Screenland (Sept 1922–Feb 1923)

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HOLLVWOOO CALIFORNIA mmm Photo by Donald Biddle Keyes Conway dearie Wearing one of our new Imported English Camel Hair Overcoats. The above illustrated garment is made up in a natural camel color, with dark brown overplaid. ^ETRIE'S inc 1 DRIVER BETTINGEN LOS ANGELES well dressed man in HOLLYWOOD LAME it to the flapper influence," the "after the war" letdown, or what you will, the tendency of man's dress is away from the somber hues that long have prevailed, and towards the lighter, brighter colors and more pronounced tones; the "youngish man's" tendencies for something livelier, and the older man's disposition to sacrifice stiffness and dignity in dress to grace and comfort. Particularly observe this trend in winter's accepted headwear fashions. The "cady" o r derby of a former era now is as passe as the legalized cocktail. Its blacks and browns have given away to the much more handsome fawns, buckskins, pearls and mixed sand tones of the head -fitting fedora, crusher or "soft hat" — which correctly may be worn in a half score different shapes. The smoothly finished felt is steadily being usurped by the fuzzy, rough beaver, velours and similar fur — with results most gratifying. The nation's pursuit of the golf ball has established many fashions in wear that ardently are welcomed not only by the golf fan, but as well by the man whose street and office clothes mark him as a man of affairs. Today a man well along in years can stroll down Broadway in tweed suit, wool heather hose, sports or golf shoes and a herringbone cap or tweed soft hat and attract practically no attention. His belted sports coat with large patch or bellows pockets isn't going to excite anyone. The soft shirt to which we once buttoned a soft collar has developed into a one-piece shirt and collar; the negligee shirt with its attached self collar being in just as good taste and certainly much more pleasing to the wearer than the stiff shirts and laundered collar and cuffs ever were. Such negligees of English Oxford cloths, fine soisettes and madrases accomplish a rather rakish air, strictly attune with the general ensemble of man's dress. This isn't going to wholly eliminate the detached soft collar, which has been developed to an unusual degree of practicalness and good looks, because there are many men who want the two separated. In suits, winter's dominant shades incline towards effects somewhat darker than those that were favored for spring and summer, notably in soft tintings. Checked treatments in diagonals, in heather hues and brownish tones, with a sprinkling of dark blue herringbones and diamond weaves are much in evidence. In modeling, the sports requirement is much in evidence, due somewhat to the physique of wearer — both coat and trousers being cut with a freedom that allows unhindered arin-play and bodysway. The accepted sack coats reveal a wider spacing between the buttons, which may number two, three or four. The Norfolk jacket is as correct on the high wav as on the fairway. Overcoats, in step with the prevailing notes, trend towards the lighter and, shall we say, gayer tones. Invisible or semi hidden plaids and overplaids are much to the fore, the models following the English in the loosely fitting, hanging effects. All-round or half belts on the ulster or great-coat models make them especially adaptable to the motor. So the balance has swung towards ease and grace in design; towards the lighter motifs in colorings and pattern— both very apparent tendencies to copy from the fairer sex. Latest Photograph of Earle E. Llcderntan If you were dying tonight ami I offered you something that would give you ten years uioro to live, would you tak\) It? You'd grab It. Well fellows. I've got it. but don't wait till you're dying or it won't do you a bit if good. It will then bo too late. Kiglit now is the time. To-morrow, or any day some d.scasc will get you and if you have not equipped yourself to ngnt it oif. you're gone. 1 don't claim to cure disease. I am not a medical doctor, but I'll put you in such condition that the doctor will starve to death waiting Tor you to take sick. Can you imagine a mosquito trying to bito a brick wall? A fine chance. A REBUILT MAN I like to get the weak ones. 1 delight m getting lund of a man who has be.-n turned down as hopeless by others. It's easy enough to finish a task that s more tuau half d^ie. Kut givo me the weak, sickly chap and watch him grow stronger. Ihats what » lJie. It s fun to me because 1 know I can do it and 1 lil.-j to give the other fellow the laugh. I don t just glvo you a veneer of muscle that, looks good to others. 1 wjrk on you both inside and out. 1 not only put big. massive arms and legs on you but I build up thoso inner muscles that surround your vital organs The kind that give you real pep and energy, the kuui that tiro you with ambition and the courage to tackle anything set before you. ALL I ASK IS NINETY DAYS Who savs it takes years to fict iu shape t feliow me tho man who makes any such claims and I'll make him eat his words. I'll put one full inch on your arm in just 30 days. Yes. and two full inches on your die t in tlic same lengtli of time. Mcauwhilc. 1 in putting life and pep into your old back-bone. Anil from then on. just watch 'cm grow. At the end m thirty days you won't know yourself. Your wh >ie lioily will take on an entirely different appearance. Kut you've only started. Now conies the real work*. I've only built my foundation. I want just 60 days more . (90 in all) and you'll make thos; friends ot yours that think they're strong look like something the cat dragged in. A REAL MAN „ When I'm through with you. you're a real man. Tho kind that can prove it. You will bo able to do things that you had thought Impossible. And the beauty if it is you keep on going Your deep . full i. icst breathe; in rich pure air stimulating your bond and making you just bubble over with vim and vitality. Your huge, square shoulders and your massive inn* cuiar anus havo that craving for the exercise o. a regular be man. You have the flash to your eye and t.ic pep tJ your step that will make you admired and sought after ill both the business and sjeial world. This is no Idle prattle, fellows. If you " <M»JMJ& make me prove It. Go ahead I Bb it. J.™*? already done this for thousands of others ami my raoids are unchallenged. What I have done lor Uicm. I will do for yiu. Come then, for time *^ day counts. Let this very day l>e the liegmuuig of new life to you. SEND *OU MY BOOK "MUSCULAR DEVELOPMENT" It is chock full of largo size photopaphs of both myself and my numerous pupils. Also contains a treatise on the human body and what can be d<m<with it. Tills liooL is iKiund to interest you and thrill vou. it will be an Impetus— an inspiration to every red blooded man. I could easily collect a big P»™ for a lwok of this kind just as others arc now doWS. hut I want every man anil boy who Is interested to just send the attached eoup.u and the book li I* absolute* free. AH I tsk you to cover is t»e Pr'00** wrapping ami postage -10 cents. Remember this does not obligate you in any way. I want you to have St. So it's yours to keep. Now don't delay one minutcthis may be the turning poult in your life today, sso tear off the coupon and mall at once while It is on vour mbid. _ EARLE E. UEDERMAN Dept. 402 . 3QS Broadway. New York EARLE E. UEDERMAN Dept. 402. 305 Broadway. N. Y. City Dear Sir: — I cneloso herewith 10 cents for which you are to send me. without any obligation on my part whatever, a copy of your latest Iwok. Muscular Development." (Please write or print plainly.) Address City State . 66