Screenland (Sept 1922–Feb 1923)

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10 Reduce Your Double Chin While You Sleep YOU don't need to have a double chin — now or later on. The sagging flesh and the drooping mouth-lines that go with it are easily corrected. And away go seeming years of age! The Davis Chin Strap is worn by thousands of women every night. While they sleep, it stops mouth-breathing, which may seriously injure the teeth and larynx, and it quickly moulds back an over-heavy chin to the ideal proportions of earlier days. Many accepted methods of flesh-reducing, such as exercise and massage, are ineffective or prove very slow in reducing double chin. Pressure equally and locally applied to the muscles and flesh of the lower face prove most efficacious. This necessary pressure is properly applied only by the Davis Chin Strap. While the Davis Strap has been used largely by women and girls, it may also be worn with great benefit by children. It corrects unhygienic mouth-breathing and frequently saves children from having to undergo expensive operation on their teeth, nose, ears and" throat. Many physicians regularly recommend its use. Write for a Davis Chin Supporter today. $2.00 by Mail When ordering, measure size snugly over crown of head and point of cnm. CORAM. DAVIS Dept. 5, 507 Fifth Ave. New York City Beauty parlors and dealers Write for our special proposition. LOCATION STUFF (Continued from page 24) passed him on the steps of the Metropolitan Hotel "She thinks she's important. ] "An assistant director is the lowest form of animal life," she was telling the crowded lobby and not a few of the townspeople who had gathered about the porch to gape at the actors. "If this dumbbell thinks he can give me a room that I wouldn't put my dog in he's crazy. I won't stir a step till I see Mr. Bloom." "You can stir now, Julie," said the ashamed Mr. Bloom, edging his way through the crowd. "I am present." He had pitched his voice low in the hope that she would follow his example, but the voice in which she repeated her opinion of assistant directors in general, and of Mr. Bloom's assistant director in particular, was audible throughout a large part of Grandville. "But the poor man is rooming people as well as he can," pleaded Mr. Bloom. "If you don't like the room he's picked out for you I'll trade with you." If he expected that this offer would cause her embarrassment he was wrong. "I'll take it," she said. "The room he gave me has got cowboys all around it." "What do I care for cowboys.'"' queried Mr. Bloom with a brave snap of his fingers. He cared a great deal for them before morning, for immediately aiter supper they started a poker game which did not break up until sunrise. "But at seven-thirty everybody'll be made up and gone out to work, and then I can get some sleep," he promised himself. But at exactly seven-ten it began to rain. It rained until after eleven, and by that time Mr. Bloom was so out-of-sorts with the world that he would not even try to sleep. As soon as the sky cleared the assistant manager ran around and shepherded the actors into the automobiles. They were to drive to a ranch that lay, an emerald upon the brown expanse of the desert, about a mile from town. They were to drive, but they did not drive. No sooner had they seated themselves in the automobiles than the rain began again. And this time it did not stop. There was (Continued on Page 61) HighSchool Course in JL~ |j;1<.k «.f High School training bars you I M from a successful business career. This ■ simplified and complete High School V Course — specially prepared tor homestudy ■ by leading professors — meets all require > 25 A' Aj< ments for entrance to col-| ~SWM I IfltPt* lege and the leading pro*JV W*««» fessions. No matter what / f^iMiwtAC yourbusiness inclinations %£©ll«3>V/» may he, you can't hope i to succeed without specialized training. Let us give you the training you need. Satisfaction guaranted. Check ^and mail Coupon for ► Free Bulletin. amkkk an schiwil I>rcvel Ave, imd 58th St.. T>ept. 11-8188. Chicago American School. l>ept. H-8188, Chicago. III. Explain how I can qualify for position checked: Architect Lawyer Building Contractor Mechanical Engineer Automobile Engineer shop Superintendent Auto. Repairman Employment Manager Civil Engineer ~«sr«»m Engineer _ Structural Engineer „ esun , " L " ^Business Manager Foreman s Course _Cert.Pub.Aecountant ___Sanitary Engineer 'Z. Accountant&Audltor Telephone Engineer jDraftsman&Designer Telegraph Engineer Electrical Engineer High School Graduate General Education .Fire Ins. Expert Vocational Guidance Wireless Radio ' Business Law Undecided Name J . Address ■ WRITE FOR THE MQVIE5 TURN YOUR TALENT INTO MONET A valuable money-making field Try it! Mail us an idea at once, and we will gladly correct and advise you. With our earnest assistance you can easily convert your thoughts into Dollars. No experience necessary. Free instructive booklet sent on request. >smopolitan Photoplay Studio^ 154 Nassau St., N. Y., Suite 624 — Dep't B. Screenland's Shopping Service Stands ready to help you with your Christmas and every-day shopping. No wearisome elbowing by crowds of shoppers when you let SCREENLAND'S Shopper buy your gifts in the fascinating little shops that line Hollywood Boulevard, or in the spacious Los Angeles stores. Any article that you desire, whether advertised in SCREENLAND or not, will be purchased for you by SCREENLAND'S Shopper, without fee. Just write the Shopping Service, care of Screenland, explaining what you want, with check or money-order to cover the cost— and the Shopper will do the rest. LEARN MOVIE ACTING A fascinating profession that pays big. Would you like to know if you are adapted to this work? Send 10c for our Twelve-Hour Talent Tester or Key to Movie Acting Aptitude, and Bnd whether or not you are suited to take up Movie Acting. An instructive and valuable work. Send dime or stamps today. A Large Interesting, Illustrated Booklet on Movie Acting Included FREE. Film Information Bureau, Station 5 JACKSON, MICH. 60