Screenland (Sept 1922–Feb 1923)

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DECORATIVE ARTS LEAGUE 175 FIFTH AVENUE New York "Aurora — the perfect lamp The League's first public offering DESIGNED for the League, in collaboration, by three talented artists, unfettered by "commercial" efforts to produce a "popular seller"— aiming only to produce a perfect lamp, in perfect design — and unrestricted as to cost. If you searched the Fifth Avenue shops, the jewelers and galleries, you might find a lamp as beautiful, and as pure in design as this— at $15 or $20 (not a' high price for an artist's design when only a few copies are sold to share the high fee for designing). But because the League can reach at once its members in all parts of the United States, and can receive many orders for replicas of this or design quickly— the designing fee 4»9fi Per lamp is compara <t»( tively small and the V entire cost of the lamp, to members, is only That is but one of the many advantages of being a member. rTTHE offer is an excellent example of J the principle on which the League works; of the success of its plan {which Art experts thought impossible) ; and of the lozv prices and high values made possible by united, and prompt, action among its members. (See Coupon) $15 3 .50 beauty appeal AURORAeLamp "within the Text" few ^tTth^»K^^^^'^' ^ment * A Respective numbers among the readers of this magazine by means of an advertisement. A prompt reply is requested. TO EXTEND the membership of the League to a few suitable members in each community, we offer "Aurora" at the same price as earlier members paid. But orders at this price should reach us almost at once— before a definite limit is placed on the number that can be made this season. You can have a choice of two color-schemes— rich Statuary Bronze with brass bound Parchment shade of a Neutral Brown tone; or Ivory White with Golden Yellow Shade. The inside of the shade has old rose reflecting surface, casting a light which is comfortable to the eye and giving an indefinable touch of cheerfulness to everything within its rays. The light coming through it is "carved" or cut by Grecian lines in an effect equally charming whether viewed at a distance or near at hand. "Aurora" is equipped only for electricity; it has a push-button socket, six feet of insulated cord, and two-piece attachment plug. A cleverly BEFORE you can have any true conception of its subtle charm, its exquisite artistry, the purity of its design and its quality of harmonizing with its surroundings and never wearying the eye— "AURORA" must be seen and used in your own home. No illustrations or printed description can do it justice. That is why the League sends it on approval; (read the coupon). Pictures and words cannot tell it Aurora stands 16 inches high, with shade 10% inches in diameter. The base and cap are cast in solid Medallium and the shaft is of seamless brass. COUPON SCREENLAND DECORATIVE ARTS LEAGUE 175 Fifth Ave., New York City Mm, APPROVAI • I am a reader of SCREENLAND Please send me a' th^ League Members ArrKUVAL. soecial r,rice an exact replica of the "Aurora' Lamp, and 1 will pay tne postman $3.50, plus^the pSsta^ef when delivered. If not satisfactory I can return the lamp within five days of receipt and you are to refund my money m full. State finish desired (Ivory or Bronze) You may enter my name as a Corresponding Member of the Decorative Arts League it of really artistic new things for home decorations. (gL^ Signed Address City State designed holder on the shade permits its instant adjustment to any angle. A perfectly designed lamp, remember, is in reality three objects of beauty and artistic satisfaction; the first when it is viewed by daylight or other light than its own; the second and entirely different effect, when it is lighted and viewed near at hand; the third, when its artfully moulded mass of glowing light is seen at a distance. "Aurora's" exquisite grace-lines The artists designing it are dealing not only with material substances; they are carving and moulding Light itself. No other form of art offers the artist such possibilities of new triumphs or gives such a challenge to his genius, his patience, and his will to achieve perfection. From the top of its shade to its base, the "Aurora" Lamp forms a perfect picture of artistic unity and beauty. The "grace line" from its cap, down the gently swelling shaft, outward to the edge of its base and over to the tiny feet which lift it slightly above the table, with the glow of its own light underneath its own base — is a never-fading delight to any lover of beauty:— a ripple, a wave, a suggestion of upward buoyant movement, attained only by that genius which is "infinite pains." We let it speak for itself No illustration can reproduce it. So we send the "Aurora" Lamp itself. We make no attempt to "sell" it to you, in the ordinary sense. We simply let it speak for itself, in your own home. If it does not please you we do not want you to keep it. We take it back immediately. If you can decide and send at once you can have one of these beautiful lamps for $3.50. But we do not know how many replicas of the "Aurora" Lamp will be asked for; we do not know for how many there will be material available when wanted; we do not know how soon the price must be increased. We have to know quickly We must make the decision in the next few days. We ask only that you will help us in our plans, by sending your reply at once. Send your letter to Advertising Manager, Screenland Magazine. Hollywood. Calif.