Screenland (Nov 1945-Oct 1946)

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Fresh Start for Marjorie Reynolds Continued from page 53 these tests and I'll show you a Marjorie Reynolds who will really surprise you!" was the startling proposition which the new Reynolds of the brunette tresses suggested. Mr. Freeman considered himself sufficiently surprised already. This darkhaired dynamo was hardly recognizable as the docile little blonde for years rated "the most co-operative star on the lot." Being a chivalrous Southern gentleman, however, Mr. Freeman merely observed that to allow her to supervise her own tests would set a precedent that might sweep the industry, creating Hollywoodwide havoc. As though her point had been gained, Marjorie continued undaunted. "I'd also like permission to make pictures at other studios when good roles are offered." The new Reynolds personality must be plenty "solid" for Marjorie is not only making and supervising the much-discussed tests, she is also on loan-out to Universal, where she supplies the brunette glamor in an Abbott and Costello opus. Most important of all, her marriage is off to a delightfully fresh start. Barely eighteen when she married, Marjorie was a Claudia-gn\, happily guided by her man David. Jack practically had to bring her up, according to Marjorie, passing judgment on her hair, makeup and clothes; making all important decisions for her. Worst squabbles were over hats. She never could find one sensible enough to please him. "I wanted to look my best for Jack when he was discharged after three years with the Signal Corps," she relates with an impish grin. "Started out with the best intentions, to buy the neat, simple sort of clothes he preferred for me." At the milliner's, however, she fell for the maddest, most expensive hat in the shop — a sheer black brimmed affair drooling with matching feathers and red roses. "I look positively wicked!" she gasped, trying it on. The ghost of her old timid self cautioned, "Jack is not going to like this!" but the New Woman snapped back, "It's just what I need for my morale!" and bade the salesgirl wrap it up. There was nothing in her blonde wardrobe that was suitable with the devastating lid. Another shopping spree yielded a slinky green satin gown. While she was being fitted Marjorie prayed for the courage to hold fast to her bold new convictions. On Jack's first evening at home she arrayed herself in the daring finery and waited for the storm to break. Instead she got a low unhusbandly whistle. "The face is familiar," he leered. "Didn't I know you once, when you were just a little girl?" "Uh-huh," beamed Marjorie, playing up to him. "Like it?" "Love it." "Even the hat?" "Especially the hat." It was a soul-satisfying reunion. Un derneath the gay banter developed a deeper understanding than Marjorie and Jack had yet known. Where formerly she had echoed his views and blindly abided by his decisions, they now operate on a give-and-take basis, discussing their careers with equal respect. She is as helpful to him in his work as a movie director as he has always been to her. Only subject that tops "picture talk" is that of raising a family. "Jack and I have always vyanted children. Now for the first time we feel fully capable of shouldering the responsibilities. We're hoping for three." Actually there isn't room for an extra kitten just now in their new two-story house in Sherman Oaks out San Fernando way. The housing shortage what it is, the handsome gray and white Colonial manse bulges with guests. When Marjorie moved in with her dad, Dr. Harry Goodspeed, she looked about her and cried, "We can't have all these rooms going to waste when people are so desperate for places to live!" So her friend Donna Anderson and infant son were installed in one of the spare bedrooms. When Donna's husband, Stan Anderson, was released from the Navy Marjorie insisted he join his wife and child "until they found a decent house." Next came Howard Magwood, Donna's brother and Jack's buddy in the Signal Corps. When Jack came home there was a good deal of shifting about to accommodate him. With no room left for servants every member of the household, including the men, has chores to do. Even Fritzi, the miniature black Schnauzer, is trained to bring in the morning paper. So many young people under one roof make for gaiety. "At five o'clock we drop whatever we're doing to assemble in the den for the cocktail hour. That's the high spot of the day and the 'hour' often extends late into the evening. With no servants to consider we put off dinner as late as we choose," says Marjorie happily. "Friends drop in for a short drink and long talks. We tear into everything— books, art, plays, music, whatever we happen to pounce on. Her own reversion to type was discussed with brutal frankness at one of these sessions. "I tried to make my friends understand that it's not that I believe the color of your hair is important— that brunettes are more vital than blondes. The main point is the ability to recognize your true self and let nothing or nobody change you. More important is making the most of the real you. Even movie stars grow complacent, neglect the small spark that may be kindled into inspiration. The spark may be fanned by a slight move in an untried direction. A daring hat or gown might do it for you, or learning to play a musical instrument. Making a new friend, or rediscovering an old one. These things are just a start, but everyone should get a fresh start once in a while," says Marjorie finally. "It's wonderful!" SORRENLAND EXCESS FAT REDUCE by the Vita-Slym Plan or MONEY BACK! Have the slender, vital figure that men and women admire! The zest and energy that is restored with slenderness! Don't let fat rob you of allure any longer! LOSE POUNDS QUICKLY Most over-fat men and women who follow consistently the entire VITA-SLYM Plan can lose ALL their ugly fat. YOU may do the same or get your money back. ' No need to starve yourself, o v e re x e r c i se, or takehabit-forming drugs All you do is follow the reduced caloric diet suggested in the VITASLYM menus and supplement this food with VITA-dLYMS. They contain Vitamins A, Bi, Bz, Be, C, D, E, Niacin and Calcium Pantothenate plus minerals, Iron, Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium and Manga nese which guard you against nutritional deficiency while reducing. 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