Screenland (Feb-Oct 1949)

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HAVE A SLIMMER, YOUTHFUL FEMININE APPEARANCE INSTANTLY! REDUCE No other girdle or supporter belt has more hold in power ! The Dp-Lift Adjust-O-Belt 16 the newest, most comfortable girdle I ever had. YOUR APPEARANCE! LOOK AND FEEL LIKE £|VraITEEIkl £k A IKII Don't look old before your time. Do as thousands A I BEPl of others do, wear a comfortable, new and improved UP LIFT ADJUST-O-BELT! The UP-LIFT ADJUST-O-BELT with the amazing new adjustable front panel controls your figure the way you want it, with added support where you need it most. Simply adjust the laces and PRESTO your mid section is reshaped, your back is braced and you look and feel younger! MORE UP-LIFT AND HOLD-IN POWER! The UP-LIFT ADJUST-O-BELT takes weight off tired feet and gives you a more alluring, more daringly feminine, curvaceous figure the instant you put it on. It gives you lovely curves just in the right places, with no unwanted bulges in the wrong ones. It whittles your waist line to nothingness no matter what shape you may now have. It's easily adjusted — always comfortable! TEST THE ADJUST-O-BELT UP LIFT PRINCIPLE WITH YOUR OWN HANDS! Clasp your hands over your abdomen, press upwards and in gently, but firmly. You feel better don't you! That's just what the UP-LIFT ADJUST-O-BELT does for you only the ADJUST-O-BELT does it better. Mail Coupon and test it at home for 10 days FREE at our expense! APPEAR SLIMMER, AND FEEL BETTER! The UP-LIFT ADJUST-O-BELT lifts and flattens unsightly bulges, comfortable, quickly, firmly. It readjusts easily to changes in your figure, yet no laces touch your body. It gives instant slenderizing figure control. It fashionably shapes your figure to it's slimmest lines. Like magic the VP-LIFT ADJUST-O-BELT obeys your every wish. Pounds and inches seem to disappear instantly from waist, hips and thighs. You can adjust it to your slimmed down figure as your figure changes. It gives the same fit and comfort you get from' a made to order girdle costing 2 to 3 times the price. It washes like a dream. Style: Panty and regular. Colors nude and white. It's made of the finest stretch material used in any girdle with a pure satin front panel and made by the most skilled craftsmen. It's light in weight but powerfully strong. It won't roll up, bulge or curl at the top. It gives extra-double support where you need it most. No other girdle at any price can give you better support, can make you look better, feel better or appear slimmer. Sizes 24 to 44 waist. ONLY $3.98 You will look like and feel like this beautiful model in your new and improved Up-Lift Adjust-OBelt. FREE: your regular laces, return the girdle. Money Back Guarantee With A 10-Day FREE TRIAL If the UP-LIFT ADJUST-O-BELT isn't better than any supporter you ever had, if You don't feel more comfortable, if you don't look and feel younger, if your shape isn't 100% IMPROVED, if you are not delighted with it, return it and your money will be refunded in full. New amazing NYLON laces will be sent free with your order. Try them instead of You may keep them FREE even if you SEND NO MONEY ADJUST-O-BELT CO., Dept. 50 1025 Broad St., Newark, New Jersey Rush your new and improved UP-LIFT ADJUST-O-BELT for $3.98 in size and style checked. □ Regular, □ Panty. ~3 Send C.O.D. I will pay postage plus handling. O I enclose $3.98. You pay postage plus handling. CHECK SIZE: □ Sm. (25-26); □ Med. (27-28) j □ I.g. (29-30); □ XL (31-32); □ XXL (34-36); □ XXXL (38-40); □ XXXXL (42-44). NAME ADDRESS ! CITY ZONE STATE | ' I understand if not delighted with the UP-LIFT ADJUST-O BELT I can return it in 10 days for full purchase price refund, i SENT ON APPROVAL 57