Screenland (Feb-Oct 1949)

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90's for her part in "Curtain Call At Cactus Creek." Eve had several books of pictures of her two kids which she showed us without much arm twisting. Also saw Helena Carter with a very short haircut. Seems she'd been experimenting with her hairdo, cut one side long and the other short. It had to be evened up and re-styled at the studio. We thought it was just youngsters who did their own barbering. Jean Peters took several trins to the osteopath's, explained that her back was out of place on account of she'd felt the need for exercise, had bought an axe and started chopping wood! It's purely coincidental that the picture she's working in is called "It Happens Every Spring." When Kathryn Grayson's little daughter, Patti Kate, was in Childrens' Hospital with a dislocated hip, her mother and father visited her every evening and put on a concert. One night the little babe wouldn't listen to anything but "Happy Birthday." Kathryn and Johnny sang it to her for two hours before Patti Kate had enough and finally fell asleep. Slight case of off-casting is Betty Lynn's part in "Father Was A Fullback." Her screen parents, Maureen O'Hara and Fred MacMurray, have to hire a beau for her. In private life, Betty has more boy friends than you could shake a stick at. Jeanette MacDonald is a pretty sharp gal. When her husband, Gene Raymond, gave her a set of golf clubs, a pair of golf shoes, and a course of instruction on the game she decided maybe he was hinting that she should take up golf. First time out after the lessons, she shot a lower score than Gene. Jack Carson's another one who doesn't have to have a brick wall fall on him. Or a horse, for that matter. He was galloping around his San Fernando ranch when his nag started kicking and bucking. Jack calmly slid off and walked home. "I know when I'm not wanted," he said. While Bob Mitchum was away on his enforced "vacation," RKO took the rest of "The Big Steal" company to Mexico for some shots. Jane Greer got acquainted with a family in Tehuacan who asked her to be the godmother of their newly-born daughter. The baby's name is Juana. Gloria Swanson was given the royal welcome when she reported to Paramount for the Charles Brackett-Billy Wilder picture, "Sunset Boulevard." La Swanson, still one of the most glamourous women anywhere, was the reigning queen at Paramount in the silent picture era. Before she signed to do this picture she asked for — and got — extensive tests to be sure she still photographed okay. Dick Widmark was swamped by the bobby-soxers when he appeared at the Boxy in New York on a personal appearance with "Down To The Sea In Ships." This is Dick's first sympathetic part and mighty good he is, too. Elizabeth Taylor got the thrill of her life when she visited the house in Kent, England, where she and her family spent holidays before they came to this country. She knocked at the door, asked the lady who answered if she could look through the house. The present tenant is Alexandria, ex-queen of Yugoslavia. The queen was not in the parlor, but in the kitchen cooking dinner when Liz arrived. Hear Liz and her fella, Glenn Davis, have promised her family not to get married for a year. But you never can tell about young love. — o — Stork stuff: Olivia de Havilland could not be happier about impending motherhood; Dorothy McGuire and John Swope named their daughter, Mary; Esther Williams found an old, old cradle which she'll use as a magazine rack until her infant arrives. Reggie Gardner was the only man among sixty women at the baby shower Virginia Zanuck gave his wife, Nadia. He said he was never so frightened in his life. Louis Jourdan was so amused watching a dance rehearsal for a scene in "Madame Bovary." For rehearsal, the dancers wore hoop skirts but instead of pantaloons underneath, they sported a varied assortment of slacks, levis, and shorts. Louis opined that Madame Bovary was probably whirling in her grave over this unconventional modern behavior. He and his wife, Quique, took off for Paris at the end of the picture. One of the most attractive male newcomers to the screen is William Bishop, who got his first important part in "The Walking Hills." Columbia Studio's bossman, Harry Cohn, was so impressed with him that he handed Bill the fat part of Paulette Goddard's husband in "Anna Lucasta." He's 6-1^, tips the scales at 190, not married, a good horseman, and is the nephew of Helen Hayes. We think it won't be long before he's