Screenland (Sept 1922–Feb 1923)

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1 mOUVWOOO CALtfORNIA, Qci B5 68319 he Most tar in A Famous Artist's Mary Pick ford, Pola Schoo I girl as the ty Types. By Yenrhyn H"' There is the loveliest creature I have ever seen!" exclaimed Elinor Glyn one night at a Hollywood ball. Director Stan laws agreed with Madame Glyn. So Marjorie Fayre, this maid of 14, was selected by him as a perfect "American thoroughbred" type. Her screen debut is in the next S tan laws production, Singed Wings. «J "lJola Negri stands at the head of the group portraying vibrant, magnetic anneal. Her drooping eyelids conceal hidden fires.' Jr " ' -' ■ Paramount photograph by Kcyes. It is not the modeling of a head or the shape of individual features alone that make beauty. Color and expression are important qualities that go to make up the ensemble before which we bow down and worship. These latter qualities are of such an ephemeral character that they cannot be included in a cold appraisal of face and form. Mary Pickford is America's ideal of perfection. Her features are so good individually and as a whole that she is regarded as a perfect beauty. Illumined by an expression of spirit uality, which cannot be measured or compared, she is undoubtedly entitled to the distinction that has come to her. Vibrant, magnetic physical charm motivates other beautiful faces. Pola Negri, among stars of the screen, stands at the head of this group. Her drooping eyelids conceal hidden fires. Her eyes, well formed and finely colored, are pools of emotion, containing the lurking hint of mysticism — the spell of the occult. There is still another distinct type among film beauties. In this group we find Mary Miles Minter, Wanda Hawley and Mae Murray. It is the Dresden china type. It is a great pity that Mae Murray's delicate coloring is not photographable. It would greatly add to her attractive screen personality, with her exquisitely modeled nose and sensitive mouth. WaNDA HAWLEY'S fine complexion also would add to her charm if it could reach the screen. She has eyes that twinkle with merriment one moment and well up with great tears the next. She has a charming, 46