Screenland (Sept 1922–Feb 1923)

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trtscilla Dean Tarns come in two sizes — one for young ladiWj the other for children. Twelve Popular Shades Red, Pheasant, Copenhagen, Navy, Black, Sand, Jade, White, Orange, Brown, Orchid, Coral. For Every Occasion J And you will, too, when you see how prac! deal it is and how well it looks on you. Priscilla Dean designed this tarn for 'the girl who wants a snappy, well fitting and charmingly attractive hat for outdoor wear. There's a color to match any sweater or any costume — and the price is so little — $1.50 — that every girl should have at least one besides her regular hat. Makes a wonderful gift for any woman or little girL Priscilla Dean Tarns are made of the finoi" quality suede doth — a soft, pliable material that drapes so gracefully at any angle. Always has that .trim, tailor-made look because the inner elastic band makes it fit any head comfortably. A neat band of gr jsgrained ribbon and a cute little bow complete the picture. Priscilla Dean Tarns Are Soil At All the Best Stores Get yours today. If your dealer cannot supply you, send $ 1.50 with coupon ot letter and we will send you a Priscilla Dean Tarn Postage Paid. Be sure to state color and whether for young lady or child. Tarn Ti me Look fotthe Priscilla Dean label BAER BROS. MFG. CO., 906 W. Lake St., Chicago, DI. Enclosed is $ (Canada f 2.00) for which please send me a PRISCILLA DEAN TAM In_ _For_ Miss or Child Name Address Money Mfnndad if deaiiod. BAER BROS. MFC. CO. MFC'S of PRI SC I L L A > DEAN HATS Does Your Make-Up Register? When the mirror discloses that hateful shine upoiTyour otherwise perfectly satisfactory nose, what brand of face powder do you dip your powder-puff into? That ornamental container on your dressing-table — what kind of talcum does it contain? Your lip-stick and rouge compact — why do you prefer them above other cosmetics? Screenland wants to know. Clip this page and fill in the answers. For the best answer Screenland will give a $5 box of your favorite cosmetics. For the second best answer, a $2 box will be the prize. All answers must be received by us not later than November 1. Do you buy advertised cosmetics in preference to other brands?— Why?_ _ • What brand of face powder do you prefer?-... Why do you prefer it?_ What brand of talcum do you prefer? _ Why? Rouge? Why: Lip Stick? Why?_ Tell how you first chanced to buy these products and give proof why Screenland should carry the advertising of these cosmetics. Address Research Department Screenland. Hollywood, California Name — Address. City—..-.. State. First prize in the Candy Prize-Ad Query running in the June Screenland, a five-pound box of Whitman's chocolates, was awarded to Mrs. H. J. Davis, 1356 Madison St., Washington, D. C. Second prize, a two-pound box of Whitman's chocolates, went to Gruver Davis, care of Montague Manufacturing Co., Richmond, Va. LOCATION STUFF (Continued from Page 63.) His new leading man wheeled on him in anger. "I ought not to let you shoot it at all," he thundered. Mr. Bloom shrank back against his lamp post. "You don't deserve it," cried the leading man stepping close to him. "How dare you think that I'd let you pay a cent?" "I don't know how I dared," Mr. Bloom apologized hurriedly, "but I don't think so any more." "And I'll be ready to work in the morning," his benefactor told him. "Just now Miss Douglas and I are going to take a little stroll." "Make it a big one," cried Mr. Bloom with enthusiasm. He linked his arm in that of the rancher and started across the street toward the hotel. When they were half-way across he stopped to wave his hand at the girl whose heart was in the right place and at her companion who evidently was beginning to make a place for himself in that heart. "I'll see you anon," called Mr. Bloom. What the FANS WRITE to the STARS (Continued from Page 50.) hundred and fifteen pounds, with brown eyes and black hair. Everybody thinks I am a fine-looking girl. But tastes differ, don't you think?" a North Carolina miss ventured in a "personal" letter to Viola Dana. The "fan" letter that got more attention than any which reached the studios in months came the other day, addressed to Rupert Hughes, famous author and director at Goldwyn. "I go to see every one of your pictures and I think you are the finest actor on the screen today," was the enthusiastic praise. Irresistible Eyes are those which are Bright and Sparkling. Keep Your Eyes Young and Beautiful through the daily use of Murine. It ha* stood the test of time. At all Druggists. A* *Y* ft**** EYES 64 / <, if