Screenland (Sept 1922–Feb 1923)

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(Continued from page 28 ) are musically inclined, it is recommended that they learn the lyrics to 0 Promise Me, for the Producers will sing it to you, and you, in turn, can sing it to the milkman. If the spirit moves you, remember, it is $10 per quart and go easy. If your landlady will not take "No" for an answer or anything else in place of cash, move out into the best circles. In wiring home for money it is always nice to sign "Your Loving Son." Should you feel that ideas aren't coming fast enough, go and see Foolish Wives. Then you'll know there are others. Don't let any mere producer discourage you. You may be good, after all. So refuse to be dismayed, and after you have picked yourself up, dusted yourself off and found your hat, return to the indelicate producer with some mollifying words like these: "And now, my dear sir, since we have ceased joking, won't you let me show you my latest eighteen-reel sequel to Adam's Rib, entitled Eve's Ribbon f" After Forty . . . What? After a star has become fair, fat and forty, what is the next step in her career? Is she content to pass on her starring roles to a younger and more beautiful candidate, while she contents herself with grande dame roles? Or will she gracefully slip out of the limelight when her starring days are over, like the delightful little Marguerite Clark? Will Mary Pickf ord realize the psychological moment, at the peak of her career, when retirement will leave only a beautiful memory in the hearts of her adorers? In Screenland for April, W. Ellen Reamy will tell you the fate of the aging stars. That Wonderful Lover whose ardent courtships on the silver sheet thrill you beyond words . ... would he be equally as satisfying in the more prosaic role of the husband in real life? Jean Acker gives a frank story of her romance with Rodolph Valentino, recording her honest impressions of the desirability of being the wife of a great film lover. Don't miss this baring of a wife's soul in SCREENLAND for APRIL, Out March first. is the making reach of every you wherever you go take you where you musically. nd making it is within the Your Gibson will go with —indoors or out; it will want to go— socially or on Instruments Commanding in tone and volume by the attraction of superior worth: Marvelously beautiful in design and. nnisn—a delight to the eye, an inspiration to the 'ear Is it any wonder Gibsons are chosen as music companions by the most discriminating and have become known as "The Music Pals of the Nation?" : $5.00 a month buys a Gibson T.earn at home in spare hours — no drudgery of practice — music joy from the start. And what a variety of instruments to choose from: ) Mandolin, ( ) Mandola, ( ) Mando-Cello ( ) Mando-Bass, ( ) Guitar. ( ) Harp-Guitar. < > Mandolin-Banjo, ( ) Guitar-Banjo. < ) TenorBanjo, ( ) Cello-Banjo. We supply handsome Carrying Case, Instruction Book, Pitch Pipe and Music Stand. Organize Gibson Orchestra; we help you receive commission on all sales. Liberal allowance on old instruments. Give name and address; we will send FREE Gibson Book, 112-page Catalog, free trial offer and complete information about instrument you prefer. If you are I a teacher, mark here ( ). If you want to be a Gibson Agent, mark here ( ). Tear out, mark your choice of mstru^ ment above, and mail today — NOW. Gibson Mandolin-Guitar Co. 1683 Parsons St. Kalamazoo, Mich. U. S. A. April Issue Goes . on Sale March 1st April Issue Goes on Sale March 1st The April Issue of Screenland will contain 108 pages— profusely illustrated 40 stories— 200 pictures At All Newsstands 25C April Issue Goes on Sale March 1st April Issue Goes on Sale March 1st Send your letter to Advertising Manager, Screenland Magazine. Hollywood, Calif. 99