Screenland (Sept 1922–Feb 1923)

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1 MOLIYW0OO CAUrOANIA Ko) f rom ^ Pertinent and impertinent paragraphs about your favorite stars, straight from the Boulevard to you. <I lialph Graves is bringing home books on The Cart and Training of Infants, so 'tis said by those who declare that the stork is hovering over the Graves household. Mr. and Mrs. Graves are here shown in the grounds of their Hollywood home. No Telephone Needed. ELEPHONE connections between Hollywood and Culver City are so poor that lady-like voices are of little avail in phoning. The other day Bob Mclntyre, casting director at Goldwyn's, was shrieking into the receiver. "My God," said Marshall Neilan, when bits of plaster began to drop from the ceiling, "with a voice like that, that man doesn't need a telephone." Pola and Gloria and the Studio Cats. PoLA NEGRI does not like cats. She is afraid of them. The Lasky studio is over-run with pussies of all colors, ages and sexes. So Pola, who knows well what is due a star, simply announced that she would work no more until the cats were killed. "Ze cats, zay must go!" declared Pola with her most dramatic gesture. "Eet is zay or I !" The outlook was dark for the pus sies, until Gloria Swanson stamped her dainty 4^2 AAA and announced that the cats were under her protection and that not so much as a whisker of the tiniest kitten should be harmed. Pola is still working and the cats are still alive. Conway Tearle Dons Shiek's Robes. Conway tearle is the latest recruit to the ranks of the shieks. He plays the part of a lord of the desert in Bella Donna. But can any little girl present tell us the rest of the story? Quite right, he isn't all Arab. Just enough so as to enable him to wear one of those swishy robes while he goes shieking into the desert. He appears in immaculate riding panties in the last reel, it is said, quite according to Hull. _ Bull Has Artistic Overcoat. Dull Montana's overcoat is the sensation of Hollywood. It has the combined artistic qualities of grandma's patch-work quilt, the settings used in The Cabinet of Dr. Cali(juri and a fireman's red undershirt. It is further stated he contemplates using live pigeons as buttons. But when the proud Bull first displayed it in Armstrong's, Spike Robinson, his "buddy," remarked: "Now I know what happened to Tom Mix's old horse-blanket." Ti Whole Town Helps Viola. HE whole town of Visalia recently turned out to help Viola Dana put on a mob scene in her new picture, Noise in Newboro. The mayor called a half holiday and all the farmers 'round about hitched up Dobbin and cranked up Lizzie and came to town to act in the movies. The manager of the Idle Hour playhouse in Visalia has already booked the picture and is sure of packing 'em in on one film, anyway. W Will Goldwyn Get Valentino? ILL Valentino do Ben Hur for Goldwyn ? Rumors seeping out from 42 \