right up there in popularity with Clift, Widmark, Lund, Granger and all the other glammer boys. When Doris Day got back to Hollywood from that fabulous tour with the Bob Hope show, she slept for five days solid! The gal is really going to town, what with the Hope show, recordings for Capitol, and her picture career. — o — Ann Sothern spent ten perfect weeks skiing and loafing at Sun Valley, during which time her daughter, Tisha, had nary a sniffle. On the train coming home the little girl developed an earache and Ann had to wire ahead for a doctor. Ray Milland and his family also had a long vacation at the ski resort, took pictures of their son Danny's first ski lesson. — o — The Ty Powers bombarded their friends with postcards from Kitzbuhel, in the Austrian Tyrol, and Zermatt in the Swiss Alps where they spent their honeymoon. It'll be quite a spell before Ty returns to the U. S. He'll make "Black Rose" in England and North Africa before he comes home. The crew on "Prince Of Foxes," the pic Ty made in Italy, lost a total of 440 pounds — an average of 31 pounds Reducing Specialist Says: "I lost 3 inches in the hips and 20 lbs. in a few short weeks," says Kancy Lawton, N.T.C. "Your Spot Reducer is marvelous." DON'T STAY FAT LOSE POUNDS AND INCHES SAFELY without Risking Health REDUCE Most Any Part of the Body With SPOT REDUCER DOCTORS PROVE BY ACTUAL TEST THAT THIS EASY TO USE SPOT REDUCER HELPS YOU LOSE POUNDS AND INCHES WHERE IT SHOWS MOST. Yes . . . doctors say that this method of reducing will help you lose weight easily, pleasantly, safely. Nothing internal to take. NO PILLS. LAXATIVES OR HARMFUL DRUGS. Just think of it. you can lose weight in SPOTS, just in the places it shows most. All you do is follow the instructions of this amazing, new, scientifically designed SPOT REDUCER. HOW SPOT REDUCER WORKS The Spot Reducer uses the age old principle of massage. It breaks down excess fatty tissue, tones the muscles and flesh and the increased awakened blood circulation carries away waste fat economically, simply, pleasantly. In a recent MEDICAL BOOK, edited by the chairman and two other members of Council on F'hysical Therapy of AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSN., the following is stated: pg. 24. ch. 12. Vol. 3" "Beyond all question something can be done by massage to reduce local deposits of FAT. There can however, be no question that massage applied to the region of the HIPS, can and does reduce the amount of fatty deposits in this region." It is a reliable unbiased source of information. Proof Positive Spot Reducer Works In recent tests made by outstanding licensed MEDICAL DOCTORS on more than 100 people, with the use of SPOT REDUCER every one lost pounds and inches in a few short weeks, in hips, abdomen, legs, arms, buttocks, etc. And the users say: "It was fun and they enjoyed it." The Spot Reducer worked as well on men as it did on women. THE SPOT REDUCER way controls weight, once down to normal it helps retain your new "SLIM FIGURE" as long as you like. Look aid feel better, see bulges disappeor within the first weeks. The beauty of this scientifically designed SPOT REDUCER is that the method is so simple and easy, the results quick, sure and harmless. Thousands have lost weight in this way in hips, abdomen, legs, arms, buttocks, etc. The same method used by many stage, screen and radio personalities and leading reducing salons. The SPOT REDUCER can be used in the privacy of your own room in your spare time. Miss Nancy Mace, Bionx, N. T.. says: "I went from size 16 dress to a size 12 with the use of the Spot Reducer. I am clad I used it." FREE MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE WITH A 10-DAY FREE TRIAL! If the "Spot Reducer" doesn't do the wonders for yon as it has for others, if yon don't lose weight and inches where yon want to lose it most. If you're not 100% delighted with the results, your money will be returned at once. A jar of Special Formula Body Massage Cream will be included FREE with your order for the "Spot Reducer." MAIL COUPON NOW! • THE "SPOT REDUCER" CO.. DEPT. 170 • • 1025 BROAD ST.. NEWARK. NEW JERSEV • i Send me at once, for $2 cash, check or money _ » order, the "Spot Reducer" and your famous Spe T T cial Formula Body Massage Cream, postpaid. If ' • I am not 100% satisfied, my money will be re • • funded. • • • « Name • • • • Address s> • • • City State.....' # A □ I enclose S5.0O. Send the Giant Size Body ~ Massage Cream with my Spot Reducer. • •••••• SENT ON APPROVAL ••••••• ScREENLAND 71