Screenland (Feb-Oct 1949)

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The book was finished. Paul Short, a truly sensitive producer, approached Audie to make a film. David Selznick also decided that he was screen material. He gave Audie a test but nothing ever happened. Short, however, has just finished "Bad Boy" with him. And, yes, Audie plays the title role. "I'm really awful in the picture." he says now, his blue eyes twinkling. "I rob somebody. I fight. I ride a horse to death. I do a few other things. You see, the story is based on the ranches set up by The Variety Clubs across the country, ranches something like "Boys Town.' I'm supposed to be one of the kids who's picked up with the beginnings of a police record and sent to one of them — so I do evervthing the Johnston Office will allow!" He was lucky in the people he had to work with in the film, for Short wisely chose the most distinguished screen veterans he could find as support to his star: Lloyd Xolan, Jimmy Gleason and Jane Wyatt. "They were wonderful!" Audie says. "I just couldn't be scared with them around/' ^"hat does he want out of life now? Well, first, he and Wanda hope for the privacy to live normally. They already have planned a family. He's already taught her to shoot and is very proud of her prowess. And he hopes that, now married, they will be allowed to exist as they want to, as other young couples can. Second, he'd like to keep on writing. Working on his book, he discovered that writing was one way of expressing himself without, as he puts it. "being overbearing." He's struggling now with a novel-length piece of fiction about a returned veteran. He'd like it to be good enough to print. Third, he'd like to make a success in pictures. Not for the money, no. "Money diesn't mean anything to me," he says, honestly. "I actually never know how much I have in my pockets. But, if success in pictures means being able to do a good job and be happv. then I want it." The publicity man smiles a little as Audie makes this statement. Things are getting back to the usual groove. Then the money-wrench is thrown again. "But. if after two or three films I don't think I'm any good." Mr. Murphy adds, positively, "then I'll get out. I can always go back to farming in Texas. I don't think I'll starve." While the press agent goes down for the third time, you look at the guy who said that. You decide that it was not in any way an accident that he came home from the War with a chestful of medals. For he's not the flamboyant kind of hero, not the kind who dashes into gunfire just to show off. Instead, he's almost shy, almost timid. What he does, and what he has done, come, you decide, from another sort of courage, the kind which knows the unbalance of the odds and meets them anyway. Audie Murphy is a greater hero than most, you know suddenly, for he has felt fear and he has faced death in spite of it. It's small wonder that to him Hollywood is not of all-consuming consequence. Yet. we cannot help hoping that lie makes a great and lasting mark on the town. For, between the two of us. the town is luckv to have him around. Eyes On New Horizons Continued from page 16 must be subtle and blend the color perfectly or you will look too theatrical. Shadow color should either complement or contrast with the eye color. Sometimes lovely effects are achieved by color with careful blending to make a special mauve or blue or green. Xow comes mascara to frame your eyes, to increase size, clarify and color. Develop a skilled hand with mascara. You can. with patience and care, and once mastered, the technique is yours for keeps. One general mistake is to get your cake mascara too wet. Another is to take too much mascara on your brush at once, whether cake or creme form. The worst, perhaps, is trying to use a clogged brush. The brush needs cleaning after every use. Brush straight upward from the roots of lashes with a light application of mascara. Let this dry. Then if you need more, go over your lashes again. This also must dry before you use a clean brush to completely separate each lash. Generally, mascara should not be used on lower la.shes, but the very blonde, large-eyed, sometimes have a bald look. To correct this, touch center lower lashes lightly with mascara. Since most good brands are proof against tears, unless you rub your eyes, and against the usual shower, you can use ' them with confidence. However, for swimming, for really rugged contact with rain, then the creme form may offer even more insurance. By the way. some find that mascara is also a good brow darkener if applied lightly to the hair alone, then brushed into line. Remove your mascara with cream. Simply close your eyes and smooth cream downward over your lashes, removing with a cleansing tissue. Now you are ready for your thorough skin cleansing. Most of us never give a second thought to our eyes beyond makeup until we sit in a doctor's office. Then it is often later than we think. Be sure that you do not strain your eyes to see in your work or recreation. Do not let sun shine directly in your eyes for long periods. The answer to that is simple and glamourous — sunglasses! When your eyes feel tired, close them for a few minutes. Cup your palms lightly over them and relax even two minutes in this darkness. Learn to look directly, without staring, at people when vou talk. Avoid eve mannerisms REDUCE Wjakeoff up to IQ Lbs. pWT2^/in 10 days OR YOUR MONEY BACK EASY TO HAVE A MODEL FIGURE NO DRUGS! NO LAXATIVE! NO EXERCISE! NO MESSY LIQUID! NO TIRING ROUTINE! Today's slim-line fashions, so envied on models, don't go with bulges, rolling layers of fat that spoil your appearance and weigh you down physically and mentally . Replace them with attractive curves — a trim silhouette— by the Tremett Tablet Plan. Quick— easy — safe! The healthful, pleasant Tremett Tablet Plan may make excess fat a thing of the past for you! 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If not satisfied your money will be refunded. Mail that postcard today. JOHN JAMES, INC. 1814 East 40th Street, Dept. 62-D, Cleveland, Ohio -Help Relieve Distress Of MONTHLY FEMALE WEAKNESS Are you troubled by distress of female functional periodic disturbances? Does this make you suffer from pain, feel so nervous, tired — at such times? Then DO try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. Pinkham's has a grand soothing effect on one of woman's most important organs! SLYDIA E. PINKHAM'S compound WANTED SONG POEMS To he Set to Mnsle ' Submit one or more of your best poems for free jL. examination. Any subject. Send poem. PHONOGRAPH "» RECORDS MADE. 60S Beacon Bldg., Jt-FIVE STAR MUSIC MASTERS Boston 8. Malsl ENLARGEMENT of your favorite photo NEW SILK FINISH • GOLD TOOLED FRAME To get acquainted, we will make you a beautiful 5x7 enlargement of any picture or negative and mount it in a handsome gold tooled frame. Be sure to include color of hair, eyes, and clothing for information on having this enlargement beautifully hand colored in oil. SEND NO MONEY. Send your most cherished photo or negative now, accept your beautifully framed enlargement when it arrives, and pay postman only 38c for frame and enlargement. If you are not completely satisfied, return the enlargement within 10 days and your money will be refunded. Bui you may keep the handsome frame as a gift for promptness. Limit 2 to a customer. Originals returned. Offer limited to U.S.A. HOLLYWOOD FILM STUDIOS 7021 Santa Monica Blvd., Dept. mi 13 Hollywood 38, Cat ScREEXLAND 65