Screenland (Nov 1945-Oct 1946)

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so Your Hands to the Picture When he reaches for your hands they'll be thrillingly smooth and soft to the touch if you use SOFSKIN CREME. You can rely on soothing SOFSK IN to keep your hands lovelyto-hold straight through winter's chapping cold. For hands, wrists, elbows and ankles, use non-sticky SOFSKIN, the creme that many beauticians prefer. A wonderful powder foundation, too. kin a{ In the Black and Gold jars 35* 60* $1.00 sizes* 'Plus tax Ask for the free Sofskin demonstration at your beauty salon or cosmetic counter SOKKin CR£ITK SOFSKIN COMPANY FINDLAY, OHIO salary. If you spend a lot of money on an expensive supporting player, you have to economize somewhere else, because Budgets are inflexible. "Now you are almost ready to begin shooting, and you're getting a little excited. The studio has assigned you a cameraman. Usually the star, particularly if she's getting older, asks for a certain cameraman. You are given your starting date, and you know just how long you have to make a picture. You can't deviate from this at all, because the stages are needed for other productions when yours is finished. Everything runs on schedule. "The night before the first day, the call sheet goes out to all the players and technicians, by messenger. You start the first morning promptly at nine. Usually the first day is rather slow because everyone is getting acquainted and, like a first day at school, no one settles down immediately. The first day is also the only day you don't see the rushes, because naturally no scenes were filmed the previous day. "After that, however, if you're shooting in black and white, you see the rushes the next day at eleven o'clock. (If it's a color film, you can't see the rushesfor six days.) The purpose of seeing rushes is so you can rectify any mistakes you might have made. And, yes, of course, we make them every now and then! "I see the rushes alone first. The director and cast see them at noon. I see them first because if there have to be any re-takes, the producer is the one who has to go to the front office and say, 'May I have a retake?' This is where the Budget comes in, for re-takes cost money. There are many reasons for re-takes. The photography may not be up to standard or the sound may have gone blah. Perhaps the action is not the way you saw it or the acting is not up to par. You talk it over with the director, and if you both agree, the producer goes to the front office. "If the fault is anything technical, such as sound or photography, the front office can see that very clearly, and your request for re-takes is immediately okayed. But sometimes a scene seems fine to them but you know you could have done it better. That's when the battles occur. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. But, no matter what the verdict, you never lose your temper. Being a woman producer, I have to be particularly careful of this." The shooting takes from six to ten weeks. During this time the cutter is assembling the various sequences as they are finished. The shooting may be on one set for four days and another for five weeks. The cutter puts the sets together. By the end of the picture, Joan looks at what is called "cut stuff." In another ten days, the whole film is assembled. The director has the right of assembling the first cut. He sees it with the cutter and as the film is being shown says: "No, I don't agree with that, cut it out," or, "Yes, I do agree with that, leave it in." Then it's the producer's turn. The director's work is now finished. Joan makes additional changes with the cut NO EXERCISES! NO LAXATIVES! THOUSANDS LOSE 8 TO 10 LBS. A MONTH EASILY AND QUICKLY! "Slim down" to your own lovely figure. Just follow simple scientific directions of Dr. Phillips Reducing Plan. Six to eight weeks from now, look hn mirror and see the amazing difference. GIVEN WITH ORDER: A full 30 days' supply of KELPIDINE for use as part of your breakfast eoch day. NOTE: There is medical authority that KELPIDINE (fucus) has been used as an anti-fat and as an aid to reducing. • USERS SAY "I lost 15 lbs. I am really delighted." Mrs. J. H., Cononsburg, Pa. "I lost 20 lbs. without starving myself." —Mrs. G, BrooVlyn, N. Y "I lost 8 pounds in one r ^month."— Mrs. O. N.Y.C. W loo] KELPIDINE, Dept.B-21 87 , Brood St.. Newark 2. N. J. findd vx&-^^} ing Plan, and one month i s swr repoid. 1D1NE to be -sen 1° mfetPu°rn Unused V*' {^nrmJ'lKM be refunded. Nome...; — — ' Address—; ~ City- MONEY BACK GUARANTEE 82 SdtEENLAND