Screenland (Sept 1922–Feb 1923)

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miles Make You Happy By Virginia Woods _ SMILE, observes the dictionary, is "a pleased expression ; a blessing or favor; a drink of liquor." The liquid smile is supposed to have gone out when the Volstead Act came in. But the rest of Noah's (or was it Daniel's?) definition still holds good. A smile is a blessing. And for once, its virtue reacts upon the giver. Both benefit by it, the bestower and bestowed upon. Like going to church, it makes us feel so good that we wonder why we do not do it more often. And it is so easy. Anybody can do it. Except the undertaker. <J // is Wallie lieid's endearing, ■warm grin that we will remember long after the memory of his excellent profile has died away. Q D o ug Fairbanks smiled his. way to the very top rung of the ladder of Success. Photo by Evans. They are contagious, are smiles.They're as catching as a yawn in a crowded street-car. When you have caught the disease, you will recognize the symptoms: a warm feeling about the heart and a general relaxation of the whole body. A smile does you as much good as a brisk walk and tones up the old system better than a whole bottle of beef and iron. Did you ever see a smiling dyspeptic? There are no set times or places for smiles. They are welcome almost everywhere. Of course, there are times when a smile ceases to be a virtue and becomes an insult, such as when the dentist predicts cheerfully that it isn't going to hurt a bit and when the income tax collector accepts your last sou. But in most situations a real, heartwarming, genuine smile is as welcome as a raise in salary and much easier to get. A. COMMERCIAL value is attached to smiles as we'll. Not for sentimental reasons do solid business men keep a "Smile" sign tacked over their desks. Few business men are Pollyannas. But they find that a pleasant expression and a genial smile is an economic asset. A pleasing smile means purple limousines, ermine wraps and other attractive things to the actress. Can you imagine yourself standing in line to see a film star who never smiles? ( Always excepting Buster the FrozenFaced, who makes up for his niggardliness in smiles for home consumption by the genius with which he stirs our own risibilities.) When tragedies rule the boards, the management has to "paper" the house. It takes a comedy or a musical show to bring out the S. R. O. sign. "Laugh, •5 Priscilla Dean wears the smile of conquest, assurance bom of a magnificent woman's charms, strong and fearless. Photo by Frculich. and the world laughs with you. Weep, and it gives you the laugh." D OUGLAS FAIRBANKS has ever found a smile the passport to fame. A smile is the best tonic he ever took, he says. "I try to waken in the morning with a smile," says Doug. "If you keep smiling until ten o'clock in the morning, you can't help smiling the rest of the day," Doug ought to know. He smiled his way through "Happiness" to the very top rung of the ladder of Success. Wally Reid's broad, boyish grin brought him fame, wealth and adoration. It is his smile, his endearing, warm smile, that we will remember long after (Continued on Page 76)