Screenland (Sept 1922–Feb 1923)

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Screen land ^Announcing the J&v OLIVER A sensation in typewriter advancement, the climax of 26 years of development— our latest and finest model, No. 11 FREE TRIAL Keep it or Return it Our millionth Oliver is a new model! It comes at a time when most people have thought that the ultimate had been reached in typewriter development. It is a contradiction of that thought, and brings many surprising advancements and betterments. Everyone who sees it is amazed. It establishes a new limit in refinements. Yesterday's standards now become antiquated. To operate it is to experience a new thrill in typing. To see its beautifully typed sheets is to have a new appreciation of what a super-typewriter can do. But Not $100 The natural conclusion would be that we would continue the custom of $100 as a standard price,or even ask more for a finer model. But we offer this wonderful Oliver Speedster on the same plan we have recently adopted in selling the No. 9. That is, we ship direct from the factory to the buyer, saving you the $35 that an indirect, extravagant selling system would require. Yet, in all our 27 years experience, this is the finest typewriter we have ever built. If any typewriter is worth $100, it is this Oliver Speedster. How We Save You $35 It is impossible to fully describe the superiorities of the new Oliver Speedster in print. You must see it and operate it to appreciate its betterments. So we ship it to you for five days free trial, without your sending a penny in advance and without obligating you to buy. We want you to try it in the privacy of your own office or home. Compare it with any typewriter. We let the Oliver sell itself. You are the sole judge. Could any offer be fairer? Think how few articles dare to be sold this way! If You Agree that the Oliver Speedster is the finest typewriter, regardless of price, and want to own it, send us $4 after five days, then $4 per month until $65 is paid. If you would rather pay $100 and not get this latest model, ship the Oliver Speedster back at our expense. Throughout the trial you are your own salesman. You need not be influenced by others. This new plan has been endorsed by thousands who have bought Olivers at a saving. Remember, over 1,000,000 Olivers have been sold, both to leading businesses and individuals. So Simple Merely mail the coupon and it will bring EITHER this wonderful new Oliver Speedster for Free Trial, or Further Information. Check your preference. This is a rare opportunity. Think of it —the latest model at a $35 saving! It is the ONLY offer of its kind. THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER COMPANY 0000 Oliver Type •writer Bldg. Chicago, 111 Name. THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER COMPANY ' 4 J70HW Typawrltar Bide-. Chicago. III. □ Ship me a new Oliver No. 1 1 Typewriter for _ftve dais free inapecrion lfl keen it I will pay $65 as follows: $4 at the end of trial La i *~ ri^rlnor t^Ti nprrent and remit to you $58. 50. It l aeciae no. $35 od 1 am to deduct ten percent and remit to you $58.—. — to keep it, 1 will ship it back at your expense at the end of five days. Address . My shipping point fa """" ~~~~ □ Do not send a machine until I order it. Mall n>e Jour book _ The High Cost of Typewriters -The Reason and the Remedy, the Speedster catalog and further information. City. . State. Occupation or Business.