Screenland (Sept 1922–Feb 1923)

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Hollywood. SCREENLAND Ciil^u Loses 74 Pounds feels and Looks Like a New Woman Amazmo Discovery Enables Mrs. Denneny to Lose 1 Pounds the Very First Week. She Has Lost 74 Pounds Already and Is Still Reducing. No Drugs, Starviha Exercise, Rolling, Painful Self-Denials or Discomforts' 1 "WEIGHED 240 pounds. I had tried all kinds of anti-fat cures without success. Then one Sunday I saw your advertisement It sounded so good that I ■sent for the "books. "The very first week I lost 10 pounds and kept reducing steadily. I lost 74 pounds and am still reducing. My friends say that I already look 19 years younger. "Formerly I could not walk upstairs without feeling faint. But now I can RUN upstairs. Formerly I felt as if I were suffocating if I walked fast for 2 blocks. But now I can walk a mile just as fast as I can go and without the least sign of suffocation. I never felt better in my life. There is not a sign of my former indigestion now. I sleep like a rock. And I have a fine complexion now, whereas before, I was always bothered with pimples. "I have reduced my bust iy2 inches, my waist 9 inches and my hips 11 inches. I even •wear smaller shoes now. They were 'sixes,' now they are 'fives.' » Mrs. Mary Denneny, ■82 West plh Street, Bayonne, N. J. Mrs. Deimeny's experience is but one of many similar ones. Within the last few months over 300,000 men and women have been shown how to reduce to normal weight and secure the slender, supple figures of youth by this pleasant method. The rate at which you lcse your surplus flesh is absolutely under your own control. If do not wish to lose flesh as rapidly as a pound a day or ten pounds a week, you can regulate this natural law so that your loss of flesh will be more gradual. Secure New Vigor Also This natural method also builds your health and gives you renewed vitality and energy. How Would You Like to Reduce to Your Ideal Figure? Loses 22 Pounds in 14 Days "Ijreiu-Ced f™m 175 pounds to 153 pounds (his normal weight) in two weeks. ?,ei°r? 1 s'arted J was flabby and sick; had stomach trouble all the tune. I feei wonderful now." Ben Naddle, sos Fulton St., New York City. Loses 13 Pounds in 8 Days l*HH™ra%1 r7e, '?st 13 Pounds since 1 feel better *a« I 420 B, Loses 28 Pounds in 30 Days j,,"1 ,£ou,nd yTou,r meth°d delightful. In just 30 days I lost 28 pounds (8 pounds My general health h Mrs. Geo. Guiterman, 66th St., New York City. You obtain a clearer complexion, a brighter eye and a more elastic step. Many write that they have been astounded at losing wrinkles which they had supposed could not be effaced. Your nerves are improved and your sleep is more refreshing. You regain youthful vigor and spirits as well as a youthful form. And you obtain all this without any discomforts or self-denial. You make no change in your daily routine. You continue to do the things you like and to eat the food you enjoy. In fact, far from giving up the pleasures of the table, you may even increase them. The Secret Explained Scientists have always realized that there was some natural law on which the whole system of weight control was based. But to discover this vital "law of food" had always baffled them. It remained for Eugene Christian, the world-famous food specialist, to discover the one safe, certain and easily followed method of regaining normal, healthful weight. He discovered that certain foods when eaten together take off weight instead of adding to it. Certain combinations cause fat, others consume fat. For instance, if you eat certain foods at the same meal, thev are converted into excess fat But eat these same fn^blood^ ^ an4.theywinabe converted SSL]? %T and mas<:ie Then the excess fat you hAVe 'SJP** ?p There is nothing comply SSL?^ "othing hard to understand.8 It is simply a matter of learning how to combine your food properly, and this is easily done. This method even permits you to eat many vo Ir'elf K0ds Which you may now * denying a i or y°*<*n arrange your meals so that these dehcacies will no longer be fattening. Free Trial— Send No Money oki»Ugene»Crristia? has incorporated his remarkable secret of weight control into 12 easy-to-follow H~M? "Cai,ed Weight Comrol-the yB%is of Health. lessons one and two show you how to reduce slowly; the others show how to reduce E T^r£?luy •,,-ToJ-make {t Possib,e ^ every oni to profit by his discovery he offers to send the in^eecoup0oUnrSe °n "™ i* ^ °nC Sendin* a ™Jvf aCS <JuickI3r. y°u can take advantage of a special reduced price offer that is being made for a short time only. All you need do is to mail tie coupon— or write a letter or postcard if you Pr.f.fe.r— without sending a penny, and the course will be sent you at once, IN PLAIN WRAPPER. When it arrives pay the postman the special SITU0' 0nly $1"97 (P,US = few «nts postage) and the course is yours. The regular price of the Se,v $3-50.-,but *l-?7 is allSyou have to pay while this special offer is m existence. There are ™ tiUrUlfr Paym/nts But if you are not thoroughly pleased after a 10-day test of this method vol ™»Tr return the course and your money will be <-*=nrly. (If more convenient you may hut this is not necessary.) ever. Either you exwonderful reduction in ful gain : ' -----«-» R "™Mary J Denneny, of 82 W. 9th St., Bayonne, N. J., before and after losing 74 pounds by this wonderful method. She also banished nervousness, weakness. Insomnia and digestive disorders? Hereon!, piexion Improved wonderfully. She Is still reducing and will continue to do so until she reaches her normal, ideal weight. method or else you return the course and money is refunded without question. youi forAllQnljr Don't delay. This special price will soon be withdrawn. If you act at once you gain a valuable secret of health, beauty and normal weight that will be of pricecoupon NOW.y°U throughou* your life Mail tl CORRECTIVE EATING SOCIETY, Dept. W-22> 43 W. 16th St., New York City _ // you prefer you may copy wording of cou tn a tetter or on postcard. CORRECTIVE EATING SOCIETY. Dept. W-2228, 43 Wat 1 6th St., New York Citj Without money in advance you may send me "w wraP°er. Eugene Christian's $3.50 Course Weight Control— The Basis of Health," in lessons. When it is in mv hands I will pay postman only $1.97 (plus the few cents postage full payment, and there are to be no further ments at any time Although I am benefit^ this special reduced price, I retain the privileg returning this course within 10 days, and ha my money refunded if I am not surprised pleased with the wonderful results. I am to be sole judge. Name . Street (Please write plainly)