Screenland (Sept 1922–Feb 1923)

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" 'Darling,' he said, and his fine resolutions fled to the winds, while his deep voice was hoarse and broken. 'My darling! — God I I love you so — beyond all words or sense — Oh, let us be happy for this one night — we must part afterwards, I know, and I willaccept that — but j ust f or tonight there can be no sin and no harm in being a little happy — when we are going to pay for it with all the rest of our lives. Let us have the memory of one hour of bliss — the angels themselves could not grudge us that.'" Scene from Paramount photoplay "Beyond the Rocks' The perfect lover, a splendid romantic actor with every characteristic indicating the polish of nobility — such a man must be the gallant Lord Bracondale who sways Theodora. * nd so they chose Rodolph Valentino for the role. And /\ opposite him they cast Gloria Swanson, for her beauty, "Eer excellence in scenes of emotion and her ability to wear gorgeous gowns. I I" you enjoyed their portrayal of a great love on the silver screen, how much more anxious you will be to read the intense love story just as Elinor Glyn penned it, in Paris and the lovely gardens of Versailles. Screenland has a copy of this book for you — free. a ll you have to do to secure this novel is to fill out and /V mail the attached coupon, with $2.50 for a year's subscription to Screenland. Then for a whole year Hollywood and the fascinating world of the studios will be brought to your door. You will enjoy all the intriguing gossip and you will peep into the real life of the film colony. And in addition, without cost of one penny, you will receive this gripping novel, illustrated from the photoplay. -COUPON ■ FREE Circulation Manager, SCREENLAND, Hollywood, California: Please send me FREE one copy of Elinor Glyn's novel "Beyond the Rocks" with one year's subscription to SCREENLAND, for which I enclose $2.50. NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE