Screenland (Sept 1922–Feb 1923)

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Now We're Going To Make a Motion Picture! We shall take a trip into a big Hollywood studio — never heed that watchful guard at the gate — and watch in the sacred precincts of picturedom the progress of a photoplay, from scenario to the final screen presentation. We shall make the fascinating journey from "Pen to Silver sheet" By Melvin M. Riddle Author of "Behind the Camera with Elinor Glyn" "How Do They Do It?" You have often asked yourself this question, as you sat in the dim coolness of the theatre and watched the shadowy story unfold before you on the screen. You have thought of pictures in terms of actors, directors and backgrounds, probably. If so, your knowledge covers only about one-fifth of the varied factors that make the finished picture that thrills you on the silver screen. If you would realty know what goes on behind the scenes in Filmland; If you aspire to make a place for yourself in pictures, either as a player or writer; If your scenarios have been coming back because your ignorance of picture production has concealed the real merit of your plots — You will want this. book. But you must act quickly, for the edition of "Pen to Silversheet'* is limited and will soon be exhausted. The small sum of $1.00 brings it to you. Don't Wait! Clip the attached coupon and mail it to us TODAY ! TIMES-MIRROR PRESS Publishers 118 So. Broadway, Dept. B. Los Angeles, Calif. TimesMirror Press Co., Publishers, 118 S. Broadway, Dept. B, Los Angeles, Calif. Gentlemen: I enclose $1.00 (cheek, money order, stamps) for which please ship immediately one copy of "Pen to Silversheet." Name Address •■• City State.