Screenland (Jul-Dec 1948)

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***** Don't be Half-safe! VALDA by SHERMAN At the first blush of womanhood many mysterious changes take place in your body. For instance, the apocrine glands under your arms begin to secrete daily a type of perspiration you have never known before. This is closely related to physical development and causes an unpleasant odor on both your person and your clothes. There is nothing "wrong" with you. It's just another sign you are now a woman, not a girl ... so now you must keep yourself safe with a truly effective underarm deodorant. Two dangers— Underarm odor is a real handicap at this romantic age, and the new cream deodorant Arrid is made especially to overcome this very difficulty. It kills this odor on contact in 2 seconds, then by antiseptic action prevents the formation of all odor for 48 hours and keeps you shower-bath fresh. It also stops perspiration and so protects against a second danger— perspiration stains. Since physical exertion, embarrassment and emotion can now cause your apocrine glands to fairly gush perspiration, a dance, a date, an embarrassing remark may easily make you perspire and offend, or ruin a dress. Ail deodorants are not alike — so remember — no other deodorant tested stops perspiration and odor so completely yet so safely as new Arrid. Its safety has been proved by doctors. That's why girls your age buy more Arrid than any other age group. In fact, more men and women everywhere use Arrid than any other deodorant. It's antiseptic, used by 117,000 nurses. Intimate protection is needed — so protect yourself with this snowy, stainless cream that smooths on and disappears. This new Arrid, with the amazing new ingredient Creamogen, will not crystallize or dry out in the jar. The American Laundering Institute has awarded Arrid its Approval Seal— harmless to fabrics. Arrid is safe for the skin— non-irritating— can be used right after shaving. Don't be half-safe. During this "age of romance" don't let perspiration problems spoil your fun. Don't be half-safe — be Arrid-safe! Use Arrid to be sure. Get Arrid now at your favorite drug counter — only 39< plus tax. HOMER ROCKWELL, Publisher ★ DELIGHT EVANS, Editor ★ ELIZABETH WILSON, Western Representative ANTHONY FEKRARA Art Director HELEN FOSHER Assistant Editor ** -IC On Our Cover: CLARK GABLE and LANA TURNER, co-stars of MGM's romance, "Homecoming." The Ei,h^r s Kage Delight Evans 19 An Open Letter to June Lockhart My Man Mac MacDonatd Carey 21 Work with glamor girls should improve technique," star's wife says Pal Pete jack!e Cooper 22 Candid closeup of Peter Lawford by his best friend Of Duff and Stuff \ Jerry Asher 25 Revealing interview with Howard Duff, who "won't talk' about himself Life with Hope oora Aioert 26 lane Russell learns about movie life from "Paleface" Bob Hope Wake Up, Kids! Walter Pidgeon 29 Younger set's favorite "father" talks straight from the shoulder Laugh ton Without the Leer Frances Kish 30 Charles Laughton, formidable man of many moods, has a home life' "Homecoming Ficlionized by Elizabeth B. Petersen 34 Claik Oable, Lana Turner and Anne Baxter spell love and high adventure Fred Robbins Right Off the Record Fred Robbins 38 Add a musical ounce of bounce to your Summer playtime Come Along with Cobina Wright to the Best Hollywood Parties Cobina Wright 40 Gay gossip of the glamorous guests in Hollywood's social whirl Date Bait Marilyn Maxwell 42 The truth about those "dangerous Hollywood dates" PLUS: Summer Siren: Gene Tierney, star of "The Iron Curtain" 20 Howard Duff, now playing in "All My Sons" 24 Mr. Blandings' Dream House: co-starring Cary Grant and Myma Loy 28 Olivia deHavilland, soon to be seen in "The Snake Pit" 39 PLUS: &tz^#w//& Gossip Hot from Hollywood 6 Your Guide to Current Films 12 It Was Fun! (On "The Emperor Waltz" location) 32 What Are the Wild Wolves Whistling? (Hollywood's bathing beauties) . . 44 Here's Hollywood Gossip Weston East 46 Lana's Wedding (Lana Turner and Robert Topping) 49 Sckeenlainu Salutes Doris Day in "Romance on the High Seas". ... 50 PLUS: Travel Orders . . . . Guide to Glamor. .Courtney Marvin 16 56 ★ JULY, 1948 HOMER ROCKWELL Vice-President PUBLISHED BY LIBERTY MAGAZINE, INC. FRANKLIN S. FORSBERC, President LESTER TUNISON Vice-President THOMAS W. KAVANAUCH Secretary and Treasurer PAUL HUNTER, Advisory Chairman Volume Fifty-two Number Nine ALBERT CUTLER Circulation Manager SCIiEENLAND. Published monthly by Liberty Magazine, Inc., at 37 West 57th St., New York 19, N. Y. Advertising Offices. 37 West 57th St., New York; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago 11, 111.; 649 S. Olive St., Los Angeles 14, Calif. Manuscripts and drawings must be accompanied by return postage. They will receive careful attention, but SCIiEENLAND assumes no ' responsibility for their safety. Subscriptions $1.50 for one year and $2.50 for two years in the United States, its possessions, Cuba, Mexico, Central and South America; $2.00 for one year in Canada; foreign $2.50 for one year. When entering a new subscription please allow not less than (JO days for your first copy to reach you. When renewing your subscription, prompt remittance helps to assure continuous service. Changes of address must reach us five weeks in advance. Be sure to give both old and new address and zone or other Information necessary. Entered as second class matter, September 23. 1930, at the Post Offl"e. New York. N. Y.. under the act of March 3, 1879. Additional entry at Chicago. 111. Copyright 1948 by Liberty Magazine, Inc. MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS 4 SCUBISN LAND