Screenland (Sept 1922–Feb 1923)

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/ "I own a complete set of Renulife Violet Ray apparatus and an ozone generator and find it of immense value in retaining a robust physique. I find the Violet Ray especially helpful in curing the sprains and bruises that I often incur in my strenuous career as a cowboy actor in western pictures of adventure." Do You, Too, Want Health and Strength? Your activities may not require the physical perfection that our foremost western actor finds necessary. But you do want freedom from disease — you can have vigor, energy, health, strength and beauty. Get Well -Keep Well! Yoa need not suffer from aches and pains — from rheumatism, neuritis or other ailments. Modern science has developed the Renulife Violet Ray — a marvelous invention for building health and strength by electricity. The soothing, healing ray drives out aches and pains without shock or unpleasant sensation and searches deep down into your body to eliminate the cause. It carries ozone into the blood, enriching and purifying it. Hundreds of people have been rejuvenated and strengthened by the health giving Renulife Violet Ray . Renulife Violet Ray is used for A bscesses Anemia Asthma Baldness Bronchitis Bunions Catarrh Colds Dandruff Ear Diseases Eczema Enlarged Prostate Female Complaint Goitre Gout Hemorrhoids Hay Fever Infantile Paralysis Insomnia Locomotor Ataxia Lumbago Nervousness Neuralgia Neuritis Paralysis Piles Pyorrhea Rheumatism Sciatica Skin Diseases Sprains Warts and Moles and many other ailments FREE TRIAL Prove to yourself how quickly Renulife will aid you. Try Renulife on that ailment of yours and see how quickly you improve. Write today for our wonderful free trial plan — we take the risk. f Renulife Electric Company, f 366 Newberry Bldg., + Detroit, Michigan. jf Send me your book "Health" explain4 ing how Renulife Violet Ray will build # health and strength for me. Tell me about Jr your free trial plan. Signed . Address. Violets and Valentino (Continued from page 17.) room ! And not even a chaise lounge — nothing but an old Morris chair." "What part do you yearn to play?" I asked, wiping away a sympathetic tear. Rudy only laughed his low, refined Milwaukee gurgle. "I want," said Rudy, "to play Romeo before I die." "That," I said, "is a good idea— to play it before you die !" The last candle on the altar sputtered and went out.. The little goldfish lined up in a row and looked at Rudy brightly. Rudy reached into the bowl and patted one on the head. It wriggled ecstatically. So I left them there together. And as I eased out of the room I caught a glimpse of our Rudy trying in vain to scratch a match on the seat of his velvet breeches. . . . Romance in the Movies ( Continued from page 71 ) left the great mass of pictures-goers depressed, disheartened. They had sorrow in their own lives. They would forget it if they could. The Shiek was scored by the critics, but the public flocked to see it. Women saw the picture two and three times over . . . and enjoyed the romantic episodes as much the last time as the first. It satisfied the old fairystory craving that every girl baby is born with and keeps in her heart till she dies. The proper censor is not the critic, fed on Schnitzler and Freud ; nor the political appointee who looks upon censorship as a means of an easy living without work. The censor we would choose is the woman in the next block who goes to the movies every Saturday night, and takes her husband and daughter along. She wouldn't take an unholy joy in scoring the picture just because she has a general dislike of movies and enjoys showingit at least once a week. But she certainly wouldn't let anything really objectionable get by, for she is trying to be a good mother to that little flapper daughter. And she would keep the wholesome Youth and Beauty and Romance' that means as much to us today as "when Sappho sang, and Helen loved too well." SCREENLAND PRESENTS FREE A Copy of Elinor Glyn's Great Novel Beyond the Rocks to every reader of this advertisement who subscribes to SCREENLAND before March 1st, 1923. This fascinating love tale is illustrated with stills from the Paramount photoplay of the same name posed by Rodolph Valentino and Gloria Swanson Pin your check or money order for $2.50 to the coupon below and get your FREE COPY of BEYOND THE ROCKS before the supply is exhausted . MAIL COUPON TODAY Circulation Manager SCREENLAND, Hollywood, Calif. Please send me FREE one copy of Elinor Glyn's novel BEYOND THE ROCKS with one year's subscription to SCREENLAND for which I enclose $2.50. Name Address 704 Sendl -mr letter to Advertising Manager, Screen|;— " " _;«ine, Hollywood Calif. *