Screenland (Sept 1922–Feb 1923)

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I find my Rose Puff a great saver of time and effort Enid Bennett^Yours for a happy complexion. Doris May One filling lasts a long while. Of finest, softest eiderdown. Pat your face; powders Locks tightly; won't sift out. Comes filled with Mavis, Mary Garden, Djer Kiss, Coty's, L'Origan, Azurea, etc. At your dealer's or sent you for 25c and your dealer's name. "Genuine Lambskin de Luxe, 50c. Mention favorite powder. The C. & K. Mfg. Co., Inc., Dept. S., New Haven, Conn. ROSE Refillable Powder Puff HIGH GRADE 1 I K Solid tiold Regulated. Adjusted Wonderful V WRIST WATCHES 15 Jrwrl l«cver :tO nays' Free Trial Each Watch Nov. I, ?. X white <>r mccu Rold. miniature size, sjo'.M*; small size, $.-'1.00; nicdiinii size $tx<>«>. Nos. -I \ 5, liiirtiaturc " size. ?_"A50. 6, immature'lr, $.;j.oo. Nn .'. filled. 1 guaranteed -'<• year, adjustable link bracelet S lis., miniature >i/c.$-J-.<lu; small size. $1(>.5<); mcdiun .size, $13.50. livery watch absolutely guaranteed. Watches are our exclusive special! y. Buy your watch froinl walebui.ikei s. You will save money audi get a better watch (l!M>KK Tt»!>AY Send only half t lie price as deposit, pay balance . 30 davs. If you are not en 3 dished with your watch after 30 days' ■ will exchange it or refund VOW money. ■I yvateb booklet mailed free. I NKi:i>A tt ATCII CO.. . 10. 'II 'i Eighth .\v.. New York <11y. Teach Yourself To Write Photoplays By the Direct, Practical Method Endorsed By Producers who are cooperating with ns to help you. They furnish us the "studio synopses of their forth comiuB feature pictures. In connection with each synopsis we publish a complete analysis written toy Vernon Hoasland, famous editor and Dramatic Critic Make your own stories salable by studying successful pictures with the synopses and analyses which we provide. An easy and fascinating way to master the art of the screen. Send $1 for sample synopsis and list of others now on h?nd. Screen Writers' Educational Bureau ISA, 145 W. 45th Street, »e» York SCREENLAND'S ACTORS' FUND Film Actors in Danger of Freezing in Russia; America Is Appealed To The clothing shortage in Russia is threatening hundreds of motion picture actresses and actors, as well as members of the other branches of the profession, with death from exposure. Herbert Hoover has said that two million Russians must perish within the next two months unless America sends them clothing. Men, women and children, many of them geniuses of the opera, stage and screen, in Russia, are wrapping themselves in rags or thin flour sacking, their only protection against the fearful Russian winter. The present depression has closed most of the theatres, thus throwing the artists out of work. Those who .still have work receive such small salaries that eking out a bare existence is an ordeal. An overcoat costs a year's wages in Russia today. American motion picture artists have universally shown great generosity in responding to a» call for aid from any worthy charity. Screen land is giving its readers an opportunity to show an appreciation of this generosity, by helping the professional actors of Russia in their time of great need. Assistance from professional screen folk will be appreciated also. The American Relief Administration has prepared a large number of "remittance bundles." These bundles contain enough woolen cloth, in dark colors, to make two children's outer garments ; or a suit of clothes for an adult; four yards of lining; 16 yards of muslin ; eight yards of flannelette ; and buttons and thread to make up this material into clothing. Twenty dollars will purchase one of these bundles, to be delivered to any individual designated, to any member of one of the artistic professions, or to any undesignated Russian. The money may be sent directly to the New York headquarters of the American Relief Association, 42 Broadway, New York City, or it may be sent in care of Screen land, to be forwarded to the association headquarters. The names of all those generous persons who donate one or more "remittance boxes," to save the lives of members of the most generous profession in the world, will be published in Screenland's Roll of Honor each month. German Formula Permanently Removing Hair FREE TRIAL of this wonderful discovery The LOltRAINE-Al'DIGlEIt PERMAENT HAIR REMOVER is guaranteed— every 30-day outfit contains a money-back guarantee. Not a depilatory or electrolysis, absolutely harmless. Write for particulars. LORRAINEAUDIGIER MANUFACTURING COMPANY 524 South Spring Street Los Angeles, California -United States Distributors (Foreign Depots: 27 Charterhouse Square, London; 5 Rue dc la Pais, Paris; J. Prochownib, Berlin.) LORRAINE AUDIGIER SYSTEM — French Method of Beauty Culture taught by mail. Write for free Scholarship plan. Own a "Lorraine-Audigier Shopne" of year own. Oar large late of foreign toilet articles are sold through the Lorraine-Andigier Shonnes, authorized agents and by mail. A beautiful portrait of your favorite star. A real artistic photograph One 8x1* for fifty cents by MELBOURNE SPURR PHOTOGRAPHER 6040 Hollywood Blvd. Hollywood, CaL $ $ for Photoplay Ideas Plots accepted any form; revised, criticized, opyrighted, marketed. Advice free. Universal Scenario Corporation, 931 Western Mutual Life BIdg., Los Angeles, California. Publishers Scenario Bulletin-Digest SEND FOR FREE SAMPLE COPY Hoover Art Studios 6321 Hollywood Blvd. Los Angeles, California Professional Pltotography a Specialty PINCHED! When you're shopping in Los Angeles you need not fear a five-dollar fine if yon park in the AUTO PARK 811 Sout h Olive St. LOS ANGELES CALIF. GET A CLOSE UP VIEW Of yourself through Human Analysis, vital Success Pointers and self-revealing chart for 10c. Give Birthday. Thomson-Hcy wood. Dept. X, Chronicle Building. San Francisco, Calif.