Screenland (Sept 1922–Feb 1923)

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1 M0U.VWOOO CALIFORNIA AQo) screen, is fated by the stars to experience the real thing — imprisonment. But by 1930 Doug ought to be a most proficient escaper and Mars may have lost his kick; for it will be Mars in conjunction with Saturn that will give rise to the handcuffs and irons. Doug has brought over a regular ball-and-chain Karma from his past. Wherever he goes he has it dragging on behind, hampering and impeding, binding, restricting his liberty of spirit and body, and exacting a toll of sickness, death of relatives, troubles in money and business, and misfortunes in matrimony. Karma is hot on the trail of Mary. A past life in which America's sweetheart did not always come in when her mother told her to, and in which she perhaps loved not wisely but too well, is responsible for her domestic tribulations in the present incarnation— not Owen Moore or anyone else. At that, Mary's soul is not a new one. It has lived several cycles and has thus achieved a higher degree of perfection due to Venus in trine to Uranus and the moon aspecting Mercury and Uranus. This ought to be quite a comfort to Doug, whose soul is quite new, for it gives his soul the opportunity to go to school to her more edified soul. DOUG'S chief talent is for physical activity. The moon polarized in Sagittarius shows that Doug's father was an anxious, excited and hurried type of mind, which produced a condition of great mental and physical activity in the child. Act— ing is Mary's predominant talent ; in nothing else would she rise so high, while Doug's horoscope shows that he could have made a great success as a writer, an orator or in numerous other lines. To neither Mary nor Doug are the stars kind in the matter of forecasting children. The stars proclaim Mary as moderately fond of children, but there is little prospect of a family. Scorpio being in the fifth house, provides the sting, and Uranus in the same location is adverse to offspring, like many terrestrial landlords. A.STROLOGY sets Mary down as sociable, impulsive, impetuous, with good reasoning faculty and ability to judge. Her impetuosity is liable to lead her into mistakes, both in the world of business and of affection, and discretion should be her watchword. Doug, on the other hand, is restless, apparently fickle, loves art, has inventive faculties and ability in mathematics. It is at last revealed why Douglas is the supreme acrobat of the screen. It is his planets in airy signs that do it. They make him fond of the trapeze, of hanging by his toes, of leaping across broad chasms, of riding in vehicles that raise him high above the ground, of dancing and of skipping lightly from tree to tree. Although no philosopher, Mary's horoscope shows her to be a fine mixer, an excellent mimic, generous, goodnatured, effectionate, versatile, adaptable, not given to fits of "temperament," tactful, and endowed with good taste. A home i the natural place for Mary, if sh keeps her work up also ; but Dou would have made a good pirate Strength, daring and adventuresom qualities combine with his gymnastic talents to fit him for a bold lif upon the high seas, with a hogshea of rum in the cabin and the skul and crossbones on the mast. Mar in Aries is in a very forceful sig and gives a touch of revengefulnes to his nature, while being in conjunction with a fixed star, Margives danger of accidents to th head. This might be safe enough for one of filmdom's dumb-bells, but for a man of Doug's brilliant intellect for business and professional life, it would be a calamity. Mary, too, should watch out for accidents, for she will suffer from injuries to the head, and the position of Mars will give danger to her ankles and feet. The sun in conjunction with a fixed star foretells danger of accident to the lower limbs and head. The moon in the throat sign Taurus gives her a susceptible throat, while Aries gives 32