Screenland (Nov 1949-Oct 1950)

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your *^ By Helen Hendricks Kirk Douglas, in "Young Man With A Horn," tells Doris Day what his music means to him. Young Man With A Horn Warner Brothers EXCELLENT in every which way is this film about a jazz musician, Kirk Douglas, and his driving need to play music the way he feels it rather than the way it's written. Life isn't easy for the idealistic trumpet player. Being sensitive and emotional, Kirk is easy prey for neurotically erotic Lauren Bacall. Their passionate, stormy love affair takes everything from Kirk — even his feeling for music is numbed. After their marriage, and subsequent break-up. Kirk really decends to the depths of human despair. As it sometimes happens, Life suddenly takes pity on her stepchild and from her sleeve, pulls two ace cards in the forms of Kirk's friends, Doris Day and Hoagy Carmichael. Superb acting, backed by equally superb music, make this a "must see." D. O. A. United Artists IN CRIMINAL investigation, the letters D.O.A. .stand for Dead On Arrival, a terse explanation of the victim's condition when the police are called into the case. The shocking switch to this, however, is that victim Edmond O'Brien, Dorothy McGuire consults with Dr. William Lundigan in film, "Mother Didn't Tell Me." 12 Below: Janet Wyatt, Ann BIyth, Joan Evans, Donald Cook in a scene from "Our Very Own." having been given a fatal dose of slowacting poison, is able to walk into police headquarters and report his own murder. Through flashbacks you see how C.P.A.Notary Public O'Brien actually signed away his life when he notarized a simple bill of sale. Discovering he has only a few days to live, after being slipped the poison in a drink, O'Brien is determined to find out who wants him dead and why. Dying, he uses his last remaining days to solve his murder. Though the cast has only a few well-known names such as O'Brien, Luther Adler and Pamela Britton, it's emphatically a top-notch murder-mystery. When Willie Comes Marching Home 20th Century-Fox THE story of heroic Willie Klugel, first in his hometown of Punxsutawney to sign up when the call to the colors was issued at the outbreak of World War II. Proud.'' Heck, no town was prouder of anything than Punxsutawney was of Willie, played by Dan Dailey. Everyone just knew ole Willie would come back a hero. Unfortunately, right after boot-training, Willie was shipped back and stationed a few miles from his home town. Not only that, but he was so valuable as a gunnery-instructor, the Army couldn't afford to send him overseas. Years passed, and Willie became known as Punxsutawney 's pet peeve— they called him a slacker, shirker and coward. At last, Willie wangled his orders for overseas. True, he did go, but things got