Screenland (Nov 1949-Oct 1950)

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slie's gone. Completely rugged on the emotions, Miss Sullavan doesn't intend to let anyone in the audience off lightly. The Eagle And The Hawk (Technicolor) Paramount SET in Civil War days, a very interesting phenomenon occurs: Yankee Dennis O'Keefe and Southerner John Payne not only get along passably well, but because of their combined efforts, Texas is spared a bloody invasion by Mexican hordes. Intelligence Agent O'Keefe is sent from Washington to find out what trouble is brewing South of the Border. To help him arrive at his destination safely, Texas Ranger Payne is ordered to forget the War and accompany the YanIvee to Mexico — a bitter pill, suh. They do a lot of spying, run into mucho'action, meet spicy Rhonda Fleming, and Payne almost, but not quite, gets torn asunder by a pair of wild horses. Barricade (Technicolor) Warner Brothers SIMON LEGREE was a sissy compared to Raymond Massey, the power-obsessed owner of a stolen gold mine. The way he runs the mining camp, Alcatraz seems like a gay picnic. Into this mess willingly walks Dane Clark, a fugitive from justice. Not so willingly. but nevetheless thankful that they have a place to stay and recover from serious injuries resulting from a stagecoach crash, are Ruth Roman, also escaped from prison, and Robert Douglas, a brainy lawyer. Soon, all three newcomers learn the isolated camp is nothing short of a madhouse and being virtual prisoners, escape is next to impossible. Loaded with every nasty character type dreamed up by a script writer, a few ounces of goodness and light actually shine through occasionally. Captain Carey, U.S.A. Paramount COMPLICATIONS set in and stay put once ex-OSS officer Alan Ladd sees a painting in an art dealer's window. The last time he had seen the picture, it was hidden in a secret room of the old castle where an old aristocrat and her young granddaughter, Wanda Hendrix, lived. Wanda was helping him in his work behind the German lines, but one night the Nazis raided the secret headquarters. Ladd was gravely wounded, his buddy killed, and ditto, he thinks, Wanda. Obviously, someone tipped the Germans off, and seeing the painting again makes Ladd decide to return to Italy and find out who. He almost gets killed a few more times, but the place is so crawly with suspects, he can't tell till the last reel who was the cutie-pants. Often dull and complicated. Sweet And NeatContinued from page 16 normal process of perspiring in this small area so that odor cannot be present. For those who perspire but slightly, the simple deodorant is the answer. For those who experience noticeable dampness, the anti-perspirant solves the problem. whatever type you are, it is well to realize that we are all victims of our emotions in regard to perspiring. The cold sweat, associated with terrifying experiences, is no exaggeration. Neither is the sudden dampness that comes with great happiness or unhappiness, with humiliation, hurt or shock. While actually this is nature's way of cooling off your body, as when you exert yourself, in running or hurrying of any kind, it is unpleasant. The solution to all these perfectly normal situations is the scheduled use of a preparation suited to individual needs. And such preparations you will find in a quantity and a quality to please all. In some instances, you may have to do a little experimenting, just as you do with a lipstick or nail lacquer. But take time and patience for the simple reason that once you have the ideal answer, a real point of concern is conquered. Always read the directions with real care and follow them. A few points apply to all. Skin should be freshly bathed when the preparation is used. Most specify a waiting period before application after the use of razor or depilatory, though with some recently developed ones such waiting is not necessary. If a liquid, a few minutes should be allowed for drying before donning clothing. However, your preparation will advise you more fully and in detail on the package. The great advances made by manufacturers in this field include products exceedingly gentle to the skin yet sure and trustworthy in protection. There are clear lotions, creamy lotions and creams as light as a snowflake that leave no obvious residue on skin. There are effective deodorant powders, too. Some of these preparations possess a delicate odor to make their use more appealing. The containers, too, have