17 fats sugars, syruns. 7 nuts li soups, is "little things." 15 beverages. Reducing values of each group wLt**v0Pv> as Y°» fn™ h .^"'oding the nofood-between-meals myth and the ■ fee-for-brS-','error: Y°Vh^Tasy0UwRayV,TAM,ns ■ » .m.mus. now to ge aloney°U "eed fr°m foods Your Daily Vitamin Needs. Complete table showing units of A Bl C. G and D needed daily A°ur„ ,A(Iults. Adolescents. Children, Infants and V. EAT FOR REALLY No Pep. No Joy No l-nends. Is this you? How you can remedy It— at the dinner table. Skin You Love to Touch. How Vitamin A and other elements promote clear women. LVrnr tn,n» v'"t?min Calculator. Vitamin units j„ <S common foods in handv 'hart enabling you to check your daily inTake in a few seconds Cook Them Kindly 9 simple rules to preserve vi™ mins m preparing foods. oca n~ "cwll"s roods. !AyTY'^5ARM^ AND-YES. SEX appeal' beautiful skin. Teeth You Love to Brush, teeth minerals for healhy The Diet Cure for Constipation. "Scare" warnings vs. truth. ' *a. tium. c„ . , v. eating for "oomph" ^V^yZ^To Prizes* RW|'?Si N» Love personal appearance vi Re,d-bIooded "ro taUty, Epa?kVrdann1' ™rthemminera,S; h<™ * WILFRED FUNK, Inc., Dept. R202 354 Fourth Ave., New York 10, N. Y. Please send me — in plain wrapper — ' 'The New Way to Eat and Get Slim" for S days' FREE EXAMINATION. If I keep the book I will send you $2.00 plus actual postage. Otherwise I will return it without further obligation. {Print Plainly) Zone No. City . ". . . (if any) .... State Check here if enclosing $2 WITH this coupon, and WE will pay the postage. The same 5-day return privilege, :'or full refund, applies. ScREENLAND 17