Screenland (Sept 1922–Feb 1923)

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What Are Your Facial Habits ? Raising the brows, contracting them, is a facial habit that causes wrinkles, while laughing or squinting draws the skin about the eyes and results in "crow's feet." Smiling or holding the lips tense forms wrinkles about the mouth. These lines develop into ugly furrows. Chin wrinkles must also be guarded against. They are common and easily formed. Wrinkles of the neck, formed by the normal habit of turning the head, have lo-ng been considered indications of approaching age. It is possible to remove wrinkles! Every Woman Can Now Prevent the Formation of Wrinkles, and at the Same Time Improve the Texture of Her Skin. SCIENCE has just discovered a marvelous new treatment that absolutely removes wrinkles — removes them by removing the cause! After years of failure by so-called beauty specialists, EGO Wrinkle Remover comes as the perfect formula that rids the skin of wrinkles forever. Do You Know What Wrinkles Are? When you laugh or cry or express any emotion, your facial muscles draw the skin into folds. As the underskin becomes dry, these lines become fixed, just as an iron presses the folds into cloth. A New Method that Removes the Cause This scientific discovery performs three simple steps necessary to preventing or removing wrinkles: 1 — It treats the "true skin" by softening it and feeding and nourishing the tissues. Thus the "true skin" gains in life and elasticity. 2 — It holds the skin taut. It neither stretches nor shrinks the skin. It merely holds it in its natural, wrinkle-free position. 3 — During this tension, the underskin sets in place and when the process is finished, what a marvelous result — youth! Ego Wrinkle Remover This marvelous discovery not only removes wrinkles, but molds the skin into a firm, smooth surface. Its properties bleach the skin, clear it of surface blemishes, and leave it with that soft, fresh, May-morning feeling. EGO Wrinkle Remover sells for $5.00. Because of its costly ingredients, it is not possible to sell it for less. If freeing yourself of wrinkles or preventing their formation is worth while at all, then the value of EGO Wrinkle Romover will be measured by what it does. cm Q/ie Gxclusioe (J^eauhj ^Jreatments Wrinkle Kemover, $5.00. Depilatory, 51.00 and $2.00. Bust Beautifler, $5.00. D«odorant, $.50. Perspiration Eegulator, $1.00. Skin and Pore Cleanser, $3.00. Freckle Cream, $5.00. Get Ego Wrinkle Remover At Once If, by chance, the toilet counter of your favorite department store cannot supply you, send money order for $5.00, or cash, by registered mail, and a tube in a plain wrapper, with full instructions, will be sent you. You take no risk! Your money will be refunded if you want it. Grace M. Anderson c/oVI VAUDOU 'paris -jVcu) Iforlu Dip a handkerchief into water. As the fibres are softened the creases vanish just as wrinkles disappear under the softening treatment of Ego Wrinkle Remover. Spread the handkerchief against a window pane to dry. What the pane of glass does to the handkerchief Ego Wrinkle Remover does to the skin by holding it taut until the "true skin" sets in place.