Screenland (Sept 1922–Feb 1923)

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EVERY MARRIED COUPLE | THE 1 SCIENCE ! OF A ! NEW » LIFE Special Offer TIio regular price is $3.0 0. In order to introduce this work into as many neighborhoods as possible we will send one copy of our special $2.00 Edition to any reader of this Magazine postp aid upon receipt of $2.00. AND ALL WHO CONTEMPLATE MARRIAGE SHOULD OWN THIS COMPLETE INFORMATIVE BOOK "The Scienceof a New Life" By John Cowan, M. D. /,08 Pages — Illustrated endorsed and recommended by loremost Medical an<i religious critics throughout file U.S.UnfoId the secrets of married happiness so often revealed too late I -We can give only a few of the chapter subjects here, as this book is not meant lor children. Marriage and its Advantages. Age at which to marry. Law ol Choice. Love Analyzed. Qualities One Should Avofd in Choosing. Anatomy of Reproduction. Amativeness. Continence. Children. Genius. Conception. Pregnancy. Confinement. TWILIGHT SLEEP. Nursing. How a Happy Married Life is Secured. Descriptive circular with table of contents mailed FREE. J. S. OGILVIE PUBLISHING CO. 208 Rose Street, New York City SIC LESSONS FREE You can read music like this Quickly IN YOUR HOME. Write today for our FREE booklet. It tells how to learn to play Piano, Organ, Violin, Mandolin, Guitar, Banjo, etc. Beginners or advanced players. Your only expense about 2c per day for music and postage used. AMERICAN SCHOOL of MUSIC, 68 Lakeside Bldg., Chicago. TOBACCO HABIT D A KllCUrn quick, sure, S3 APlldrl C.L/ Lasting Results Tobacco Redeemer is pleasant to take. Absolutely scientific; thoroughly reliable. We positively guarantee you will have no craving for tobacco after using Tobacco Redeemer. Money back if not satisfied. Write for free booklet and proof. Newell Pharmacal Co., Dept. 972, St. Louis, Mo. -RE -MANUFACTURED Underwoods, Monarchs, Remingtons, L. C. Smiths, Olivers, a Royals, Coronas I|> AT REDUCED PRICES Prices as low as Write for our Catalog No. 30 BERAN TYPEWRITER CO. Dept. 31 58 W.Washington St., Chicago 15°-* Lijimi,'.vuij'.jiiiiMii.L Home OrTraveling We want a representative in each community; we will teach you Portrait and Landscape Oil painting in ten lessons. No experience, new system, outfit furnished. Free literature. $5000 yearly opportunity. TANGLEY CO., 188 Main, Muscatine, Iowa. WRITE THE WORDS FOR A ^OlMC" ^e oomP°se music. Our Chief of »jvymv» Staff wrote many big song-hits Submit your song-poem to us at once. New York Melody Corp., 438B Fitzgerald Bldg., New York. PHOTOPLAYS, STORIES, ETC., SOLD ON COMMISSION. Submit manuscripts (accompanied by stamped return envelope) or write for Terms and Free Market Report. ABBOTT-STANLEY COMPANY 5559 Hollywood Boulevard, Hollywood, Cal. (Authors' Representatives — NOT A SCHOOL) ART PHOTOS A large number of artistic studies of beautiful women from life. Three different poses of Miss Los Angeles or other subjects for $1.00. S. M. WERSHON CO. 1211 Waterloo St. Los Angeles, Cal. IMPORTED ART STUDIES Beautiful Girls. Genuine Novelties. Sent sealed, twenty for $1, money order or currency. Four for 25c. No free samples. LOUVERTHE CO., P. O. Box 926, Cincinnati, O. 102 da haw ley is back where she started in the movies, at least she has returned to the Fox people and that is the company who started her on her screen career. She was recently with the Paramount but her contract was not renewed at its expiration. She originally left Fox's to go with Cecil De Mille and then went with the Realart people until they disbanded. E rank bacon, the beloved actor who recently died in Chicago after several years spent in his very famous play, "Lightnin," left a host of friends who. regret that his work was never perpetuated on the screen. D. W. Griffith was very imueh