Screenland (Nov 1945-Oct 1946)

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Free for Asthma During Summer n you suiter with those terrible attacks of Asthma when .1 Is hot and sultry; if heat, dust and general mugKiness make you wheeze and choke as if each gasp for breath was Hi,, vrrv hut ; if restful sleep is impossible because of the iniRUlf I" breathe; if yim feel the disease is slmvl> warIiir yftur life away, don't fail to send at once to the Frontier Asthma Co. for a free trial of a remarkable method. No mailer where you live or whether you hare any faith in any remedy under the Sun, send for this free trial, if you have suffered for a lifetime and tried everything you 'could learn of without relief; even if you are utterly discouraged, do not abandon hope but send today for this free trial. It will cost you nothing. Address Frontier Asthma Co. 621-T Frontier Bldg. 462 Niagara St. Buffalo 1, N. Y. SONGWRITERS POEMS WANTED AT ONCE Send Your Poeme.Any Subject, for Immediate Examination and FREE BOOK:— -YOUR FUTURE IN SONQ WRITING," RADIO CITY MUSIC ACADEMY 1674 Broadway New York 19. N. Y. High School Course at Home Many finish in 2 Years . Go as rapidly as your time and abilities permit. Course equivalent to resident school work — prepares tor college entrance exams. Standard H.S. texts supplied. Diploma. i Credit for H. S. subjects already completed. Sinirle subject* if desired. High school education is very important for advancement in . business and industry and socially. Don't be handicapped all your life. Be a High School graduate. Start your training now. Free Bulletin on request. No obligation. American School, Dept. HC-5, Orexel at 58th, Chicago 37 Free Booklet, Marvel Co., 90 East St., New Haven, Conn. This enjoyment of living is one of Lizabeth's most attractive traits. Her choice of a hobby typifies her consuming enthusiasm. "I didn't have a hobby — I was just interested in everything," she explains. "But so many people asked me what my hobby was that I began to feel abnormal and picked one in self-defense. It's a glass menagerie — and now it interests , me too!" For the rest, that part of her life which a rising star can call her own is as simple as her pleasures. It is uncluttered, for instance, by any pressing sense of duty to housekeeping. She has a colored maid. Sally, who cleans and launders for her. "I do empty ashtrays, perhaps too persistently," says Lizabeth. "I can broil a steak, fry an egg, and make very good coffee. But I may be on the way to real culinary artistry because — well, I've just learned to knit, and one thing leads to another." If she becomes a kitchen artist, she'll probably specialize in spaghetti and . French pastry. "I don't drink," she explains, "so when I want to celebrate I go on a spaghetti and pastry binge.. I love dough — baking and banking varieties. And just plain bread without but ter." She dislikes milk but is a coffee fiend— 14 to 15 cups a day, with cream but no sugar. She thinks, with delightful reasoning, that all this coffee-cream must surely supply her milk requirements. She is still somewhat embarrassed when fans recognize her, and sometimes in her embarrassment she denies that she .is Lizabeth Scott. She was amused when she overheard a restaurant hostess whisper of her: "I'm sure I've seen that voice before!" Her best friend is a charming southern girl who works as an accountant, outside the picture business. Together they go to movies, take long drives, explore the "little Mexico" of 01 vera street, or occasionally take steam baths, an unorthodox but relaxing way to spend an evening Lizabeth's next picture is "Desert Town." It will be in Technicolor, and the Scott fans will doubtless rave in delight when they see her in full glory of tawnygold hair, hazel eyes, and sun-tan complexion. When they do, they can be sure that Lizabeth will be saying: "This is all very well. It's nice to be liked. It's wonderful to have producers actually want to borrow you. But listen. Scott! You've a long way to go and things to learn. Get going!" Portrait of a Girl Growing Up Continued from page 33 MAS CARDS Take easy, profitableorders for Hand Processed Christmas assortment. Religious and Everyday cards. Friends, re. latives, business peoplebuyonsight. Noexperience needed — make calls spare timeor full time. Boost earnings with 50 for $1 and 25 for $1 Name-Imprinted Christmas cards. Send name for samples today. COLONIALSTUDIOS, Inc. 642 S. Summer St., Dept. 41-L . Holyoke, Mass. Earn Money Famous 2 1 Card "Featuro"Christmas Assortment offers