Screenland (Sept 1922–Feb 1923)

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QHIPP Fasters in Babylon A Story of the Gay, Lovable, Reckless, Rakish, JVreckish Motion Picture Set in Romantic Hollywood By EMMY-LOU APPLEGATE Synopsis of Events You Have Escaped: I ESSIE TINTYPE the best biscuit-shooter that ever slapped a traveling-man back in Old Man Hawkins' Emporium Cafe, left Terre Haute flat, after reading about the Arhuckle casf and came to Hollywood. Word of her coming threw the film colony IE™ Ss^tea^s ess Seas Tessfe St her threat tighten . . . poor little butterfly, fluttering so close to the candle that must relentlessly inevitably singe its pretty wings. No W Go On With The Story If You Dare B' ARKNESS had fallen over Hollywood, even as it had done the preceding night and the night before that. The thing seemed to have become a habit, Tessie stood fingering her ermine wrap uncertainly, breathing in the heavy, tropical scent of the tamale-tree blooming outside her window. Should she go to this party that the Great Director was giving for her? Should she? Was it to be a nice party? Tessie had heard tales — as who has not? — of wild Hollywood orgies ; mad parties at which Winhum and Postoffice were shamelessly indulged in. But she could not offend the Great Director. Already he had done so much for her, in a friendly way. This apartment, this very ermine wrap, were kindly remembrances from this kind gentleman who took so fatherly an interest in the little girl from Terre Haute. The sounding of a, horn from without decided Tessie. Shrugging her white shoulders, the innocent girl threw the snowy wrap about her and rus hed out, L.U.E., into the scented, laughter-cruel night. In the lovely but unsophisticated gown lent her by Gloria Swanson, Tessie's young loveliness was pitilessly exposed With the relish of a child showing off, Tessie danced between the tables. The Great Director was watching her. And nis tace was expressionless as a mask. driveway that led at last to the Hollywood Y. M. C. A. Behind discreetly-shaded windows, close-locked figures moved to the swooning strains of the two-step. And in the long room the air was heavy with odors of white-rose perfume and the effluvia of warm, uncovered flesh. Flesh! Flesh! Flesh triumphant — e very w h ere white naked necks, soft hands and arms bared to the elbows. Tessie uttered a cry, swept with a shame that scorched her like a flame. "Oh, this cruel, wicked place! Why did we come?" The Great Director slipped a thin dime into the hand of a soft-footed servant, who, drawing his own conclusions and a heavy curtain, led them to a secluded table, half shaded from the dancers. In the lovely Well may you ask, gentle reader, but unsophisticated gown, lent her The Great Director's powerful by Gloria Swanson Tessie s young motor purred smoothly up the loveliness was pitilessly exposed long winding, eucalyptus-shaded With the (Continued on page 90.)