Screenland (Sept 1922–Feb 1923)

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I ► HOUVWOOD CAlirOfLMt*. /•OS This traperb 6-ptece set is trade of selected solid o*k throughout, finished in rich, dull waxed, brows famed oak. Four pieces ore padded; seats upholstered with brown Delavna Spanish leather, the beat Imitation of cearane Spanish leather avows. Utorrts Hocber has the real comtort nfelns _ features of the Morris chair and conch, aa well aa the additional edvaataaje of a rocker. The hack hi adjustable to 3 positions. Foot rest can be extended or hidden entirely under seat. Seat mi asm i n 20 x 20 inches, width of back 27 inches, height of back from neat 28 inches. Arms 4 inches wide, Arm Cfcair is a rooms, dicnlfied piece off furniture, comfortable and bier enough for* eery larva person while not aeemhnr too terse for the ordinary* occupant. Seat 19 x 17 1*2 in. , height 36 In. Arm Reefcnr is a massive, stately, comfortable piece, with beautifully designed back, wide, shapely arras, and smooth operating runners. Seat IS x 17 1-2 in., height 36 in. Library TnMn — A beauttf ol piece of library furniture. Beautifully designed ends to match chairs wifcn roomy magazine shelf below. Legs cut of 2 fa. stock; massive, dignified. Top meesnrea 23 1-1 x 34 ha. WfpllOfI Chair has beautiful shape to match the other pieces. Seat measures 17 x 17 in., height 35 in. Jaidhiiam Stand matches other pieces. A decoration to your living room or library. Carefully built throughout. Measures 17 1-2 to. high; the top 12 x 12 inches. Entire set shipped knocked down coustructkm. Easy to set up. Saves freight charges. Wt. about «30 lbs. Orator by No, I7M4A St.OO w*b • cnwpww7*3*00 a roowt*. price |SU«. Free Bargain CatilMt Shows thousands of hsTKBins in house furnishings, jewel ery, silverware, porch and lawn furuiture, wearing apparel. A Room Full of Furniture With Solid Comfort Morris Rocker Only $1.00 with the coupon brings you this positively sensational furniture bargain— on 30 days trial. Six splendid pieces of furniture— fumed solid oak— including a wonderfully luxurious and comfortable reclining Morris rocker with disappearing foot-rest and adjustable back— at a slashed price that is positively sensational when you consider the value, the usefulness, and the supreme comfort of this set A few months ago a set like this would have cost you $40.00. But now, on a special factory sacrifice, we can slash the. price on this complete set to only $32.80 — and on easy payments of only $3.00 a month! Get this special price, special terms, and special comfort. Seize this opportunity on our special offer — we take all the risk. Don't delay. 30 Days Trial-Only *3»£ a Month! When you get this magnificent 6-piece library set, put it in your living room or library and use it freely for 30 days. Note the massive, solid construction, the beautiful fumed oak finish — the fine upholstery and graceful lines. Enjoy the solid comfort and rest of the Morris rocker. Compare it with anything you can buy locally at anywhere near the same price — area for spot caah. Then if not satisfied for any reason, return the aet at oar expense and we will refund your $100 et once, plus any freight chargee you paid. It yon decide to keen the act. start paying only $3.00 a month ontu yea have paid $32.80 — paymenta so low and ma convenient that you will acarcely fed them. A full year <o pay— at the rata of only a few eenta a day. Thia wonderful rains la not listed in oar rewnlar catalog. We have only a limited number of Beta. We trust hooeat people anywhere faa U. 8. One price, caah or credit. No discount for caah. nothing extra for credit, am C O. D. Get tftlS OSf &f j^IriVn.n.^F Send Now! BntH ■ Straws gSckravj. Deaarhaewf 2148 Cfcfeaga,Kl> special advertised 6Piece Famed Oak a uomroeL asm m nave 30 dara .tree trial* If 1 k«eo the aeC a I wOl par yea V3.0& tnoafthlr. If not sbu-ucu, I am to u«.a ttte. 9 Mt wtthia 80 dare aad yoa are to refund mm mune $ and aar frataht etianres 1 paid. □ 6-«ece uaewry Sat. Mo. B72a<A. < Don't delay. Just send $1.00 along with the coupon as a deposit. If you wish to return the set after 30 days, your dollar will be refunded, plus all freight charges which yon paid. First come, first served. Get your set while this offer lasts. 30 days trial — we take all the risk — no obligation. Send the coupon today — NOW! I Same . ■ Street, S.FJ}. S or Box Nc 5 Shipping 9 Point Straus & Schram, Department 2148 Chicago S QtJiee State M ya« aaly waat catatas pet X M bos hwtow: -* □ Fatten, Stem, Jcndrf □ Xn'tv Waa't, Wkait QtAaf S3