splendid money-making opportunity. Sells tor $1.00, your profit up to SOc. 5 other Assortments: Jewel" Etchtone. Gift Wrapping-, " Americana "Grandma Moses Etch 1 ines others. Also PERSONAL Cards— 25-for $1 and 25-for-S1.95, name imprinted— and big1 Album DeLuxe . Personal Cards. Plus Everyday Assortments — 16-Card AI1I Occasion, others. Write for FREE samples Personal Cards and "Feature" Assor't on approval. WALLACE BROWN, INC., 225 FIFTH AVENUE, Dept. £-36, NEW VORK 10, N. Y. SHORTHAND in £ Weeks at Home iVamuus ESneedwruiag system. No signs or symbols ; uses ABC's. Easy to learn ; < asy to write and transcribe. Fast preparation for a job. Surprisingly low cost. 100,000 taught by mail. Used in business and Civil Service everywhere. Write for free booklet and sample lesson. SPEEDWRITING, Dept. 6908-6, 55 W. 42 St., N. Y. 18 MAKE MONEY EASILY! % .W/CHRiSTMAS CARDS i,veryuouy I Christmas Cards! Take easy, big profit orders from friends, others. Show Personal Christmas Cards with name, sensational sellers at 25 for $1. Big profit for you. No experience is needed. 17 smart new assortments. Also make money selling beautiful assortments of Christmas Cards, Everyday, Religious, Stationery — low as 6Ge per box. Send today for FREE Personal samples. SOUTHERN GREETING CARD CO., McCall Bldg., Dept.G-29 Memphis 3,Tenn' All of which goes to show that Peggy Ann instinctively knows the first requirement for any actress, that of completely submerging her own personality in the part she is playing. She really should have been picketed as unfair to tender-hearted audiences. For so heart-stirring was the screen Peggy Ann that she had her fans weeping not only for the particular moppet she happened to be playing at that moment but for the real Peggy Ann herself. For you couldn't tell anyone a child who could wring your heart like that hadn't suffered plenty. That's what's so unfair, all that sympathy she has garnered to herself under false pretensions. For you don't need any extra handkerchiefs when you're seeing Peggy Ann, herself, not a motion picture— I mean, not unless you happen to have a cold. There she was that first time I met her a year or so ago, sitting with one foot tucked under her, looking a little wary at first, as what thirteen-\rear-old wouldn't cornered by a grown up when there were so many interesting things to do. And that was what she was, too, a regular little thirteen-year-old, with all the interests and enthusiasms and instincts that <jo with that age right down to the crushes. Lon McCallister was the one whose picture propped up on the mantelpiece inscribed affectionately to Peggy was clearly her treasure beyond treasures. And she could have been any girl of her age pinning her dreams on one of her schoolchum's big brothers as she looked at it wistfully. "Of course he's much too old to really notice me now," she said. "He likes older girls like Jeanne Crain." (This was a year ago, remember?) "But," she went on, and you could see she'd really given thought to the matter, "when I'm twenty-one he'll only be twenty-eight or twenty-nine and we'll be practically the same generation. After all. Gloria DeHaven's husband is fourteen years older than she is." Dick Haymes came second in her affections, and that's one wav Peggy hasn't changed in the year before I saw her again, for Lon and Dick are still two of her favorite people. And she still thinks that to have matchbooks with her own name printed on them would be wonderful, but after a year's campaign she hasn't managed to snag any yet, nor has she been able to wangle the perfume and fitted handbags and costume jewelry she adores. But to make up for those frustrations she can indulge in popsicles and records, all kinds, jive, popular, and even sentimental ones to the full extent of the dollar and a half a week which happens to be her allowance. "I'm usually 'way behind on my favorites," she explained a little ruefully. "For I wrant every Dick Haymes, Sinatra and Perry Como record that comes out. Sometimes Dick gives me some and that certainly helps, because it's hard to stretch $1.50 very far." She hasn't changed in certain other ways, either. She still loves skating and reading detective stories, the ones written for teen agers, and though one of her biggest thrills is the fact that her next picture is "Home, Sweet Homicide," she is rapidly changing her literary allegiance to novels, especially the romantic swashbuckling type. She is reading "Black Rose" now and can't wait to finish it so she can start on "Captain from Castille." 90 ScREENLAND