Screenland (Sept 1922–Feb 1923)

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DOLLAR „ \put\6urself tit Her Place T\ /TOSTwomen find a lot of fun in window shopping and looking ^ beautiful styles VI in catalogs and magazines. But for most of us such fun usually ends m heart Ml aches anf even bitterness, because it all seems so far beyond our reach. No matter who you are or where you All Wool Poiret Twill Dress I show directly below an exquisite little fashion that I'd like to Bend you for just a dollar deposit, postage prepaid. The fabric is guaranteed to bo all wool Poiret Twill exceptionally tailored. It is effectively set off with an all around Bertha collar of dainty lace. Elbow length bell sleeves have attractive knife pleated cuffs. A distinctive all around narrow self material belt falling in streamers in front, is ornamented with fancy cut steel buttons. Side panels, pleated to match cuffs drop loosely from the belt at sides to below the hem 'of skirt. Yoke underlining of good grade satin finish cotton that wears excellently. Dress cloBes at sides with snap fasteners. Color: Navy blue only. Sizes : 34 to 44 bust measure. No. E5C10 &8S£oS£Spon Price$13.85 live; no matter what your circumstances may be or how little or how much you spend on clothes. I think I can make it all a little pleasanter, easier and more satisfactory m the luture. Whatever dreams of stylish clothes you mav have, here is an opportunity to make your dream come true. However much you have ever admired some woman of your acquaintance for the clothes she wears, here is an opportunity for you without trouble or bother or extra expense to put yourself in her place. It seems more like a fairy tale than anything else you can imagine. It may seem almost too good to be true, but I have been doing this for years. Hundreds of thousands of women all over America return to me season after season for all their clothes needs. I never go back on a promise. I guarantee every statement I make. One Example Among Thousands On this page I show you a perfectly lovely little model in one of the season's newest fashions, exquisitely tailored in all wool Poiret Twill. It is a gem of a style. And as you examine it on the fashion figure son may wonder how you would look in her place. 1 a love to actually put you in her place without promise or obligation, without expense or risk of any sort to you. It would give me no end of pleasure to send you this charming dress to try on, to examine and compare just as much as you please. My bargains are my pride I am especially proud of this value The matter of style has always been second nature to me, ana 1 am glad to submitthis model as anexample of the thousands shown in my latestand most beautifulstylebook. Pin a Dollar to the Coupon For just one dollar with your request, I'll send you this dress, postage prepaid, in your proper size, to examine as ' carefully as you please, to try on to your heart's content, s The dollar that you send me ■ brings the dress delivered to your home without one further penny's outlay, . without the bother of any C. O. D., without even a thought of money until jBlSiyou decide you want it and to keep it. Take All Spring And Summer to Pay If you find you would rather return it, do so without question. I'll refund your dollar .at once I Ml also pay the return express. Money is the last thing you really need to worry about, because if you are delighted, you can pay balance of my bargain price almost ai you please. I want you to.spread the cost over all this Spring and Summer, taking a full six months, paying little by little in Bmall sums, evenly divided, coming a month apart. My whole business is conducted in exactly the same manner as this one example. A Post Card Brings My Free Style Book This advertisement is intended simply as an example of my styles, my prices, my credit and I my terms My newest Style Book shows thousands of beautiful fashions, wonderfully complete departments in all lines of women's wear, as well as for the boys.little girls, misses and infants. It is by far the finest and biggest book I have ever issued. It is nearly double the size of former seasons. All Selections Sent Prepaid on Approval With it, for a dollar or two you can make every dress dream come true". Everything will be sent // you postage prepaid on approval. There will never be any embarrassment or red tape. 1 always allow a full half year to pay. This being my greatest book, I anticipate a much larger demand — „ — ; than ever before, so please a3k />.. ... for your copy early. A plain ,; letter or a postcard is enough. / Here Are a Few Departments: Aprons Corsets Millinery Suits Baby Needs Dresses Raincoats Sweaters Petticoats Underwear , Shoes Waists Skirts Bathrobes Bloomers Children's and Boys* Wear Wraps Coats Furs Gloves Hair Goods Hosiery Kimonas Lingerie 6/%,^ /A aQ?%//* i'H, 1 r i ; ICTI ^ ' : : 1 • lilt; Martha Lane Adams Co. 392<S Mosprat Street, CHICAGO, ILL. I enclose $1. Send . me on approval postage prepaid All Wool .Poiret Twill Dress No. E5C10. Size If I am not delighted with the dress, I can return it and get my $1 back. Otherwise I will pay .easy terms, $2.00 monthly until total price, $13.35, is paid. Name ■ Address..., • City State................ Also Send Me Your Latest Free Style Boob Send your letter to Advertising Manager, Screenland Magazine, Hollywood. Calif.