Screenland (Sept 1922–Feb 1923)

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hJ) (vomBaoiLJsrwj^jj© the Bumps (■ Stardom AUSTIN ing after her tilt with incipient tuberculosis and nervous breakdowns and such, her best, friend, William Desmond Taylor, was murdered. Grief and shock sent Mabel pretty far back along the road to death again, but she is "coming back" once more, since her Euro pean vacation. It has always seemed that Mabel Normand simply could not get fat enough; she is one of the very few people in Hollywood who don't "reduce". "Bessie Love is another; poor little Bessie is not thick enough to cast a shadow. interesting case, not quite in the motion picture pro Almost everyone knows that Elliott Dexter was out of pictures for two years, because of paralysis. He refused to be downed, however, and hobbled back to work, where he has a penchant for loving Gloria Swanson — on the screen — in vain. fession but closelv allied, is that of Harold Lloyd is one actor who they claim does not use stunt artists, and in his new film "Safety Last," he takes the chances himself. ^\\\ Elioto by (JiiNE KonN man Just when Mabel Normand was getting nice and fat after a successful tilt with incipient tuberculosis, the death of her best friend, William Desmond Taylor, sent her far back along the road to death again, through grief and shock. But she is "coming back." dancer in the United States— a far cry from complete paralysis. Ted Shawn, husband and partner of Ruth St. Denis, famous dancer. Ted looks 'like a pleasantly plump young god now, but he wasn't always thus. He had no idea of being a dancer when he was in training for the ministry in Denver, Colorado, but when he became paralyzed after an illness and had time ,to think it over and decide he was not really cut out for the profession of soul-saving, he was induced to take a few physical culture exercises for the sake of his dead limbs. As he regained the use of his legs, a dancing teacher persuaded him to take up dancing — for health reasons only. Today Ted is perhaps the best male 1 om Mix M inus Elbow _nd who, seeing Tom Mix working in a picture, would believe that once his good right arm was useless, because the elbow had been shot out? Fact! Tom got into a pistol scrap in Texas in 1914 and got his right elbow shot out. His arm healed but was practically useless, for a large part of the bone was gone; in fact, there was no joint left at the elbow at all. The doctors decided that Tom would never have any use of that arm, but Tom couldn't see it that way. After letting it dangle for a while, he determined to fix it up himself. He stretched his arm out as straight as possible and with the palm extended upward put a pan with a very little water on the open hand. He found he could lift it only a tiny bit before the pain beckme unendurable. But he persisted, his theory being that the muscles on the flat side, or the 49 A,