Screenland (Sept 1922–Feb 1923)

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IJou an^utfior? Why not ? LAURA ROUNTREE SMITH Author ofChldms Bookf on4 Contributor to Magazines "Any ambitious student will be helped by Dr. Esenwein's course in short-story writing It will do what it claims— actually teach how to write the shorlstory. The letters from Dr. Esenwein are alone worth the price ol the course." WHY DON'T YOU, too, put your imagination to work just as these successful writers -have done? You can cultivate your gifts; master the art of self-expression; make* your originality pay you a handsome income; have the freedom, the independence that is possessed only by creative workers. Short-Story Training will develop your literary gifts. It will teach you how to write, what to write and where "to sell. You can acquire this training in your spare time from our staff of literary experts headed by Dr. J. Berg Esenwein, famous critic and teacher, editor of The Writer's Monthly. Dr. Esenwein offers you constructive criticism; frank, honest, helpful advice: real teaching. One pupil has earned over $5,000 writing in his spare time— hundreds are selling constantly to the leading publishers. In addition to the courses in Short-Story Writing (taught by Dr. Esenwein), courses are offered in Versification, Journalism, Play Writing and Photoplay Writing. Universities recognize the unique position of this School, for over 100 members of their English faculties are studying in our literary department. Editors are constantly recommending our courses to their contributors. Send at once the coupon below for 150 page illustrated catalog of the School (free). Please address: the Home Correspondence School Dept. 29 Established 1897 Springfield, Mass. We publish The Writer's Library. 13 volumes, descriptive booklet free. Also The Writer's Monthly, the leading magazine for literary workers; sample copy 15 cents, S3-00 per year. (On sale at all high grade news stands.) IRVING T. McDONALD Theatrical Manager. Photoplay H'nte* and Novelist "The supremacy of Dr. Esenwein in his field is unquestioned He combines a thorough know, ledge of forms and effects with the means of their accomplishment, and all this is backed bv the authontv ot his practical experience." CORINNE HARRIS MARKEY Wrjttr of Short-Slona "I am glad to recommend Dr Esenwein's course in story writing I teel that I have been immeasurably helped by studying under Dr Esenwein, and I've had such a good time'" J. E. BULLA RD Successful Fiet-Lance Witter "My net income from writ ing, since I began to study the short-story under Dr Esenwein, has been many times greater than it had been all the years I had been writing previously Dr Esenwein's course will be of untold aid to every writer It fits one to meet the demands of the modern edit or." ROBERT E. RAMSAY YETTA KAY STODDARD Pott and Children's Wrtttt "It has often been my pleasure to recommend Dr Esenwein's course in Short-Story Writing to beginners who, like mvsell. are seeking to learn how to write compelling fiction. The benefits of the course to me have been many and far-reaching Dr Esenwein has struck at the root of my difficul ties. Because of tins I have been saved many years of literary groping and embarrassment." JLDITH SOL1S-COHEN Critic and Writer "An expert and sympathetic guide is Dr Esenwein His Writing the Short -Storv' is my most helpful book." Newcomb & Co Neu) Yorlt The importance of the study of the short-siory, by advertisers and advertising men, has not been sufficiently appreciated I have very largely benefitted by Dr Esenwein's course, both in this way and in the aciual writing of stones." EARL G. CURTIS Short-Story Writer and Novelist 'I want to say thai Dr Esenwein's ^hort-storv course will save years of unguided effort for the beginner who possesses the unflagging de-, terminal ion requisite to success-. Not