a touch of high style and many are pretty enough to adorn a dressing-table or bathroom shelf with style. The plastic spray container is a joy. You simply squeeze the bottle — plastic, of course — and your protector is in place. Another glass bottle comes with its own atomizer top. Your five-and-tens have many fine brands of deodorants, and this is a wonderful source from which to experiment. The smaller bottles, jars and tubes they often feature are a joy, too, for travel or vacation. But your drug store really goes overboard on such products, for the deodorant is something we seem to buy there rather than in department stores. Remember that it is very normal and healthy to perspire. However, control at the points where it may be obvious and ruinous to your clothes is as important as your daily bath, and carelessness is not excused by others. HAVE A SLIMMER, YOUTHFUL, FEMININE APPEARANCE INSTANTLY! supporter be IV has more hold in power! The Up-Lift Adjust0-8elt is the newest, most comfortable girdle I ever had. REDUCE Your Appearance! Look and Feel Like Sixteen Again! Don't look old before your time. Do as thousands of others do wear a comfortable, new and imuroved UP-LIFT ADJUST-O-BELT! The UP LIFT ADJUST-O-BELT with the amazing new adjustable front panel controls vour HKUre the way you want it, with added support where you need it most. Simply adjust the laces and PRESTO your mid section is reshaped, your back is braced and you look and feel younger! More Up-Lift and Hold-In Power! The UP-LIFT ADJUST-O-BELT takes weight off tired feet and gives you a more alluiing, more daringly feminine, curvaceous figure the instant you put it on It gives vou lovely curves just in the right places, with no unwanted bulges in the wrong ones. It whittles vour waist line to nothingness no matter what shape you may now have. It's easily adjusted — always comfortable! Test the ADJUST-O-BELT Up-Lift Principle with Your Own Hands! Clasp yoiu" hands over your abdomen, press upwards and in gently, but firmly. You feel better don't you! That's just what the UP-LIFT ADJUST-O-BELT does for you only the ADJUST-O-BELT does it better. Mail Coupon and test it at home for 10 days FREE at our expense! Appear Slimmer, and Feel Better The IjT-LIPT ADJUST-O-BELT lifts and flattens unsightly bulges, comfortably, quickly, firmly. It read! usts easily to changes in your figrure, yet no laces touch your body. It gives instant slenderizing figure control. It fashionalily shapes your figure to its slimmest lines. Lil<e IMagic the UP-LIFT ADJUSTO-BELT obeys your evei-y %vish. Pounds and inches seem to disappear instantly from waist, hips and thighs. You can adjust it to your slimmed down figure as ynur figure changes. It gives the same fit and comfort you get from a made to order girdle costing 2 to 3 times the price. It washes like a dream. Style: Panty and regular. Colors nude and white. It's made of the finest stretch material used in any girdle with a pure satin front panel and made by the most skilled craftsmen. It's light in weight hut powerfully strong. It won't roll up. bulge or curl at the top. It gives extra-double support where you need it most. No other girdle at any price can give you better support, can make you look better, feel better or appear slimmer. 'Sizes 24 to 48 waist. Only $3.98 MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE WITH A 10-DAY FREE TRIAL If the TJP-LIFT AD-TUST-O-BELT isn't better than any supporter you ever had. if You don't feel more comfortable, if you don't look and feel younger, if your shape isn't 100<^r IMPROVED, if you are not delisrhted with it. return it and your money will be refunded in full. FREE: New amazing mXON lacos wilj be sent frr-e with your order. Try them instead of your regular laces. You may keen them FREE even if you return the girdle. model in your new and improved Up-Lift Adjust-O-Eelt. SEND NO MONEY AOJUST-O-SELT CO.. Dept. 289 10^5 Broad St., Newark, New Jersey Uush your new and improved UP-LIFT ADJUST-OBELT for $3.98 in size and style checked, □ Regular, □ Panty. □ Send C.O.D. I will pay postage plus handl ing. □ I enclose $3.98. You pay postage plus handling. CHECK SIZE: □ Sm. (25-26); □ Med. (27-28): □ Lg. (29-30); O XL (31-32); D XXL (34.36): □ XXXL (38-40); Q XXXXL (42-44); □ 5X (46-48). Name Address , City Zone State 1 understand If not delighted with the UP-LIFT ADJUST-O-BELT I can return it in 10 days for full purchase price refund. SENT ON APPROVALI 73