Screenland (Sept 1922–Feb 1923)

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HOlIVWOOD CALIFORNIA : Pay Nothing An amazing new offer— wear this GENUINE DIAMOND for a week at our expense — absolutely no risk toyou— deposit nothing— READ EVERY WORD OF THIS OFFER: Send No Money Pay No C.O.D. Mail the Free Trial Coupon Just send the coupon below — do not enclose a penny — and we will Bend yon on approval at our expense yoor choice of these diamond rings. The ring illustrated above ia the moat beautiful hand engraved solid gold ladies' ring yon ever saw. act with a fine, large genuine blue-white diamond. Fay nothing when K arrival. Merely accept the ring and wear it for a week, at our expense. After a week decide. If you return the ring, that ends the matter. You have risked nothing. But if yon keep the ring.send us only $3.75 a month until yon have Man's extra massive UK paid the amazingly low price solid gold fluted ring with of $38.75 for this regular $50 18K hand cut white gold value. The ring is anelaborate top set with extra fine pierced model in solid 14K perfectly cut bine -white green gold with hand en gatnidna diamond. Extra graved white gold top. A Big Value. Now $38.76— striking new model. The die 1 $3.75 a month. Send no mondisabeanty — extra brilli ■ money. Pay no C. O. D. A ant, bine white, perfectly cut ' week's trial absolutely —a remarkably big value. '• FREE. Mail coupon now. Just mall the coupon below. Be sure to enclose ringer six*. SEND NO MONEY — pay nothing on arrival. Harold Lachm an Co" kHSSSSi Send me absolutely free and prepaid, for a week's trial, the genuine diamond ring cheeked below. 1 am to pay nothing when it arrives. After one week I will either return the ring by registered mail and that ends the matter, or I will send you $3.75 each month until $38.75 has been paid. Title remains with yon until fully paid. I ENCLOSE MV FINGER SIZE. Q Ladies' Ring No. A 4360 □ Men's Ring No. A 4460 Name . Address . Age Occupation CeprHtU int. Hantd Latham Cm. PATSY RUTH MILLER MARCELS HER OWN HAIR Miss Patsy Ruth Miller, Goldwyn Star, finds Marcelritc an indispensible aid to her toilet. -She says: MARCELRITE Hair Curlers should bron the dressing table of every woman who takes pride in her appearance. They do away with the bother, discomfort, ami expense of a trip to the hair dresser, and their use is simplicity itself. Any woman can haw a perfeei. eoiffure if she uses these remarkable • •urlers. 1 am very grateful that you hrougrht them to my attention. — Patsy Ruth Miller. Marrelrile. transforms straight hair into beautiful natural na\es that will often last for a we.-k or lonser. Mareelrite Hair Water enables everv irn i and woman, no matter how unskilled, to mar<-e! her osvn hair. The Mureelrite Hair *'»»"■" i-oiftti in sets or six. They are made of the besi srade imported tortoise shell. Shaped to tit the head snuirly. Very sanitary to use, and will last for an indefinite period Set of six sent upon reeeipt of $2.00 (C.O.D. 100. extra). Sariwfaetion (iiiuranteetl. MARCELRITE If AIR WAVER CO. 15 Park Row Dept. 94> New Vork City When Is Nudity Immodest? decisions, well. all (Continued from Page 25) might have been We RECENTLY took a trip which included Samoa. Jolly little place, Pago-Pago. The fine, husky specimens of masculinity who carry one's trunks off the steamer are exclusively garbed in an hibiscus flower behind the ear. For more formal occasions they frequently wear a bright striped loin cloth, but masculinity always has to take something off when it is going to do something strenuous, so the Samoan sheds his cloth. So far so good. But the female of the species, having loftier views of modern civilization, invariably wears the Mother Hubbard apron — a concession to the higher teachings of the Christian missionary. Hence, you will see that, in Samoa, it is the women who are upholding civilization — almost like our own femininity on the beaches up till some five years ago, when mamma wore 'em full and wide and long and high, while papa contented himself with a mere half yard of anything about the middle, which never looked so very secure at that. Since then, however, the beach authorities, with a nice regard for the equality of the sexes, have made masculinity uphold civilization a bit, too — and mamma's load has been somewhat lightened, both spiritually and materially. This matter of sex equality still needs a good deal of balancing in the realms of true modesty. For instance, it is perfectly comme il faut for male humans to appear before a seething crowd, from which women are not barred, in the merest hint of a pair of "trunks." They call the occasions prizefights or boxing-matches, according to the prevailing legislation. These gentlemen leave next to nothing to expose— yet they are the heroes of their sex. Hairy chests and backs, bosoms, tummies, legs, arms, are all in a lamentably uncivilized state of nature. But, I ask you, what hope for civilization — and universal modesty — could there be for the world if women presented themselves in public scantily be-trunked, with never even a pair of ashtrays as a sacrifice to modesty, a veil for Nature's incredible indecency? Well, as I said before, nice people really cannot argue on this distressing subject — modesty is too sacred a thing — but, don't you know, civilization never even begins to totter for the remissions of masculine boxing beauties. I trust that I have made it quite clear that Modesty, Art, Truth, Nature and Realism all have their appointed place in Civilization; that any confusion as to dates, places, occasions, sex, education or entertainment can be most devastatingly serious; that, in> fact, any deviations from customary modesty must be handled with the same caution with which one strikes a match. Gasoline and gunpowder may ever be at hand. Nudity, after all, is largely a question of Tact. Secrets of Hollywood Telephones (Continued from Page 27) exhilarating salary, he buys largely. He is lavish, princely in his expenditures. Tom Mix is the salesman's delight. His clothes and cars are ne plus ultra, to say nothing of the sine qua non of expensiveness. His new machine, a powerful Dusenberg "Straight Eight," shows why the tradespeople fight for his phone number. A gorgeous gray body, trimmed lavishly with German silver. The top is fastened down with woven silver lariats. The cover for his spare tire is a breath-taking affair of carved leather, with a chaste design of miniature figures of Tom Mix on horseback, roping steers, etc., with the name TOM MIX in two-inch capitals in the center. Today's activities on the Hollywood telephone and address exchange show the following notations: Tom Mix — bidding brisk ; new stars, active; character stock players, quiet; Mary and Doug Fairbanks, very quiet— few takers. 7*