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You, Too, Can Develop Your Talent as an Author
How Mrs. Florence Carson not only increased her income but also became an author and a force in her community
Hi was in effect a «hut-in, for I was al Finding a Way to make a pleasant home. She has the duty
I lowing my children, my husband, my .... u j fi d ? 1 was de_ to her husband, her children her friends,
* home to absorb all my time, and *{£A \™ d0 ; hn*n| 2 -dJ I talked to be more than a cook and a housekeeper.
rarely could I be any more interesting to {^ Editor of o\u local newspaper He Whether or not she needs the extra money
my family or my friends than is the daily £ f iT«SS sug ?he mlSht carn' sh^.m«st to ™ke Jlfe
„ i;„t nr tiL wepklv washine I was micrcsiea in my prouiein anu sng ,nteresting and varying to those with whom
grocery list or tne weeKiy wasmng i w,a> j^tcd that I learn how to observe and * •„
out of touch with everything I read, with write & observations; to make becomes ,1 contact. .
every speaker whom I heard. In my rare them mto r<7fl/ stQJries Don t sit idly by, day-drcammg, inert,
hours of leisure I onlv set and dreamed— „,_ ^ . T ,, „ f , . Open up the real vistas of life, get out ot
to no purpose. " But how can 1 learn? 1 abked h the rut. Let Dr. Esenwein help you. Get
"I was easily able to take care of all the c ".'Get in touch with Dr Esenwein at Dr. Esenwein's personal instruction in household duties; our income was enough Springfield, Mass.. he urged. He is the magazine writing, photoplay writing jourto give us the major comforts of modern most practical, the most inspirational of all nahsm verse writing. You can develop life Ye' with it all I felt dull fatigued ,hc teachers who have tried to instruct pco the talent you possess along any literary and restless. I knew that I was not the P'c \n thc. art of the story, m the science Hne. And through Dr. Esenwein Vmanubrilliant, active girl with whom my hus of observing the interesting things of life. script criticism service, you band had originally fallen in love. I had "I wrote to Dr. Esenwein and he an can have the help of a fagone back because I had not used mv mind swered my letter. And now Dr. Esenwein mous editor and critic 111 —because my day dreams were but idle has taught me not only how to observe making your stories acceptfancics— because I did not understand or people, how to interpret what is going on in able to other editors, appreciate the life which was glowing about the life about me, but has actually taught Don't delay another mmme. I was suffering from mental starva me to write stories for magazines. ute. Sit down at once and Hon. . "Soon after I started to study with him writc for the catalog sent
"Then, one day, a famous woman ad I began to sec in the life around me count free containing a full dc
drcsscd our woman's club. She was an less things that once seemed trivial and scnption of the Short-Story
author, and one of the most interesting work-a-day, but which I now recognize as course, ricase aOdress . Or. K.seiHvem
persons I had ever met. Frankly, I was valuable story material. And, think of it THE home CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL
humiliated by my inability to talk to her. -last year I earned over $2,000! Springfield Mass.
She probably didn't notice my confusion, "And Oh!, what it has meant to me to Established 1897 Incorporated 1904
but I frit it, and truly, it hurt! When become — for they say that I have become _ _ _ __ _ ___
1 sincerely analyzed myself I felt sure that — an interesting person, someone worth „ „ ,-.■„„ c
11 1 • * . \ • (* y j .. «t* 1 » * HOME V-ORRESPONDENCE *>ClIOOL,
had abilities just as great as hers it 1 while, someone my husband not only loves, Department 29, Springfield, Mass. '
could only find and develop them. I was bn* rs proud of." | Gentlemen:
unwilling to admit inferiority. (And how . 1 wish to hear immediately further details !
tflad 1 am today, that I didn't admit it!) What You Can Do I describing Dr. Esenwein's Short Story Course. I
At an\r rate, I knew I owed it to myself > Please send me your catalog at once with I
to find and use the talents I possessed. Yo»> too, can get amazing benefits from | out obligation. .
"I tried to write down the things I knew Dr. Esenwein. He can teach you how to
about people and about myself, but they become a more interesting person— and if | Name J
were confused and uninteresting. I read >'ou havc an-v talent for authorship he can .
short stories in the magazines, but I could not teach you to make a great deal of money. | Address |
find their parallels in the lives of myself and Are you hiding your light under a bushel ? I city State
my acquaintances. I was at sea, so to speak. The modern woman has more than a duty l_ I