interested in Bacon two years ago and did his best to secure the play and the star for films, but his efforts were unsuccessful. While Bacon was known to have made a fortune in this show it is said he left an estate which consisted of only a piece of Los Angeles real estate which was valued at $250. ank mayo has signed a contract with Goldwyn and will play in their coming production "Souls for Sale," a movie story by Rupert Hughes. iMayo's contract had just expired with the Universal. P ASSIGNS OF THE SEA," is the name given the photostory of Captain Blackbird in which the Goldwyn people are starring Pauline Starke and Carl Harbaugh. The company was sent to the South Sea Islands to make some of the pictures and it is claimed they have brought back some wonderful scenes. I n America there are over four thousand churches who use motion picture machines. That does not look like a bad field to enter for some of the almost five hundred picture producing companies in the same territory. Besides the churches, the other church organizations and the Y. M. C. A., add nearly another thousand. (0^NE more picture will be made in California by Corinne Griffith who has left Vitagraph and then she will work in the East under the direction of Walter Campbell, her husband. EVAN BURROWS FONTAINE (The celebrated Russian dancer) endorses: Ever-Off H air Remover "EVER-OFF Company, Los Angeles Dear Gentlemen: Enclosed $4.00 for another box of EVER-OFF to send to a friend. Yovtr process for removing hair permanently is certainly wonderful. Two of the Girls in the "FOLLIES" have also used it with great success, and will gladly send you their testimonial. Yours sincerely. EVAN BURROWS FONTAINE." Ever-Off Hair Remover is a perfectly harmless treatment for the permanent removal of superfluous hair, on the face, arms, and limbs. Not electrolysis, nor is it a depilatory. Large outfit consists of twelve treatments to be applied once a week. . A full three months treatment for four dollars. ($4.00.) Sold by mail or at drug stores and beauty parlors. EVER-OFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY P. O. Box 715. Los Angeles, Cal. Secrets of Beauty Parlors Revealed Formerly Closely Guarded Secrets, Now Yours We make you expert in all branches, such as muscle strap, mud pack, dyeing, marcel, skin work, manicuring, etc. Earn $40 to $75 a week. No experience necessary. Study at home in . spare time. Earn while you leam. Authorized diploma. Money-back guarantee. Get FREE book. Oriental System of Baauty Culture, Dept. 303. 1000 Diverse? Blvd.: Chicago TOBACCO Habit Cured or No Pay Any form, cigars, cigarettes, pipe, chewing or snuff. Guaranteed Harmless. Complete treatment sent on trial. Costs $1.00 If it cures. Nothing if it fails. ACE REMEDY CO., Box 223SL, Los Angeles, Cal. Develops Busts Like Magic! During the past 15 years thousands have added to their captivating glory of womanhood by using GROWDINA. For Bust, Neck or Arm Development. Great Discovery of Parisian beauty expert. Harmless, easy, certain results guaranteed or money back. Marvelous testimonials of efficiency. Confidential proof and literature (sealed) on request. Write now. Mile. Sophie Koppel, Suite 912 503 Fifth Ave., New York SONG WRITERS! Music composed to your song poems by expert composers. Criticism of song poem 25c. Revision $2.00. Also any information regarding songwriting, SOc in coin. Best of references. For a fair and square deal, address: Frank E. Miller, songwriter, Lock Box 911, Le Roy, N. Y. GET A CLOSE UP VIEW Of yourself through Human Analysis. Vital Success Pointers and Your Personality Sketched for 10c. Give Birthdate. Thomson-Heywood, Dept. X, Chronicle Bldg., San Francisco, Cal. $10 for the best answer to "Which Advertisement in This Issue of Screenland Appeals to You Most-and Why?'