the least important, the pupil learns what not to write." EUGENE CUNNINGHAMAuthor o] SU,rl. Stones and havel> "The school makes good its promises. Dt Esenwein's " rse is excellent and easmastered He is the nest, most helplul litercm ic 1 have louml " HELEN SHERMAN GRIFFITH Novelist. Plawrighl and Story Wrtttt "It was like having a dream come true when Dr Esenwein became head ol the story-wnting course in The Home Correspondence School, and broughl its help to me '* ALMA BOICE HOLLAND Writer "The favorable results which have attended mv writing from the beginning. I gratefully attnbutt to the teachings ol Dr J. Berg Esenwein." c The Home Correspondence School Dept. 2 • Springfield, Mass. Gentlemen — ;,nt .send me, without oWiRnrion on nv part, vour catalog describing Dr Esen* Short-Story Course and other impori/>ni DR. | BERG ESENWEIN Editor of Tht Wr,tc,\ Monthly Famous crmc unci teacher who heads the litenirv stall of The Home Correspondence School. For many >ears Edilor ol Lippincoifs Magazine Name . Address Ciry STUDIOS and ADDRESSES Astra Studios Glendale, Calif. Balboa Studio East Long Beach, Calif. Belasco Studios, 833 Market St., San Francisco Chester Bennet Prod Brunton Studio, Hollywood Blue Ribbon Comedies 1438 Gower St., Hollywood Brunton Studio, 5300 Melrose Ave., Hollywood Berwilla Studios 5821 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood Century Film Corp : 6100 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood C. L. Chester Productions 1438 Gower St., Hollywood Christie Comedies 6101 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood Irving Cummings Prod 1729 Highland Ave. Doubleday Productions Sunset and Bronson Ave., Hollywood Earle Ferdinand Productions Hollywood Studios, Hollywood Wm. Fox West Coast Studio 1417 N. Western Ave., Hollywood Fine Arts Studios 4500 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood J. L. Frothingham Prod Brunton Studio Garsoh Studios 1845 Glendale Blvd., Glendale Goldwyn Studio Culver City Great Western Producing Co 6100 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood Thos. H. Ince Productions Culver City Lasky Studios ..1520 Vine St. Lois B. Mayer Studios 3800 Mission Road, Los Angeles Metro Studio ....Romaine and Cahuenga Ave., Hollywood Morosco Productions 3800 Mission Road Bud Osborne Productions 6514 Romaine St. Pacific Studios Corp San Mateo, Calif. Pacific Film Co Culver City Mary Pickford Co Brunton Studios, Hollywood R-D Film Corp Balboa Studios, Long Beach Realart Studio, 201 N. Occidental, Los Angeles Robertson-Cole Productions Melrose and Gower, Hollywood Will Rogers Productions Hollywood Studios, 6642 S. M. Blvd. Russel-Griever-Russell 6070 Sunset Blvd. Hal E. Roach Studio Culver City Morrie R. Schlank Productions 6050 Sunset Chas. R. Seeling Productions 1240 S. Olive, Los Angeles Selig-Rork 3800 Mission Road, Los Angeles Universal Studio Universal City, Calif. King Vidor Prod Ince Studios, Culver City Vitagraph Studio, 1708 Talmadge, Los Angeles Cyrus J. Williams Co 5544 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood Cyrus J. Williams Co 4811 Fountain Ave., Hollywood Wilnat Films, Inc -. 1329 Gordon St., Los Angeles Ben Wilson Productions Berwilla Studios EASTERN STUDIOS Biograph Studios 807 E. 175th St., N. Y. C. Plackton Studios Brooklyn, N. Y. Estee Studios 124 W. 125th St., N. Y. C. Fox Studios West 55th St., N. Y. C. D. W. Griffith Studios Mamaroneck, N. Y. International Film 2478 2d Ave., N. Y. C. Harry Levy Prod 230 W. 38th St., N. Y. C. Lincoln Studio Grantwood, N. J. Mirror Studios Glendale, Long Island, N. Y. Pathe 1900 Park Ave., N. Y. C. Selznick Studios Fort Lee, N. J. Talmadge Studios, 318 East 48th St., N. Y. C. Vitagraph Studios.. E. 15th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. $10 for the best answer to "Which Advertisement in This Issue of Screenland Appeals to You Most— and Why?"