Screenland (Sept 1922–Feb 1923)

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cIeavhYmrChM asaaBV cftmxm<ng franc y / Bin ■ ■- V«ry l**» Mt WiMaatw _, L.xlwlx School of Faaey Danetac Woiton and Other AccompUsluneats Conservatory at *T41 Broadway. Chicago IB YOUR PERSONAXJTY Is expressed in your eyes. Emphasise their outlines, deepen their shadows, and bring out their hidden depths by cultivating the Jashes and eyebrows. Use the well Known preparation introduced by HuMa Thomas— iASHCROW It darkens the lashes and encourages their growth. Send $1 and a package of this most effective preparation will be mailed to you. Absolutely harmless. Hulda Thomas Ushgrow Co. 73 Grand St. New York City BEAUTY Is More Than Skin Deep YOUR BLOOD IS NATURE'S BEAUTY BUU.DJ5R. Yoghurt Vegetable Bouillon will purify your blood, tviH tighten your sagging muscles, will build new tissues by supplying! the essential VIT AMINES and MINERAL ELEMENTS to your blood. You will find it DELICIOUS. J1.00 per jar, TRY IX Write for FREE LITERATURE concerning proper diet to regain a perfect complexion. YOGHURT INC.. Prpt. 1, BvlllHgham, Wash. Free Book Containing complete •to. y of the origin and history of that wonderful im moot tba W This faoak tclh you when to DM Snovtooos— singly, in quartettes, ia sextettes, or fat regular band; how to play from cello parts in orchesU and many other things yoo would like to know. The Saxophone is the easiest of all wind instruments to play . Yon can haro to play the scale in an htmr and. soon be playing popular sirs. It will double your income, your pleasure and toot popu larity. Three flrgt leaaonasentfrce. Nothing can take the place of" the Saxophone for Home l^tertaliiment. Clrarch.. Lodge or School, or for teh^Itate lfirtte law try any Buwchar ?««*S~i£jS«,-JlrS?gtI, J^S. aaa* or otW taatramaate tt^dted. pr f<*JZS* 1EL ■ayBMOto. Mention instramant tatewtoita wbea —BOnm tar Km Book ■UESCHER BAWD INSTRUMENT CO, W tWyrMa* le aae* aa« Onhe«n iMm no Bueaeber Block ■UtHanrT. two. ECZEMA IS ONLY SKIN DEEP I end can b* Instantly relieved and quickly healed by tha use of CR ANOLENE, the aucceaeful craaberry cream treatment for stubborn ekia troubles. At drug stores, SSc and | 11.00, or writ* for Free Tost Treatment to * The STAR in SOCIETY (Continued from Page 46.) the residence, dropping hundreds of flower bombs of roses and lilies of the valley. In the late afternoon a buffet tea was served. Mr. and Mrs. Pickford are spending their honeymoon at La Siesta, one of the bungalows of the Ambassador Hotel, where they intend to remain until the early part of September, when Mr. Pickford will have finished the picture he is now making and Mrs. Pickford is scheduled to resume her engagement as the star of Solly, They will then leave for New York, and are planning to wait until the last minute and fly back by aeroplane. Give Festive Party. A ROLLICKING affair was the "Days of Forty-five" party staged on the night of August i2th at one of the deserted studios in Culver City. Genial hosts of the occasion were John B. Ritchie, Milton Sills, Theodore Roberts, Douglas McLean, Raymond Hatton, King Vidor, Lambert Hillyer, Hunt Stromberg, Mahlon Hamilton and ' James Home, and the guest of honor was Miss Bradley King, continuity writer of the T. H. Ince Studio. At the Opera. MISS GLORIA SWANSON was a much-admired figure in one of the boxes at the recent outdoor production of Carmen given in the Hollywood Bowl. She reminded one of a Russian princess with her long ermine cape thrown back across her shoulders, revealing her low-cut evening gown of white satin and the gorgeous necklace of diamonds and platinum which she was wearing. Low across her forehead she wore a white bandeaux of Russian design and studded with brilliants and pearls. In the next box Harold Lloyd entertained a party of friends, having as honor guest Miss Mildred Davis. WHEN YOU FIND A Subscription Blank In YOUR MAGAZINE it is a sign that your subscription has expired SEND IN YOUR RENEWAL AT ONCE So that there will be no break in your subscription Won't Wash Off Mary T. Goldman's Hair Color Restorer is a clear, colorless liquid, clean as water. It leaves your hair clean, ■oft and fluffy — nothing to wash or rub off. No Interference with shampooing— wave and dress as usual. Easy to apply — results sure and certain— no streaking or discoloration, restored hair perfectly natural In all lights. Accept free trial offer. Mall the coupon today for a trial bottle and test as directed on a single Jock. Then when you know you take no risk In the use of this scientific laboratory preparation, get a full size bottle from your druggist or direct from me. . _ . _ _ _ . Mary T. Goldman's Hair Color Restorer fatotMewM* ami ■■ bus , w.p—i. an—. "I ! Please aend me your free trial bottle of Mary T. J Goldman's Hair Color Restorer. The natural color ■ J of my hair * \ J jet black ... blade or dark brown medium a J brown yery light brown, drab or auburn .... , a Nam*.. — . .„_....— — — — | • ... • Addrw* 12 95^ 25 cat Genuine 32 e»i3.»s German MAUSER Less than half pre-war prices. Latest Model » Shot Automatic. Shoots standard cartridges. Convenient to carry — lies flat in the pocket — perfect, safety device. World s Famous Lager SO cal. 521.33 — Hand Ejector Revolver, swing out cylinder 82 cal. $1C93. 38 cal, $1T.»S. All our guns brand new latest models — anaarantaeal 1 import ad. SEND NO MONEY PAT PITMAN ON DEL.IVEBY. Satisfaction Guaranteed or money PnwttujgKnded. 70C 25 Cal. BLUE STEEL ARMY AUTOMATIC — 33 CaL $9-35. Officers — automatic, 3 safeties. aeU-J »*°^° > MILITARY ™»CH AUTOMATIC— 32 Cal. 10 shot, extra' magazine FREE, just like yoVused "over there" Hfal.SS. , Imported TOt» BREAK revolver 82 cal. $7.45 38 cal. . UNIVERSAL SALES CO. 141 Broadway DESK A.A.4 Hew Yorfc Laty SuporfluoujHAIR^GONt Forever removed Mahler Method which kills the hair root without pain or injuries to the skin in the privacy of your own home. We teach Beauty Culture. Send today .7 stamps for Free' Booklet. J* «sp-# D. J. MaHLER C% 2Z9-P Mahltr Park, Proimtencs, R. I REMANUFACTURED Underwoods, afonarcbs. Remingtons, L. C. Smiths, Olivers, Royals, Coronas AT REDUCED PRICES Prices as low as......... Write for our Catalog No. 30 RERAN TYPEWRITER CO. Doaj i, ss w. w«»»'»«t»« gj^c****! $1500 BIG MONEY! Write for our wonderfut new premium proposition, enabling you to give your customers a fine new Baby Jeanette Phonograph free! Your commission $1.00 per order, collected on the spot; also liberal bonuses if you produce 10 or more orders a week. We deliver and collect balance. Write for details to PREMIUM SALES DEPT. 464 4th St. San Francisco, Cal. 65