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Prices Reduced
25 5x7 photos, $5.00
Three positions to choose from
25 8x 10 photos, $10.00
Four positions to choose from
100 8 x 10 photos, $28.50
Five positions finished
542 South Spring
"Over the Bookstore" 821-714
Open Snndays, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m.
The Wealth of the Indonesia
(Java. Sumatra, Bafi, Celebes, Ftores, Borneo)
Javanese Batiks.B trasses,
Brocades, Leather Work, Horn,Tortoise
7020 Hollyw'd
Blvd., Hollywood
Protratture Artists
SyhesEdwards Studio
7th at Grand Ave.
Las Angeles, CaL
Associate Teachers of Classical. Ballet Character and Step DANCING
423-4 Slusie Arts Buildingr. 233 S. Broadway Los Angeles, CaL
Twenty-one 8 x 10, Black and White. Three positions, finished.
STEPHENS STUDIO 735 South Hill St., Los Angeles. Cat.
^fcjcAing up
Star Dust
Hollywood, Dec. L
Dear Mary:
Well, here I am in Hollywood, as you can see by the address. I can hardly realize I am in the most famous city in the world I thought I was doing something original when I bought a nine-months round-trip ticket to California, but it seems to me, Mary, that everyone in the world had the same bright idea. For tourists arc so thick here that yon can't see the real Cafi forn tans. And yon know, Mary, that the people I came oat here to see are the stars.
My, how I did look for motion-picture celebrities when I first came out here! I thought I'd see Wallic Reid. Gloria Swanson and Mary Pickford the first day or the second at the least, and that the lesser lights would be so thick on the streets that I would have to elbow them out of my way.
But it's not that way 'at all, Mary. I was here a week before I saw even an extra, and 1 don't suppose I would ever have seen a real star if I had not been lucky enough to get an invitation from Cousin Frank to go to lunch with him. He knew what I wanted, and he took me to that attaint, blue-fronted cafe in the heart of Hollywood — the Armstrong Cark'ton. My eyes nearly dropped out of my head from staring so hard, for Frank knows a lot of the stars bv sight and could point them out to me. The place was full, and about two-thirds of the guests were picture people. Why, Mary, we had to stand for a few minutes before we got a table, and who do you suppose stood at mv elbow and waited for a table, too? Charlie Chaplin ! Honest ! Frank had to hold on to me to keep mc from peppering him with questions and compliments, but to tell yon the truth. I would not have recognized him if Frank had not whispered the good news.
Gloria Swanson in make-up had run in from Laskv's and was sitting at a table with June Mathis, who wrote "The Four Horsemen" for the screen and who is eoing to do "Ben Hnr." Mary Miles Minter was there with her mother, Mrs. Shelbv, and her sister, Margaret Shelby, and Viola Dana in make-up was laughing at something Bnll Montana in a dress-suit and needing a shave was saying !
So, Mary, when you come out to Hollywood, yon must make the Armstrong-Carleton a daily habit, for I can tell vou from experience that every person in the movies cats there at least once a week
I must dash away to dinner there now. Tack Holt is having lunch there today, and I wouldn't miss looking on for the world.
J^^jjWH aV
is an everyday slogan among the screen stars who find this splendid cafe a restful and pleasant rendezvous during the luncheon and dinner hours. If you would sec the screen celebrities in person, when in Hollywood don't fail to dine where the stars gather daily.
Armstrong Carletons Cafe
6600 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood
Artistic Photographs
Special Rates to the Profession 6039 Hollywood Blvd. Holly 2560
Why not give the glands of your hair a chance to regain their youth ?
Used and endorsed by the movie stars
It penetrates through the roots of the hair to the sebaceous glands; stimulating cir . culation and promoting growth.
By mail $1.00 and $2.00 a bottle
T. W. Kellett Expert Scalp Treatments M. M. V. Smith Manicuring, Facials
Particularly for particular men. Phone Pico 1S6S 621 West Eighth St., Los Angeles, CaL