Screenland (Feb-Oct 1949)

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Ella Fitzgerald — Well scrape me off a saucer and call me buttercup! This is the "Robbins' Nest" to end 'em all — as Ella puts her own words to the catchy deal done for this kid by Illinois Jacquet originally and then by Sam Donahue, Claude Thornhill and Count Basie. But then she takes off in a coupla bop choruses that'll have you flippin' but with a half gaynor. How great can you be! And whatta thrill it is for this rascal everytime he digs it! Ella's lyric, incident, was fashioned on the spot in a N.Y. nite spot when we walked in and she dedicated it to us — but with pronouns and participles right out of her own fertile little brain. Back is her own composition — "No Sense," which belies the title — 'cause it has bunches! (Decca) Duke Ellington — Victor be praised! They're out with a reissued or unissued slab of "Caravan" and "In A Sentimental Mood" — but what's the diff— it's Ellington and that means more immortality for your wax shelf. Both full band deals — both completely up to '49 in every department. (Victor) ALSO GROOYEY! COLEMAN HAWKINS' melodic, rhapsodic exercise on "What Is There To Say," by Vernon Duke — still the greatest tenor soloist! Back is "Rifftide" — in which you're boptized by Hawk, as well as Howard McGhee on trumpet and Sir Charles Thompson, author of "Robbins' Nest." (Capitol) . . . HOWARD MCGHEE-FATS NAVARRO BOPTET— two chapters of concentrated boptismal stuff that'll transfix you like Ulvsses was by the siren! (Blue Note) . . . CHUBBY JACKSON'S four lockin' bopalong biscuits— "Lemon Drop," "Crown Pilots," "Boomsie," and "Dee Dee's Dance" — all cut in Sweden (Rainbow) . . . BRAD GOWAN'S "Singin' The Blues" and "Jazz Me Blues"— with Billy Butterfield on trumpet and the late Davey Tough on the tubs (Victor) . . . COUNT BASIE'S "Sophisticated Swing" and "Mister Roberts' Roost" — coupla fine fizzin' instrumentals. (Victor) . . . BEST IN THE NEST DORIS DAY— "Someone Like You" (Columbia ) JOHNNY DESMOND— "These Will Be The Best Years Of Our Lives" (MGM) STAN KENTON— "How Am I To Know" (Capitol) FRANKIE LAINE — "Rosetta" (Mercury ) HARRY JAMES— "Redigal Jump" (Columbia ) TONY PASTOR— "Grievin' For You" (Columbia ) LOUIS JORDAN— "Pettin' And Pok in' " (Decca ) ELLA FITZGERALD— "Robbins' Nest" (Decca) FRAN WARREN — "What's My Name" (Victor) BUDDY STEWART — "Laughin' Boy" (Sittin' In) £SjteL VHJiMj "KISS ME" as interpreted by MEG RANDALL AND RICHARD LONG in a scene from THE LIFE OF RILEY A UNIVERSAL-INTERNATIONAL RELEASE cm^ee KISS COLO IIS TANGEE PINK QUEEN — A new pink... to give extra "kiss appeal" to your lips. TANGEE RED-RED — Best bet for brunettes. This rich, intriguing red is a sure magnet for kisses. TANGEE THEATRICAL RED— This dramatic color makes red-heads look doubly warm and tempting. TANGEE GAY-RED-Terrific for blondes. lips that gay, reckless, "I-dare-you" look. kissable texture /. Keeps lips soft. ..invitingly moist. 2. Feels just right... gives you confidence. 3. Does not smear or run at the edges. 4. Goes on so easily. smoothly ... so quickly. 5. And it lasts -and LASTS— and L-A-S-T-S! Screen land 69