Screenland (Sept 1922–Feb 1923)

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A ctay of such amazing powers no less than a dozen imitations have sprung into being; applied in a moment; starts its work in ten more minutes; and — , In forty minutes, wiped away* the clay has forced the clarity and color of youth to any human skin on or hick it is applied. A new triumph of dermatology A New Skin in 40 Minutes with this Astounding Beauty Clay! How a Pleasure Trip to Sunny Wales Uncovered a Secret of Mother Earth's That Forever Ends Any Woman's Need for a Complexion Beautifier By Martha Ryerson HAVE brought to America the gTeatest news women ever heard about the skin. From Wales where I spent a month without seeing a single bad complexion! I went there with a complexion that had been my despair since childhood. Otic afternoon I left it in the kills; exchanged it for me of absolute purity and undoubtable natural color. Except that I tan now let you prove it {or yourself, I would never tell the story — a story my own father found it hard to believe! Hardest of all to believe is this; the tranforfnation took just forty minutes! ✓Here are the facts: About the first thing one notices in this southern English province, is the uniformly beautiful complexions. The lowliest maid — and her mother, too — has a radiantly beautiful skin. Mine, lacking lustre and color, with impurities nothing seemed to eradicate or even hide, was horribly conspicuous. It was a happy thought that took a most unhappy girl on a long walk through the hills one afternoon. I had stopped at the apothecary's to replenish my cosmetic — to find it was unknown. They did not have even a cold cream. The irony of it! In a land where beauty of face was in evidence at every turn — the women used no beautifiers! Do you wonder I "took to the hills?" I didn't want to see another peaches-and-creamy complexion that day. But I did. At a house where I paused for a drink from the spring, I stepped back in surprise when the young woman straightened-up to greet me. Her face was covered -with mud. I recognized the peculiar gray clay of that section; very fine, sleek, smooth clay it was. Seeing my surprise, the girl smiled and said, "Madam does not clay?" I admitted I did not! I Decide to "Clay" In a moment, she wet the clay which had dried on her face and neck, wiped it away, and stood in all the glory of a perfect complexion. I think I shall never again envy another as I did that stolid maiden of the hills. Her features were not pretty; they did not need to be. For no woman ever will have a more gorgeous skin. She explained that this amazing clay treatment did it. The natives made a weekly habit of "claying" the skin, quite as one cares regularly for the hair. I was easily persuaded to try it. Had I not done ridiculous things in beauty parlors where many could see my plight? We tucked a towel over my blouse, and from the spring's bed she took the soft, soothing clay and applied it. As we sat and talked, the clay dried. Soon I experienced the most delightful tingling in every racial pore; the impurities were being literally pulled out Half an hour more, and we removed the clay mask. Hopeful, but still skeptical, I followed into the tiny house to glimpse myself in a mirror. My blemishes were gone! I fairly glowed with color that spread down the neck to the shoulders. My cheeks were so downy soft, I felt them a hundred times on the way home. Father's surprised look when I entered the rooms of the little inn that evening was the most genuine compliment a woman ever received. In a basket I had two crocks of the precious clay. I thought father's questions would never end; where did I find it; could I take him to the spot; what was its action, and reaction, and lots else I didn't know. Father is a chemist. Suddenly it dawned on me. He wanted to unearth the secret of that clay's amazing properties, and take it to America! For two weeks we staid on; he worked all day at his "mud pies" as I called them. Back home at last in Chicago, he worked many weeks more. He experimented on me, and on all my girl friends. At last, he scientifically produced clay identical with that Welsh clay in its miraculous effects — only ten times more smooth and pure. Anyone May Now Have This Wonderful Clay News .of the wonders performed by this clay has brought thousands of requests for it Women everywhere (and men too, by the way) are now supplied Forty Minute Clay. The laboratory where it is compounded sends it direct to the user. A jar is five dollars, but I have yet to hear of anyone who did not regard it worth several times that amount. For mind, in over six hundred test cases, it did not once fail. It seems to work on all ages, and regardless of how pimpled, clogged or dull the skin may be The application is readv'ly made by anybody, and the changes brought about in less than an hour will cause openmouthed astonishment. I tnotv. When I seea womannow .with a coarsetextured skin that mars the whole effect of her otherwise dainty care of self, it is all I can do to refrain from speaking of this natural.perf ectly simple way to bring a skin and color such as Nature meant us to have — and has given us the way to have. Keep your skin pores clean, open, tingling with life! My father has made you a remarkable offer below. Read carefully: FREE DISTRIBUTION OF $522 JARS (Only One Jar to a Family) The general public is entitled to benefit by a discovery of this importance. So, tor a limited time we will distribute regular, full-size 55-00 jars of Forty Minute Clay without profit — at onlv the actual cost, which is $1.87. You may have your first jar for onlythis bare cost of getting it in your hands! The expenses of compounding, refining, analyzing, sterilizing, packing, printedannouncements, and shipping in large quantity has been figured down co $1.87 per jar, plus postage. Even the small laboratory cost price of $1.87 for ingredients, shipping, etc., is not really a payment; rather, a deposit that we will promptly return if you are not unreservedly satisfied that this miracle clay is all we claim. Send no money now. Pay postman the net laboratory charges of 51.87 plus postage, when he brings your jar. Or, if unlikely to be home at mail time, enclose S2.00 and jar will arrive postpaid, with the same money-back guarantee. I can assure any man or woman who will try this miracle of Nature's own chemical laboratory a ri-made skin. Head Ckemist THE CENTURY CHEMISTS, Dept. 14& Century Building, Chicago: I accept your "No Profit" offer. Please send me a fnllsired. regular SS.00 jar of Forty Minute Beauty Clay at the net laboratory coat price of $1.37. plus postage, which1 will pay postman on delivery. My money back unless only one application provescomplctely satisfactory. Add*