Screenland (Sept 1922–Feb 1923)

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iSto Troubles /f~R& you a (L/a sufferer from skin trouble, pimples, or skin disease in any form? Do you long for that calm, cool sensation that comes when the irritation is taken away? Then try D.D.D.— that soothing wash which gives instant relief the moment it is applied Twenty-five years of success — thousands of letters from grateful skin sufferers recommend this doctor's pre-"" scription to you. Read what some say: — "Skin now soft and white." "My druggist recommended D.D.D." "I can't praise D. D. D too much." "Now it seems good to live." These sentences are taken at random from a few of the many letters we have received —letters written in the ecstasy of relief — in the joy of freedom from suffering. '• aOaanaanawe EL lotion for Skin Disease A soothing compound of well known healing ingredients — thymol, oil of wintergreen, etc. When thousands of skin sufferers are — »i now happy again, free at last from daily M torture and sleepless nights, why should you continue to suffer? M Send Coupon for Trial Bottle Send your name and address for a generous trial bottle of D. D. D. Prescription. The first touch from this trjal .bottle will give yon instant relief no matter how long you have suffered. Send today. Enclose 10c to cover cost of packing and postage. Mail coupon. D.D. LABORATORIES 5 3845 Ravenswood Ave. % Dept. 2142 Chicago, 111. | I Gentlemen: Please send me a trial bottle of § = D. D. D.. the Standard Skin Wash. I enclose 10c = : to cover cost of postage and packing. Name S s Address 1 1 ■llllllll I Town State flMMMIItV Free Book Containing complete atory of the orig" and biatary of th woodcrf al instrument—the This bosk tells yoa when to use Saxophone — singly, in quartet tea, la aextettea, or in regular band; how to play from cello parts in orcheatra. and many other things yoo would like to know. The Saxophone is the easiest of all wind instruments toplay. You can learn to play the scale in an houranc Boonbeplayingpopularaira. ItwilldottDle your income, your pleasure and your popu tarity. Three first leseonssentfree. Nothing can take the place of the Saxophone for Borne Entertainment. Church. Lodge or School, or for Orchestra Dance Music law trr any Boaacbar Saxophone. Cornrt, Trampat, Tr<unbu> or othar Inntrmnant 6 days. Ha.ti.8ed, m for >tbr aw narmenU. MenSjoo instrument ioteroatod In wbeo aendlns !•> Yr*m Book. IUESCHER BAND INSTRUMENT CO. at EvarythlM la Banal ami Orahaatra J"""™?^ 7Z4 Buaachsr Bloc* BUKMAHT. IHtt. Why Smiles Make You Happy (Continued from Page 49) the memory of his excellent profile has died away. Betty compson'S wistful little crooked smile is one of her greatest charms. Sweet but subtle, it refreshes and allures. Did you ever note the effect of Mary Pickford's gentle smile upon an audience? Watch, next time, how it smoothes out the lines in tired brows, how it seems to take the soreness from hurt faces. PrISCILLA DEAN wears the smile of conquest, assurance born of a magnificent woman's charms, strong and fearless. JlJST as your eyes are the mirrors of your soul, so does your smile betray your innermost self. You can learn to smile. Smiles are not innate. Most of us were born howling, anyway. So, in the words of the poet, "Smile, darn you, smile, even if you have got a tooth out." Are Movie Actors Going Blind? (Continued from Page 61) the fair star only intensify their scarlet lids ! The clear white of the eyeball is bloodshot as if a thousand tiny needles were pricking the tender surface. The sensation is similar to that experienced if a handful of fine sand is thrown into the eye. Terrific itching is experienced and the eyes are almost unbearably tender — looking as if they had been crying for a week. The remedies mentioned give temporary relief, but the malady must run its course, usually ranging from two or three hours to two days, except in rare instances. The eyes must be completely rested and protected from the light. Serious results are likely to follow neglect of this warning and a month's inaction in a dark room will be necessary if the patient goes back on the set before his eyes are again in good condition. C)nE of the interesting phases of Klieg eye is that it does not make itself known until several hours after leaving the set. Then the eyes begin to burn and hot tears to well up, and the patient realizes that he is in for a bad night and all thought of sleep must be abandoned. FRANCO MARVELOUS FRENCH FAT REDUCING CREAM Yes you can reduce any part of the body such as hips, bust, abdomen, ankles, double chin, etc. Guaranteed absolutely harmless. It's different from any on the market. One pound jar for $5.00 sent postpaid to any address. Apply the cream every night for 10 minutes and watch the fat disappear. Remember, it is guaranteed absolutely harmless. Send Money, Check or Money Order. FRENCH AMERICAN PHARMACAL CO. 1035 Tiffany St., Dept. S, New York City Yoa can (an *lS to *7> a week writing show i cards 1b your own aenw.— No canvassing. — A I pleasant profitab e r>r«f"«lon eaaUy and qntctt; 1 ieamtlTn'iriiewilmplaf^apBiCBlawfcayBlem. , Artistic nlailty 11. t ivc'ssary.— We (rach yon , kur. an 1 nupplv von with wort.— Distance 1:0 obl'i t Full p-'rticrltn a-rt booklet free. WtUON UETM00I LUUTC0 — DEPT. 53 C4 Bart Richmond, Toronto, Canada. French Creation vok-a Coronet Braid B Attractm H taaUren aaaak specially far Bobbed Hair COVERING And for Making Long or Short Hair T ly wev< ■bd«. r ''•livery Airaase roar hair as attractively as that tumrtent looktoe arirta and woman Valla Coronet i*erfarma •imply wonders with y our beadJrw. Your bobbed hair can jtow back eecreily and comfortably and will alwmra look nifty Chance* *nr rdinary hemd-dreaa toa stunningcoif faro. Vol In Coronet la made of finest Imported French human hair, permanentyouthful and attractive. Always ready and neat. Any 'rW sfo. Send sample of hair with remittor, e MOW f or Quick ""re* "Swr^twtnwaa to be Attractive.*' Don't delay. OAOW COMPANY Dent JO? 43T Me. ttt !»■»■■ *We_ ThtTrnm LEARN Movie Acting! A fascinating profession that pays big. Would you like to know if you are ajsipted to this work? Send 10c for our Twelve-Hoar Talent Tester or Key to Movie Acting Aptitude, and find whether or not you are suited to take up Movie Acting. A novel, instructive and valuable work. Send dime or stamps today. A large, interesting, illustrated Booklet on Movie Acting included FREE! FILM INFORMATION IsFREAU, Sta. 5. Jackson. Mich. Incense Perfume in Your Home An incense perfume. Keeps your room sweet and fragrant. Refreshing rfcasure. "Flowers of Paradise" Makes most exquisite and hypienic odor when burned. Mystic charm. Pure. Delightfully perfumed. Rose, Lily and Violet. Burner included. By mail $1.00. THE HEIA COMPANY, Dept. U, 130 South Broadway, I.os Angeles, Calif. We want a representative in each community; we will teach you Portrait and Landscape Oil painting in ten lessons. No experience, new system, outfit furnished. Free literature. $5000 yearly opportunity. TANtil.KY CO., 1K8 Main, Muscatine, Iowa SuperfluoujHAIHallGONE Forever removed by the Mahler Method which kills the hair root without pain or injuries to the skin in the privacy of your own home. We teach Beauty Culture. Scud today .? stamps for Free Booklet. 0. J. MAHLER C J, .523-6 Mahler Park, Providence, R.