Screenland (Sept 1922–Feb 1923)

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f^P HOLLVWOOD CALIFORNIA Free Trial Bottle— Postage Prepaid Gray Haited People —learn my story! I can't tell tt In this small advertisement, so I ask you to send for the special patented Free Trial package which contains a trial bottle of . my Restorer and full explanation and directions for making convincing test on one lock of hair. When yon learn how I perfected ray Restorer to bring back th° "-iginal .color to my own gray hair, what perfa ,-esul ts it assures, now easy is application, yod will realize what my offer means to all gray haired people. My Hair Color Restorer is a clear, colorless liquid, clean as water. No sediment to make your hair sticky and stringy, nothing to wash or rub off. Restored color perfectly natural in all lights, no danger of streaking or discoloration. Results just as satisfactory when used on faded, bleached or streakis h, discolored dyed hair. Mail coupon today for Free Trial package and learn my wonderful story and what it means to you. If possible, enclose a lock of your hair in letter. p ""Please print your name and address J I MART T. GOLDMAN ' | 11 B Goldman Bldg., St. Paul. Minn. ^^B^| | Please send your patented Free Trial Outfit. X snows < . color of hair. Black dark brown medium ' 1 brown auburn (dark red}. light brown f I light auburn (light red; blonde I Nam* I Street.. . City. Your Choice $onoo MUSICAL 4m %tW ZSZ INSTRUMENTS FREE We have a wonderful new system of teaching note music by mail and to the first pupils in each locality we will give free a (20.00 superb Violin, Tenor Banjo, Ukulele Hawaiian Guitar, Banjo, Guitar, Banjo-Ukulele. Mandolin, Banjo-Mandolin or Cornet absolutely free. A very small charge for lessons your only expense. Pay nothing if you do not learn to play. We also teach Piano and Organ. Complete outfit free. Write at once, no obligation. SLINGERLAND SCHOOL OF MUSIC 1815 Orchard St., Dept. 169, Chicago. 111. Secrets of Beauty Parlors Revealed Are you seeking a safe way to remove superfluous hair and destroy the roots? Then send for a bottle FRANCO, the marvelous French hair destroyer. FRANCO removes hair from face, neck, underarms, etc., in 3 minutes. Guaranteed harmless. Franco hnir destroyer not only removes hair, but destroys the roots and stops its future growth. $8.00 per bottle, small size $1.00 postpaid. It's different from others. Send for a bottle today and natch the hair disappear. SEND MONEY, CHECK OR MONEY ORDER. FRENCH AMERICAN PHARMACAL CO. 1035 Tiffany St.. Dept. S, New York City TOBACCO HABIT BANISHED La sting Results Tobacco Redeemer is pleasant to take. Absolutely scientific; thoroughly reliable. We positively guarantee you will have no craving for tobacco after using Tobacco Redeemer. Money back if not satisfied. Write for free booklet and proof. Newell Pharmacol Co. Dept. 972 St. Louis, Mo. The INFANT Industry Learns to TALK (Continued from Page 62) Fairbanks could not "see" the talking movie. "I do not want people to see me as I am," he asserted. "I want them to see me as I portray the character . . . the quality beyond reality is far more intriguing. Why shatter the illusion with 'canned' words? Would you put lip rouge on the Venus de Milo?" Thomas h. ince, producer, was "willing to be shown." "But would it not be grotesque a number of people speaking on the screen, and the voice always coming from the same spot? Opera, however, might be popularized by the talking motion picture. Our attitude toward the reproduction of the singing voice is not so critical." Agnes Ayres, Paramount star, is an enthusiastic advocate . of combining the voice with motion-picture interpretaion. "Talking films would infinitely broaden the scope of dramatic interpretation. Our development is all a matter of training, and lessons in voice culture would not be so great an added task." Marshall Neilan, producer and director, is as certain that talking movies will one day supplant the silent drama as the fact that the phonograph has supplanted the music-box. On the other hand, Frederick Palmer, head of a school of screen writing, believes the most subtle beauty of the motion picture is summed iip in the one word . . . silence. J. HARTLEY MANNERS and Laurette Taylor insist that half the enjoyment of the picture they are making, Peg o' My Heart, will be lost in the absence of the delightful Irish brogue. Guy Bates Post and Theodore Roberts, who have both won fame on the legitimate stage before entering pictures, doubt the possibility of successfully mixing the two arts. T ALKING movies didn't make much of a hit with June Mathis, probably the most famous scenarist in pictures today, since her success at adapting The Four Horsemen and Blood and Sand. WRITE THE WORDS FOR A QONf* We comP°se music Our Chief of **■ *JV/»T\* staff wrote many big song-hits. Submit your song-poem to us at once. New York Melody Corp., *38B Fitzgerald Bldg., New York. "... the music mounted to their brains . . . she quivered in his embrace ROMANCE/ LOVE! THRILLS! In Elinor Glyn's intense love story "Beyond the Rocks." Beautiful photographs of Gloria Swanson and Rodolph Valentino from the Paramount photoplay of the same name illustrate this fascinating novel. You may obtain this famous work FREE with a year's subscription to SCREENLAND. Pin your check for $2.50 to the coupon TODAY and receive both by return mail. COUPON Circulation Manager "Screenland," Hollywood, Calif. Please send me FREE Elinor Glyn's "Beyond the Rocks" with a year's subscription to SCREENLAND, for which I enclose $2.50. Name Address WORK AT HOME Make from 2 to 5 dollars a day painting Parchment Shades without leaving the privacy of your own home. Easy to I learn — we teach you to do our work and positively guarantee to supply you with interesting spare time employment. Wrrite immediately for information to UNITED SHADE COMPANY, Dept.O Stnreeon Ride., Toronto, Canada MUSIC LESSONS FREE 'on can read music like this quickly IN YOUR HOME. Write today for our FREE booklet. It tells how to learn to play Piano, Organ, Violin, Mandolin, Guitar, Banjo, etc. Beginners or advanced players. Your only expense about 2c per day for music and postage used. AMERICAN SCHOOL of MUSIC. 68 Lakeside Bide., Chicago. RE-MANUFACTURED Underwoods. Monarch*, Remingtons, L. C. Smith*. Olivers, Royals, Corona* AT REDUCED PRICES Prices as low as Write for our Catalog No. J RERAN TYPEWRITER CO. . ji am w. »nimm «t, $15M PHOTOPLAYS. STORIES, ETC., SOLD ON COMMISSION. Submit manuscripts (accompanied by stamped return envelope) or write for Terms and Free Market Report, ABBOTT-STANLEY COMPANY 5559 Hollywood Boulevard, Hollywood, Cal. (Authors' Representatives — NOT A SCHOOL) WE MAKE NO PROMISES Excepting We will read your scenario or plot and give you an honest opinion and criticism. Our charges are one dollar for two reels or less and two dollars for a five-reel scenario. KINEMA SCENARIO DEPT. 331 Byrne Bids;. Los Angeles, Cal. "Not a school."