Screenland (Sept 1922–Feb 1923)

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' HOU.VWOOO C»\ >»omi*. Ko) Rate 10 cents a word CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Last forms April Issue close January 31 AGENTS WANTED HOW TO ENTERTAIN BIG MONEY and fast sale?. Every owner huvs gold initials for his auto. You charge $1 r>0: make $1.35. Ten orders daily easy. Write for particulars and free samples. American Monogram Co., Dept. 172, East Orange, N. J. LARGE SHIRT MANUFACTURER wants Yeents to sell complete line of shirts direct io wearer. Exclusive patterns. Bis: values. Free samples. MADISON MILLS, 503 Broadway, New York. MAKE $15-S:0 WEEKLY WRITING SHOW C VRDS Earn while learning at home. No canvassing. Expeieme unnecessary Wo. train von. Write TOD VY tor valnnhle FRLE Pmr»s;tx.n. 19>2. SHO-illTE SIGN SYSTEM, Detroit. Mich. DEFLEXOGR A PH fts any phono~rauh. Stops «xrrtch and surface noises. Softem tone. Immense nrolt Yantone Co., D pt. S9 Box 1214, CUV Hall Station, New Ttork. ART COLLECTORS — See our deliriously allur"•r>g and captivating models. Ten photographs. $1.00. 25 some and catalog, 32 miniatures. $2.00. Graphic Import Co., Box G67, f Cleveland, Ohio. ART PHOTOS, strid es beauty of the nature, post cards and lamer sizes. (Treat collection' •>l< ndkl .•omoles for $1.00. S3.00, S5.00. RcKtions d'Art. M. Eugene Ravelean, T6 Rue Pasteur, Neuilly-Plaisance (S and O), France. COLLECTIONS COT LECnONS — Merriam, 507 Fifth Avenue, New York City. CRYSTAL GAZING PLAYS, musical comedies and revues, minstrel music, blackface skits, vaudeville acts, monologs, dialogs, recitations, entertainments, musical readings, stage handbooks, make-up goods. Big catalog free. T. S. Donison & Co., 623 S. Wabash, Dept. 82, Chicago. MAIL ORDER METHODS $50 WEEK evenings. I made it. mail order business. Booklet for stamp te'ls how. Sample and plan 25c. Free. 12 articles wortli $3. Alsein Scott. Cohoes, N. Y. OFFICE SUPPLIES BUSINESS Men: Ask for prices on Desks and Office Supplies. Mc Failing, Terre Haute, Indiana. OLD COINS OLD coins, large Fall selling catalogue of. coins for sale free.' Catalogue Quoting prices paid for coins, ten cents. William Hesslein. 101J Tremont Street. Boston, Massachusetts. PATENTS PATENTS — Send for free book. Contains valuable information for inventors. Send sketch of your invention for FREE OPINION of its patentable nature. Prompt service. (Twenty years experience.) Talbert & Talbert, 461 Talbert Bldg., Washington, D. C. PERSONAL EXCHANGE jolly letters with new friends. Lots fun! Enclose stamp. Hva Moore, Box 908, Jacksonville, Florida. EXCHANGE letters with new friends everywhere. Pleasant pastime, either sex. Particulars for stamp. SMITH, Box 3125P, Portland, Ore. YOUR Future — as foretold by the stars. Send 25c. birthdate. and year for three-page reading concerning health, succes3, marriage. BERNARD, Box 909, San Francisco, CaL PHOTOPLAYS, Scenarios in demand for producers. Send manuscripts immediately. (Sold on commission.) Beginners write for instructions. Hollywood Co., Station C 1333. Los Angeles. SHORT stories and photoplays criticized. Advice given regarding revision and sale. Special attention to beginners. Particulars on request. Earle I. Strickland. 609 Locw's Warfield Bldg., San Francisco, Cal. SONG WRITERS SONG WRITERS— If you have song poems or melodies write me immediately. I have absolutely the best proposition to offer you. Ray Hibbeler, D167, 4040 Dickens Ave., Chicago. WRITE the Words for a Song. We compose music. Our Chief of Staff wrote many big Song-Hits. Submit your song-poem to us at once. New York Melody Corp., 438 Fitzgerald Bldg., New York. WRITE A SONG: Any subject, you can do it. Send words today — I will compose the music. Frank Radner, C048 Prairie Ave., Dept 648, Chicago. STAMPING NAMES MAKE $19 per 100, stamping names on key checks. Send 25c for sample and instructions. X Keytag Co., Cohoes, N. Y. WATCHES WATCHES are our exclusive spacialty. Illustrated factory price list mailed free. We also do special repair work. Send us your old watch for an estimate. UNEEDA WATCH CO., Dept. 21, 217 Eighth Ave., New York. WRITERS CRYSTAL GAZING Book. 75c. Also Crystals. Crystal Gazing Company, 220 Station "B", Kansas City, Missouri. HELP WANTED BE A DETECTIVE. Excellent opportunity good pay, travel. Write C. T. Ludwig, 650 Wrstover Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. MEN WANTED for detective work. Experience unnecessary. Write for details explaining guaranteed position. J. Ganor, former Gov't Detective, DK. St. Louis. Mo. MEN— Women— Girls over 17. Get U. S. Government Positions. $100 to $195 month. Steady. Short hours. Common education sufficient. List positions fre°. Write immediatelv — today. Franklin Institute, Dept. L148, Rochester, N. Y. FILM STARS needed immediately to supply insistent demand. We get your photograph and abilities before directors who are in urgent need ofnew screen faces. Players Picture Pictorial, 2301 Adams Ave., San Diego, Calif. 5 SCREENLANDS for $1.00! Pin your name and address to this ad with a dollar bill and receive the next 5 issues of SCREENLAND, sent to your home. SCREENLAND, Hollywood, Cal. WILL you exchange letters and make new fr'eids? You'll have lots of fun! BETTY LEE. INC.. 4234 Broadway, New York City. Stamp appreciated. PHOTOPLAYS PHOTOPLAYS WANTED FOR CALIFORNIA PRODUCERS: also Stories for publication. (Manuscripts sold on commission.) Submit manuscripts, or if a beginner, write for Free Plot Chart and Details. Harvard Company. 312 San Francisco. FREE to writers — a wonderful little book of money-making hints, suggestions, ideas; the A B C of successful Story and Photoplay writing. Absolutely Fre?. Just address Authors' Press, Dept. 156, Auburn, N. Y. PHOTOPLAYS and short stories wanted. Free manuserint reading, listing, plot coaching and mprket information. Let us tell vcu about it. Author's Seivicc Association, Boston 34. Mass. Box 82. BIG money in writing photoplays, stories, poems, songs. Send today for FREE copy America's leading writer's magazine, full of helpful advice on writing and selling. WRITER'S DIGEST, 638 Butler Building, Cincinnati. MISCELLANEOUS WOMEN — Are ycu interested in your health. Circular free. National Specialties, 32 S. Union Sq., N. Y. C. MEN. learn the new method of shaving, saves time, no brush or soap. Results guaranteed. 50 cents. J. Gaub, Pittsburg, Aspinwall. Pa. PERSONAL or Professional Stationery — 200 Note Sheets and 100 envelopes $1.00, with four lines of printing. Name cards, 75c per 100. Howlett's, Paris, Illinois. LUMINOUS PAINT, key holes, push buttons. Find them in the dark. Formula 25c. J. Lipinski, 39 Highland St., Pawtucket, R. I. 8l