Screenland (Sept 1922–Feb 1923)

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f Motion Picture Section Fearless Independent News of the Theatres Edited by Herbert S. Marshutz Gossip of the Studios Vol. XX No. XX Matteawan, N. Y., Jan. 21, 1923. Price 5 Cents BEBE GUNN MAY NOW BE A BRIDE REPORTED MARRIED Petite Brunette Said to Have Eloped With Ex-Wealthy Ex-Senator Dole. By BARBARA BARBER Hollywood's film circles are agog, according to confidential wires to the SNOOZE, the alleged marriage of the popular Bebe Gunn to former Senator Orlando Dole, one of California's best known Octogenarians. Miss Gunn herself is a Presbyterian. Ex-Senator Gunn is a greatgrand uncle to Bebe Gunn, through the marriage of Senator Dole's sister, Fanny Dole, to Kamma Gunn, a nephew of Bebe. However, both families have overlooked this minor relationship and are reported considerably elated over the new union, which is considered by authorities to have possibilities of being more or less permanent. Denies Publicity Stunt. Miss Gunn has indignantly denied that her nuptials were a press-agent stunt. "That would make marriage a mockery," she declared. "On the contrary, I hold matrimony as one of the most interesting episodes in a married woman's life." After the customary federal investigation ' ' Miss ' ' Gunn having a husband reported alive in India and another whom she believes resides in Jacksonville, — (Florida or Mississippi), the new couple will make their home in the palatial Beverly Hills residence of King C. Autostrop, the razor king, whose mansion is reported for sale. SCREEN REVIEWS Caustic Comment on Current Photoplay Contributions by Unbiased Commentators. By THE CRITIC Posa Lott, the irrestible American Beauty was seen on the screen at Howman 's Imperial last night in the first performance of a week's run with what we have always felt was the impossible, added charm and pulchritude. Her vehicle, Broken Garters, offers innumerable opportunities for a display of histrionic ability, which, needless to say, the ever-lovable Posa takes advantage of in the part of Varya Vodka. Wallace Klieg, opposite her in a supporting role, that of Prince N'ataeha Kanzlipoff, makes the best of a thankless position. The story hinges about the intrigue in the home of a member of the Siberian Order of the Garter. Varya, stolen from the steppes in her mother's yard when but a child, is reared in the stuffy atmosphere of Kanzlipoff 's palace. She waxes into a beautiful girl and Kanzlipoff, falling in love with her purity and pulchritude, murders his first wife Olga. Varya is rescued at the opportune moment by — but then, that would be revealing the story. Ephraim Kush, Pres. of the Springfield Trust and Savings Bank (16 branches), Mrs. Minnie Kush, with the Winst'an-Postums and The Geo. Washington Crumms as their guests occupied a box at the premier performance last night. In the other box were Sid Howman, Mrs. Sid Howman, Mrs. D. Howman, A. Howman, I. Howman, in honor of Master Jonathan Howman's 14th birthday. Other interesting short reels completed the program, while Donizetti Fisherio rendered a selection on the Whirlitzer. A good time was enjoyed by all. —Adv. Watson's Nullified Cocoanut Shampoo is used by screen stars everywhere, especially on their heads.— Adv. SCREEN IDOL SPEAKS TO GOTHAM AUDIENCE NEW YORK, Jan. 20 — "Bull" Wyoming, Hollywood screen star, today spoke before 15,000 Italian residents of Greater New York. His subject, "The Facisti Movement Compared With the Hula Hula ' ' was well received. What The Reviewer Said Broken Garters is the best display of bad acting, bad staging and bad management that I have seen in years. The audience roared at the box-office to get its money back, but without success. Hill and Dale, In the "Daily Outrage" How The Management Quoted Him In Their Advertising. Broken Garters is the best display..! have seen in years ..the audience roared. .boxoffice success. Hill & Dale, Dailv Outrage. SCREEN ACTOR DISAPPEARS? CANNOT BE FOUND Detective Unable to Locate Windsor Castle, Noted Tragedian. By MARTHA McGABBLE. Hollywood Correspondent of the SNOOZE. HOLLYWOOD, Cal., Jan. 20 — Although detectives scoured the hills and canyons of Hollywood from end to end all yesterday and last night, no trace has been found of Windsor Castle, noted tragedian, whose mysterious disappearance twenty-four hours ago has baffled the police of Los Angeles, Hollywood and Culver City. A cryptic note left by Castle only adds mystery to the case. The note read: union suits, 2 — shirts, 4 — handkerchiefs, 5 — towels, 9. Mysterious Message. At 10 o'clock this morning a telephone call was received at Police Headquarters from a party representing himself as Windsor Castle. The speaker maintained that he was Castle and that he had not disappeared but was visiting his wife in Los Angeles. The police, however, are inclined to believe the message the work of a practical joker, as Castle has not been known to visit his wife since the second week of their marriage. Captain George Homey, chief of the Hollywood Police Division, and Joe Casey, head of the Fire Department, went into the manhunt with increased vigor today working on a clue offered by Fullah Blarney, Castle 's publicity agent. Castle made Blarney a promise some weeks ago that if he ever disappeared he would not return for at least a week. Captain Homey considers this a vital point. TELLS HOW FILM STAR WAS NAMED Busted Eaton, king of comedians, tells an interesting story of where he received his name, which he has had some years. "The name Eaton was my father's family name," says Busted, "and so it came to me. The name Busted was given to me shortly after birth and I have had them both since." Busted Eaton appears next "week at the Sympathy Theatre in his newest laugh-maker, ' ' My Wife 's Foreign delations." Our N. Y. Letter News of the Day In Eastern Circles NEW YORK, Feb. 1— Considerable rain fell today throughout the metropolis. As is customary in this weather, between 200 and 300 umbrellas were left in picture houses and 100 changed hands. * * * Georgia Rosalind Gutt, usherette at the Rivolette Theatre, was married yesterday in one of the Churches Around the Corner to William Edward Everett Jones, assistant elevator starter in the Knickerbocker Bldg. The bride's mother was present. * # " # Although definite information from Hollywood is 'at hand to the effect that Eric von Munchausen will hereafter direct Godwyn productions, much credence is given to the rumor here that von Munchausen will write, direct and act in but not finance his own presentations in a million-dollar studio he is contemplating in Yonkers-on-theHudson, N. Y. * * # Six eases of Klieg Eyes were reported yesterday by the United Eastern Studios. Federal prohibition agents are investigating. Nola Pegri has been unable to work on the revised story of her life, due to the illness of her publicity director, Hagen Hayg. A picturesque view of Charlie Chaplin's palatial Beverly Hills mansion. 24