Screenland (Sept 1922–Feb 1923)

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HdlywooA SCREENLAND C»U/Sr»i» How A New Kind of Clay Remade My Complexion in 30 Minutes For reasons which every woman will und my name and my identity. But I have whose pictures you see here to pose for exactly how the marvelous new discov plexion in one short half hour. I could hardly believe my eyes. Just thirty minutes before my face had been blemished and unsightly; my skin had been coarse, sallow and lifeless. Now it was actually transformed. I was amazed when I saw how beaut.ful my complexion had become — b'ow soft its texture, how exquisite its coloring. Why, the blemishes and impurities had been lifted right away, and a charming, smooth clear skin revealed underneath! What was this new kind of mag.c? You see, I never really did have a pretty complexion. My skin is very sensitive. It always xised to foe so coarse and rough that I hated to use powder. Sometimes pimples and eruptions would appear overnight—and as for blackheads, I never could get rid of them! To be perfectly frank with you, I tried everything there was to try. I greeted each new thing with hope— but hope was soon abandond as my skin became only more harsh and colorless. Finally I gave up everything in favor of massage. But suddenly I found that tiny wrinkles were beginning to show around the eyes and chin —and I assure you I gave up massage mighty quick. Wasn't there anything that would clear my complexion, that would make it soft and smooth and firm? Wasn't there anything I could do without wasting more time and more money? It was very discouraging and I was tempted more than once to give it up. In fact, on one very disappointing occasion I firmly resolved never to use anything but soap and waiter on my face again. But then something very wonderful happened — and. being a woman, I promptly changed my mind. Why I Changed My Mind Did you know that the outer layer of the skin, called the epidermis, is constantly dying and being replaced by new cells? I didn't — until I read a very remarkable announcement. That announcement made me change mv mind. It explained, simply and clearly, how blackheads, pimples and nearly all facial eruptions are caused when dead skin and bits of dust clog the pores. Impurities form in the stifled pores — and the results are soon noticeable. The announcement went on to explain how scientists had discovered a marvelous clay, which, in only one application, drew dust, dirt and other impurities and harmful accumulations to the surface. This Domino Complexion Clay, in only a half-hour, actually lifted away the blemishes and the impurities. And when it was removed the skin beneath was found to be soft, smooth, clear and charming! Can you blame me for wanting to try this wonderful discovery on my own blemished complexion? My Extraordinary Experience I won't bore you with details. Suffice to sav that I applied the Domino Complexion Clay I had read about to my face one evening at nine o'clock and settled myself comfortably for a half-hour of reading. Soon I was conscious of a cool, drawing sensation. In a few moments the clay on my face had dried into a fragrant mask. And as it dried and hardened there was a wonderful tingling feeling. I could actually feel the millions of tiny pores breathing, freeing themselves of the impurities that had stifled them, giving up the bits of dust and the accumulations that had bored deeply beneath the surface. At nine-thirty I removed the Domino Com ' plexion Clay and, to my utter astonishment, found that I had a brand new complexion! Hidden beauty had actually been reyealed! Every blackhead had vanished; the whole texture of the skin had been transformed erstand, I have concsaled asked the 'young woman me, so that you can see ery remakes one's com into smooth, clear, delicately-colored beauty. I shall never forget my extraordinary experience with Domino Complexion Clay. It accomplished in a half hour what other prepparations had not accomplished in years. It is because it did it for me, because I actually had this wonderful experience, that I consented to write this story for publication. Domino House Made This Offer To Me The formula from which the amazing Domino Com plexion Cla> is made was discovered by the chemists of the Domino House. I have been asked to state here, at the end of my story, that Domino House will send without any money in advance a $3.50 jar of Domino Complexion Clay to any one who reads my story. If I would write my experience with the maryelous new Domino Complexion Clay for publication the Domino House agreed to accept only $1.95 for a $3.50 jar from my readers. You. as my reader, should not miss this opportunity. I am sure that the marvelous Domino Complexion Clay will do for you what it has done for me. It is guaranteed to do so, and a special deposit of $10,000 in the State Bank of Philadelphia backs this guarantee. Your money will be promptly refunded if you are not delighted with results and return what is left of Domino Complexion Clay within 10 days. pinion ■lear sin rinliantb Hfut ! Send No Money It is not necessary to send any money with the coupon. Just pay the postman $1.95 (plus few cents postage) when the jar of Domino Complexion Clay is in your hands. You will have the same extraordinary experience that I had — and you will be grateful to me for agreeing to write this story. But I advise you to act at once before the special offer is withdrawn and Domino Complexion Clay is once more placed at its regular price. plexion Clay freshly -compounded, t. day your order arrives. And you p. $1.95 plus few cents postage, althoug ucts of a similar nature, and withoi of the advantages of Domino Con Clay, are sold regularly from $2.50 to Don't delay — I'm glad I didn't! *» coupon or a postcard today. Domin< Dept. 308, 269 South 9th Street, Ph Domino House, Dept. 308, 269 South 9th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Tou may send me a $3.50 jar of Domino C Clay, sufficient, for 2 months of beauty treatmt cording to the special agreement, I will pay post $1.05 (plus postage). Although I am bencntir special reduced price. I am purchasing this flr<~ the guaranteed privilege of retu-niii!; ...-.nn and you agree to refund my money if I am not with the results In every way. I am to be the f ONLY By taking advantage of this special low-price of fer, and sending direct to the manufacturers, you get $1 95 Name . . Address If YoaAct At Onc« Domino Com City State If you wish, you may send money with «